3. Other side of him.

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Today is your first day of work, and you're ready to go eversince two hours ago.

"Unnie, I'll get going" you said, while running downstairs.

"What about breakfast, Youngie?"

"No unnie, I'll ear later" you said while putting on your heels.

"Want me to pack it for you?" She ask

"No unnie it's okay" you said, walking towards the front door.

"Are you going now?" Namjoo ask, "Yes unnie, I don't wanna be late" you answer.

"But Hayoung its just 6-"

"Bye unnie see you later" you said, walking out the house.

Namjoo can only smile at you, "Aigo that girl, too excited huh?"

You take a taxi to the office, and once you're arrived you're greeted by the receptionist girl.

"Morning Hayoung-sshi... "

"Good morning" you bowed at the receptionist.

"Hayoung-sshi you can wait there in the sofa, because the key is still with Mr. Sehun"

"Ah.. ne" you said, taking a seat on the sofa.

While waiting for you new boss to come, you text Namjoo.

To: Namjoo Unnie
From: Me

Unnie... I'm nervous


After a few minutes, you receive an answer to your text.

From: Namjoo Unnie
To: Me

Don't be.. just do well, okay?
Remember yesterday? You're the lucky one.
He will treat you well...
Unnie gotta work!! ^-^

After reading her text, you feel abit better now.

"Hey, Morning" the tall guy yesterday who met you before the interview greet you.

"Oh.. morning sir" you rose up from your seat and bow at him.

He flash a smile, "Have a nice day" he said.

"Sir, wait... " you said, before he left.

He turn his head to look at you, "Yes?"

"Can I know what's your name?" You ask.

He flashes a smile and nod, "I'm Park Chanyeol, the CEO and Sehun's bestfriend. Nice to meet you Hayoung-sshi" he said.

"Aaaa.. ne, nice to meet you too Mr. Park" you said.

"My secretary is Wendy Son, you'll probably will bump into her somewhere here or have a work together later. I hope the both of you can get along" he said.

"Ne~" you bow at him as he leave.

You look at your wrist watch, its shows '6:50'. It means Sehun is coming soon, you're anxious once again.

You sit down on the sofa and sigh, "Can I do well today?" You look down to your feet.

"Sure you can" said a man with a deep voice, he sounds familiar tho...

You lift you head uo and saw Sehun standing infront of you.

You rose up from your seat immidietly and bow at him, "Good Morning sir.. " you said.

"You're early, come follow me I'll guide you for today" he said, unlocking his room and you trail behind his back.

He start to introduce you to his other workers and help you with your work, he gives you alots of examples and he is very passion to teach you from the beggining.

You start to wonder, what makes Jongin said that it's weird? Although you heard alots of whispers from the other workers that he's being very kind only to you, you doesn't seem to feel its weird.

'Behind that cold image, there is a caring heart'

Once you got everyhting in your mind, you start to settle his schedule for today's meeting.
Your work place is just beside his table, which makes you feel more nervous.

You're busy typing your work, until you heard him calling your name.


You rose from your seat and approach him immidietly, "Yes sir"

"It's lunch time" he said, emotionless.

You look at your watch and nod, "Ne... do want anything for lunch sir?" You ask.

"Let's have lunch together... " he said.

What on earth?!


"Are you not hungry? I heard your stomach grumbling since morning, did you even ate breakfast?" He ask, with his famous poker face. Although he sound worried.

"Hehe, I was so afraid of being late so I skip my breakfast" you said, innocently.

He shook his head, "Your job is important, but you are mre important" he said taking your hand and lead you outside.

"We're going for lunch" he said, bring you to his car.

The other workers saw the both of you holding hands going inside the car, many of them envy you for getting that kind of testament from the boss.

Sehun open the door for you and met you get inside, when he ride in you thank him and said he don't have to open the door for you. But he didn't answer, which makes you feel abit uneasy.

"Tell me, what do you want to eat?" He ask, while strating the car engine.

"M-me?" You feel abit weird with his treatment although you like it, it's just... awkward.

"Yes you young lady" he said without looking at you.

"I... eat anything on my plate sir " you answer him politely.

He glance at you and smile, "What a good girl" he start moving the car and drive to a restaurant.

What will happen next?

See you guys in the next chapter...

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