Chapter twenty-I'm not a doctor

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We woke up that morning and they started running test on jazlynn first thing. I called her parents to let them know she was awake and they were going to come as soon as the test were over. I also called my mom and she was coming as well.

She seems to be doing good but then again I'm not a doctor so I wouldn't know. I do know they have ran to many test I haven't seen her for like 3 hours and it killing me.

I have smoked atleast a pack already trying to keep from freaking out. I keep asking them how much longer and they just tell me not to much longer. Well fuck if 3 hours is not long to them I would hate to see what long means to them. But all I can do is sit and wait like I have been. I tap my fingers on the chair, I have never been much of a waiter but when it comes to jaz I would wait forever to see her.

I finally seem them pushing her hospital bed back to her room. I jump as the roll her back in and walk in as well.

"Well there is not to much damage to the brain only minor. She should regain her memory in time. How long it will be is a mystery. However while she is trying to remember you need to be her support tell her stories talk about the past show her pictures, anything you can do to help her remember. she is lucky to be alive." Said the doctor

"Thank you sir, so much." I said and with that he left. I texted everyone and told them the testing was over and they were on there way.

"Your family is coming to see you baby." I said while sitting down beside her bed.

"The only one I can remember is laiden. Why can't I remember nate?" she said tears outlining her eyes. I got up and laid next to her and held her.

"It's okay, I'm going to help you remember. I will be here with you and for you every day, every night no matter what I'll be by your side. I'll help you any way I can I promise."

"I know you will. I just feel bad ya know? that I can't remember anything and people have to help me remember. I feel stupid!"

"Jaz don't you ever say your stupid. your the smartest girl I know. You can't help that you don't remember but it's not going to be that way forever the doctor said it would come back we just have to wait. Your family is happy that your alive baby they don't care if you can't remember right now all that matters is your still here."

"Okay..." She said.

All of a sudden Laiden comes running in.

"Jazlynn!!" he yelled and ran over to hug her. I got out of the bed while they were hugging and just sat back down in that stupid chair again. everyone else soon came in the room as well. My mom came in and talked to jazlynn for a little while then left because she had to go back to work.

"Jazlynn im gonna go get some fresh air il be back soon." I said kiss the top of her head.

"Okay, hurry back. I love you."

"I will I love you too."

I walk out of the room needing to get out of that damn chair. I know this is not true but i think the only reason why Jaz remembers me and her brother is beause we were there everyday, sure he went home during the night but that was only because there was only room for one to stay with her. It pisses me off her parents coming here and being upset because she doesnt remember them. They hardly came and seen her. I know it must of been hard but hell i did it everyday, every night i was here. I know everyone cant stay but they could of stayed and visted more often then they did. I never left that fucking chair. I talked to my self, i talked to Jaz even though i new she wouldnt answer back, i skipped meals, fuck i did more than them! UGH!

I just need to breathe and calm down because Jaz needs me. i know its not there fault im just still touching about everything. All i care about is Jaz. I will do everything in my power to keep her well happy and alive, ill never leave her side this time. 


Jazlynn's POV

Walking up and not knowing where i am was probably the scarest part. Not remembering anything really is hard for me. I'm just happy i have Nate with me. They run test after test, im not really sure what they are looking for but if they dont find it soon i will lose my mind. I feel like i havent seen Nate in like years i dont even know how long i was asleep or why  i was, but the doctor said my memory would come back with time but i want it back now. 

They finally are down with test and start pushing me back down to my room. As soon as i seen nate he jumped up. I feel like he has changed so much and i notice things i never did before. I notice when he doesnt have a smoke when he is stressed he bites the inside of his cheeks. How his eyes light up when he sees me, how his eyes change colors with his mood. And how much he cares for me and im so thankful for him. He looks like he hasnt slept in days but i guess if i was in his shoes waiting for him to wake up i wouldnt sleep either. The night i woke up it souned like he was having a nightmare. That was the first time i have ever seen nate cry and it broke my heart. I would ask him about his dream after i get the hell out of this hospital. 


Okay!! SO there was the update again sorry its been so long but i have been busy with school and i have been sick! so thank you for waiting and all your love and support. and i just hit 1,000 reads on my first book of this!!! Started with a lie was my very first book and it was my goal to hit 1k and thanks to you all i did and i cant thank you enough! It may not seem like much but 1k means everything and more to me! I love you all!!!



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