32. Revealed

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Sehun was brought to the ICU immidietly and Chorong was brought to the emergency with Hana, Suho take a company of his wife while Hayoung is waiting for Sehun outside the emergency room.

Hayoung sit herself on the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to come and tell her about her lover's condition.

"Doctor please safe his life I beg..."

"We'll try our best miss, because I'm not sure if the bullet hit his heart. Just pray"

That was the last sentence the doctor said before operating the bullet out from Sehun's body.

Hayoung sigh and hold her head with both hands, "Hayoung-ah" suddenly a sound echoed the waiting room.

It's Namjoo and Jongin, they came after a moment Hayoung called them.

"Namjoo unnie" Hayoung raised up from her seat and run towards Namjoo immediately, bursting into tears in her arms.

"Youngie, what has actually happened? Is Sehun okay?"

Hayoung shook her head, she don't know she really don't know.

"Shhh...believe me, he will survive" said Namjoo.

Hayoung look upon her best friend, "Jinjja?"

Namjoo nod her head, "He loves you, that's a very strong reason for him to survive for you" she assured Hayoung.

"Stop crying" she said, hugging the younger girl and rub her back. Calming her down.

Jongin sigh and sit himself down on the chair, "I never thought this will ever happen" he said.

Namjoo slowly pull Hayoung to sit on the chair beside her, "Don't worry Hayoung-ah, that boy is very strong" he said smiling at the crying girl.

"Gumawoyeo for coming for me" she said.

... ♡...

Suho sit himself beside the hospital bed, the doctor has successfully removed the bullet from Chorong's lap but the doctor said she might not be able to use her leg for a while.

Chorong is resting herself on the bed, with her stares on the window. Her mind is just so cloudy now, "Chorong-ah" Suho break the silence and hold her right hand.

But Chorong put them away, he sigh. "I'm sorry, will you forgive me?" he ask.

Chorong look at him with the urge of tears, "Look at what you've done to my son Junmyeon-ah" she said, sounding very weak.

Suho put his head down, he realize it's his entire fault now. "Sorry, I regret it now..." he said.

Chorong scoff and glare at him, "You stupid dumb ass, don't you know how worried am I a while ago? You almost...died" she said, with tears rolling down from her eyes.

"Pabo!" she said, hitting his chest few times. "I hate you Junmeyon-ah~~~" Chorong whined as she keeps on hitting his chest.

Suho grip on her hands and pull her into his hug, she tried to escape but he just hold her very tight.

"Oh Chorong, I love you...I'm sorry" he apologizes.

"I know I'm dumb, stupid and whatever. And I'm sorry, please forgive me" he begs.

Chorong cried in his chest, "Our son...will he- be o-okay?" she hiccup.

Suho rub her back and comfort her, "He's a strong kid yeobo-ya, trust me" he said, assuring his wife.

"Ne, yeobo..." Chorong pull away from the hug and look at her husband.

"Hmm?" he wipe the tears with his thumbs.

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