Chapter Six- I know when to stop.

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We drove away from the school in silence. It was still awkard from when me and him got into a fight over Sam this morning. Sory i thought i needed to say sorry for being a bitch he was just looking after me.

I cleared my throat. "Um I'm sorry about this morning you were just looking after me."

"Its fine, You can hang with them i didn't mean to get all crazy about it just be care ful with the drugs." He said

"Yeah i know. I'm not stupid."

"I know your not but those guys are and they will push you to take whatever. I use to be one of those people its a dark place don't go there."

"I know when to stop. You do drugs to so don't act like i am the only one that does them you are no where perfect just like me! You probably went to jail cause of the drugs didn't you? Daddy wouldn't get you out because you needed to learn tell me how was the year in jail?" I smirked. I was pissed off and i just let it come out of my mouth and after i said it i new i was wrong to. He tensed up and his grip on the steeling wheel tightened making his fingers turn white. Oh fuck what have i done. He slowed down and pulled over. 

"Get the fuck out." He said through clenched teeth. His voice scared the hell out of me it was so full of anger. We are like fucking bipolar one minute we are fine the next minute we are fighting like what the fuck. I didnt move just sat there scared to move.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!!! DO you fucking speak English!" He yelled this time i got out fast and as soon as i salmmed the door he was off. Speeding to who knows where.  I sighed this was going to be a long walk. There was no way in hell i was calling my brother he would kill nate for leaving me on the side walk and me new the the area. Well he would atleast try to nate would probably kick his ass there is no mma good enough to beat nate one on one. I started walking to my house. I hearded a car coming to i started walking faster not knowing if the person would be safe or not. 

"Well, Well look who it is. My new best friend walking by her self?!" A voice called out. I smiled remembering the night of the party calling sam my new best friend. I turned to the car and walked up to it.

"Hey mind giving me a ride?" I asked sweetly.

"What kind of best friend would i be if i left you out her to walk and you new to the area." He said. Well at least someone sees my point of view! I smiled and got in. 


"Anytime Beautiful. So there is a 'back to school' party tonight at my place so what do you say we just go to my house and hang there until time to party?" he asked

"Hell yeah i need to get some stress off my shoulders this will be perfect!" I smiled just what i needed. He drove a few more minutes then we pulled up to a small house that looked run down. This is not where i pictured him living.

"Dont worry not where i live got to get some stuff for the party. Come on i want you to meet someone."

I nodded and got out. We then walked up to the house. He didnt even knock just walked right in then walked down a hall way opened a door that lead to stairs and walked down them to what i think is a basement. I smiled to my self cause i could smell weed. Sam looked back at me and smiled. 

"Sam! My man!" Said a VERY hot guy like holy HELL. where all guys here hot?! He still had nothing  on nate. Stop thinking about him stupid.

"Hey i need some stuff we are having a party." Sam said proudly. The guy smiled and nodded.

"Um so i dont think we have met cause i would so remember you." He winked "Names Jackson but everyone calls me Jacks." He smiled

I smiled back. "Jazlynn, but everyone calls me Jaz." I said with a hint of pink on my cheeks.

"Well Jaz you are very sexy. You smoke?" He asked

"Type of question is that hell ya i smoke."

"I like you. Come smoke with me while i get the stuff ready." I nodded 

We sat down and he handed me a joint. I took a long hit from it. Man i love weed. I then blew the smoke at jacks and he laughed and i passed the joint to him. He then took a hit and brung his face up to me and pulled my chin down and opened my mouth. He then blew the smoke into my mouth and i inhaled all of it then blew it back out. We finished the joint down stupid smoke trick messing around.

 "How old are you?" Jacks asked, i looked him in the eyes which were red from the weed. 

"17 be 18 in a week." I said proudly.

"Well heres my number. Im 19 dont be a stranger come smoke with me and i will take care of you if you need anything." He smirked he then took my hand and put a baggy in my hand. It had 4 joints and looked like about 50 different kinds of pills. 

"Never take more then one of those. And if you do dont mix them stay with the same color if your gonna take two." He said i smiled 

"Well hang out tomorrow ill call you." I said as we were leaving. Hell yeah got joints and pills i love this place already. 

We got in the car and drove for about 20 minutes then pulled up to a HUGE house.

"Holy hell you live here!" I asked sam.

"I call it home." He said smiling at the way i was acting.

"This counts as 2 homes loser." I joked

"Come on let go." He smiled and took my hand and we ran to the house.

"Where are your parents?" i asked

"Business they are always gone. Lets gte the stuff ready." He said we got out alochol. and sat it on the bar and there was a cooler of ice. Me and sam got out shot glasses. He took 2 of them and filled them with Vokda. We then took them and he yelled "The FIRST of many!" I laughed and i was like you turn a switch it went from a loving home to a party screen in the matter of seconds. 

I started taking a few shots. I was feeling a pretty good buzz and i took e and im feeling fucking GREAT. I was dancing and felt a pair of hands turn me around and i turned to see the beautiful Jacks. He smirked and turned me back around. We started to grinned and dance on each other for a good hour. We then started making out. I was getting pretty tired, after all it was 3 in the morning. I was still messed up from everything i took from the shots to the pill. So jacks said he would take me home but i new if i went home like this my brother would kill me.It's been one hell of a night i dont know why my brother was so weird about drugs i guess cause his football and stuff but there are ways around those stupid drug test. So we went back to Jacks house. We started driving and i started to get really tired so i laid my head on the glass window and darkness took over. 


Not editied so be kind. So what do yall think? What about Jacks hmm giving her all those pills not a good guy is he? haha yep well tell me what yall think sorry for taking so long but im gonna do better! i have a week off for thanksgivining break so that makes me very happy today was our last day so i will probably update again tomorrow! Much love


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