#11 Niall imagine

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Me and Niall had been cwtched up on the couch most of the day and we had our legs intertwined. We'd been joking in each other all day and now we were trying to push each other off the sofa.

"My god, your strong y/n" Niall strained

"Um.. thanks, I think" I laughed in reply

And finally I pushed him off the sofa and straddled his lap.

'Haha, I win" I laughed 

Just then he leaned up and our lips interlocked. We lay there me straddling his lap until I pulled away got up and offered my hand to him to help pull him up. As soon as he had gotten up I left go of his hand and ran upstairs.

"Hey, where are you going missy?" Niall called running after me.

"Come and find out" I replied

I ran into our closet and grabbed both our onsies. 

"Put yours on" I said throwing Niall his onsie 


We both put our onsies on and I ran out of the bedroom and into the games room and grabbed the biggest Nerf gun there, and by the time Niall had run in and seen me, he knew what I was getting at and ran to get the other Nerf gun. As soon as he turned his back I fired a Nerf gun and hit him in the back of the head.

"Oh, now your asking for it" Niall screamed after me

I ran out of our apartment and into Louis and Eleanor's who lived opposite us.

They both looked at me really weirdly as I ran through their apartment in my onsie screaming carrying a Nerf gun in my hands. Niall ran in screaming after me. He caught up to me and we were both in Luis ad El's way of the t.v. that they had been watching

"Apologize now or you'll get a bullet to the heart" Niall said looking very serious

It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. I lifted my Nerf gun lowly and Niall didn't notice and I shot and hit him right in between my eyes. He looked shocked at first but then he tackled me and we both landed and Louis' sofa and he started tickling me.

After that we heard the snap of a camera and Louis was there holding his phone in front of us.

"This is one for twitter" Louis said when he looked at us and our confused faces.

Let's just say that was like a perfect day.

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