Chapter nineteen-It was only a dream

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It's been 2 weeks now and nothing is getting better. I haven't left her side for longer than 10 minutes. I hold her hand in mine and just stare at the love of my life as she fights to stay alive. They said if she doesn't wake up in the next few days there is nothing left they can do. I'm not giving up hope, however. She has to wake up she just has to.

"Nate." I heard my mom calling me.

"What?" I reply not taking my eyes off jaz.

"You need to eat son." she said.

Here we go again. she has to fight with me every night about this and it's just making me more stressed. But I know if Jaz new I wasn't eating then she would kill me when she woke up. I sighed and nodded. She gave me the food we had got me and I are without saying anything. Once I finished I heard her sigh and get up and leave.

Jaz's parents come everyday but they are so depressed they can't stay all day. they come for a few hours then leave again. Her brother usually stays the longest though. He stays the day with jazlynn and I and then goes home to sleep. I, however, can't stand her being out of my sight. The doctors did say, since she has been out so long, then she wouldn't remember alot. She would only remember a few things and the only people she would remember was the people that had a huge impact on her life.

I would be fine with her not knowing who I am as long as she would wake up. I would make her fall in love with me again.

As the day came to night my eyes started to get heavy. I held on to jaz's hand and laid my head down on her hospital bed and faded into darkness.


"Nate, it's time." said the doctor.

"It's time for what?" I asked confused

"She is not going to wake up, it's her time to go." he said.

"What no! no not yet give her time! she's fine she's going to wake up I promise please just no." I yelled tears falls down my face. Jazlynns mom,brother and dad came in the room tears falling down there faces as well. the doctor went over to turn her oxygen off.

"NO! This is not goodbye I any lose her stop!" I ran to stop him but laiden and Jazlynns dad, grabbed me and held me back. At this point I'm crying so hard I can hardly breath. I tried to break free but they held tighter.

"Please. don't take her now please." I said. He heart rate went up then fell too a straight line with a single beep. I hit the floor as she took her final breath. This was it she was gone and she wasn't coming back. I crawled I to a ball and cried on the floor. she was gone..

I woke up from the nightmare I had every night. sweat rolled down my forehead, tears rolled down my face, I could hardly breath. As my breathing came back down to normal.

"Are you okay?" I heard Jazlynns voice.

"Oh great now I'm hearing your voice ugh I'm going crazy." I said

"What are you talking about? you do hear my voice stupid."

I turned to Jazlynn, she was wake.

"Your, your awake." I said shocked.

"Yeah?" she said weakly. I gave her some water. I hugged her with everything I had.

"Hold on I'll be right back."

I ran out of the room.

"I need a doctor!! right now!" I said I was so happy she was wake, finally. The doctors rushed in and took me to stay out so I did.

"Son come on back in." said a doctor so I did as I was took and walked back over to the chair I have stayed in for 2 weeks.

"She seems to be okay, we are going to run test on her but, she only remembers you, and her brother. nothing else. We will run the test in the morning but you should get some rest." he said and left. I turned to face Jazlynn.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again." I said

"I'm sorry. what happened?" she asked.

"I don't think we should talk about it right now okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"Lay with me?" she asked while moving over.

"You have no idea how long I have waited to hear you say that again." I kissed her forehead and got in the hospital bed with her. I held her tightly in my arms afraid of losing her again. Everything was going to be okay hopefully.


OKAY GUYS SORRY IS BEEN FOREVER! lol well here is your update! Tell me what you think! much love.



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