31. Hurt

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She swings theknife and almost stab on Suho's head but he succeed to avoid it and push heraway.

"Hana ya...think twice, you're gonna be capture by the police if you kill me.."

She smirk, "Aslong as you feel the pain...its okay"

Suho gulp, he's notafraid of death but he's afraid if she might hurt his wife as well, "If youkill me, will you hurt my wife too?" he ask.

"Well, of course" shesaid, playing with the knife in her hand.

... ...

Sehun drive his car with his mother beside him andHayoung in the back seat, the ride was silent until his mother told him tospeed up his car. "Sehun-ah, can you please drive a bit faster?"

He glance at his mom, it's weird. She never ask him to speed up cause she hatesspeed, "Eomma, wae?"

"I don't know I justfeel like something bad is happening" she sound worried.

"Eomma, what couldhappen to appa? He's a man, he should be able to take care of himself" he said,trying to calm his mother up.

But her feelings tellsher something different, "No, Sehun speed up your car" she said.


"Just do what I said"she demands, Sehun nod his head and speed up his car.

... ♡...

"Hana, I'll give you everything . You want money? Takeall, eoh? Just never hurt my family I beg." He said.

Hana scoff and look athim, "I don't need money, cause all I ask is you" she said.

"But you never recognizeme" she said, stepping closer with the knife pointing on his chest.

Suho step backwardsuntil he reach the wall, Hana pin him once again. "Good bye" she move the knifeforward which almost passes through his skin, Suho gather his courage and holdback her hand.

She grunts as he succeedsto throw the knife away from her hand, "I won't let you do that, ever again" hesaid.

Hana glare at him, she hasn'tgiven up yet.

"You sure? You won'tlet me kill you?" she ask, smirking at him. She put her hand inside her bag andtake out a gun, aiming on his head.

Suho gritted his teethand clench his fist, he can't do anything now.

"Now, there's only twochoices for you to safe your life Jagiya~" she said, with a flirty voice withher hands still aiming on his forehead. "Would you like to bargain for life?"she ask.

Suho look at her andsigh, "What is it?"

"Marry me and leaveyour wife, and I'll never hurt your little family and we'll live happily everafter" she said, laughing happily.

Suho scoff in disgust, "Inyour dreams..." he muter.

"Or...I'll shoot you nowand your little disgusting family next" she said.

Suho look at her withfiery eyes, he got no other choice other than marrying her now.

"What will you choosemister?" she ask, "My gun is ready to fire in 10...9...8..." she start to countdown.

"STOP!" a loud shriek fulfillthe room all of a sudden, making Hana turn her head and look at the other sideof the room, it's Chorong.

Her body is trembling ,looking at his husband's position now.

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