One Direction ( nipples )

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Louis: You smiled, placing your hand to his slowly rising chest. Nail polish bottle in your hand was cold, making you smile even more. It was revenge time. He had pranked you last week by drawing moustache to your sleeping face. Now it was your time, and you couldn’t muffle your giggles. You bite your lip, looking at his sleepy figure when you opened the bottle, taking a small dip to the red color. The brush was near his skin when you lowered your face to concentrate what you were doing. Gently and slowly you started to paint his nipples red. He’s going to regret what he did…You could barely stop your giggles, when you finished his first nipple and moved to another; only thinking his face when he’d woke up. You closed the bottle, hiding it under the pillow, when you closed your eyes, acting like you were on sleep. I can’t wait his reaction. He’s going to kill me but I don’t even care. It’s all worth it. You felt Louis move besides you, waking up to his needy alarm, what filled the room with annoying beeping. He closed the alarm, sitting up next to you, eyes still closed. You smiled to yourself, closing your eyes again, when Louis left the bed, kissing your cheek gently before walking accross the room to open the bathroom door. You waited in the cold bed, smirk on your face...Any minute now...“WHAT THE HELL?” Louis screamed in few minutes, making you muffle your giggles to your pillow. Louis ran out of the bathroom, brown hair in sleepy mess, blue eyes widen with shock. “Y/N! You did this didn’t you!” he screamed, climbing to bed, straddling you. You laughed nodding, before you poked his red, hard nipple. “Oh it’s on,” Louis whispered to your ear, making you shiver, knowing that the war wasn’t over.

 Liam: “Sweetheart when are you ready?” he asked impatiently once again, running his hands through his hair frustrated. “I’m there in the minute!” you yelled back from your bedroom, trying to pull your dress on at the same time you put your mascara. “You better be,” Liam answered, making you groan. He doesn’t know how it’s to be a girl. We need to do everything, when they just put their clothes on. “Shoes, shoes, shoes..,” you mumbled, running in a circle, trying to find what you were looking for. “Y/N!” Liam yelled, making you jump again, praying that you’d find your shoes fast enough. “We’ll be late from dinner,” he yelled again, only making you annoyed and clumsy. “Liam I said I’m coming!” you yelled back, trying to stop your frustration tears to fell down your finished makeup. You stood next to the table, leaning on the corner, trying to catch your breath, when Liam walked in on his suite. “You look handsome,” you whined, throwing your hands to your messy hair, “And I can’t even find my shoes.” Liam chuckled, picking your black shoes from the floor. “Is these what you were looking for?” he asked gently, knowing better not to start a fight with you. You were too tired to fight. You nodded thankfully, sliding your feet to the heels. I’m finally ready… “Uhm, sweetheart?” Liam asked awkwardly looking at you with his brown eyes. “Yeah?” you asked, trying to add lip gloss to your dry lips. “As much as I love these,” Liam said smirking, before guiding his hand to your boobs, sliding his hand on the silky material, “I’d love you to put some bra. Your nipples are for me, and only for me.” You looked down, blushed with embarrassment.   How can I forget my bras? How can I forget something so important? You nodded blushing again, when Liam picked up your bras from the floor giving you a soothing kiss, “Now cover those goodies babe, I don’t want boys to see my weak spot.”

Harry: “Are you sure, kitten?” he asked once more, before leaning to kiss your lips again. “I’m sure. I love you Harry,” you said gently, smiling against his kiss. He stood up, taking your hand when he leaded you to his master bedroom. The sky was turning pink, when the sun went down, but you didn’t care. He laid you to his bed, gently taking off your t-shirt. You looked down, trying to cover your half naked body with your hands, but he stopped you. “You look beautiful,” he breathed to your ear, kissing your neck and all the way to your breasts. His warm breath tickled your skin, making it goose bumps every time he was near you. No one has ever called me beautiful with that tone. He really thinks so… You smirked, running your hands through his soft curls, making him moan against your gentle skin. “It’s your turn,” you whispered, guiding your hands under his shirt, drawing circles to his abs. He smiled, showing his dimples, letting you take his shirt off, and toss it away to the wooden floor. You could hardly catch your breath. His chest, full of tattoos, was one of your biggest weaknesses. But the biggest was his nipples. You guided your finger on his nipple, circling it, when a smile formed to your face. Four nipples you loved so much…You gave small kisses to each of his nipples, making Harry groan in frustration. You slide your tongue against the soft skin of his nipple, making him shiver in pleasure. “Y/N, let me do that for you, babe please,” he begged, resting his large hands on your bra, annoyed that there was fabric between his hands and your pleasure. You could barely nod, when he threw your bra next to his shirt, cupping your breasts, before pressing small kisses to your harden nipple. “I guess we have the same obsession,” he chuckled against your skin, making you laugh against his chest.

 Zayn: You groaned, looking at the clock, once again. It was late, almost midday, and he was still sleeping peacefully in your bed. He looked beautiful, black hair pointing to every direction, small stubble covering his jaw, bare chest rising slowly up and down. You smiled to yourself, hearing his snore in the quiet room. He’s going to sleep all day again…You missed him badly. He had just come from a small tour, and he was trying to sleep off his jetlag.  You had thought it was a good idea, until he had slept three days in a row. You sat on the bed besides him. His lips were in the small frown when he swam in the dream land.  You looked at the clock again, knowing that you’d have to wake him up, before he’d starve. “Zayn?” you whispered quietly, staring at his sleepy face, “Zayn, boo, it’s time to get up.” He groaned, pulling bed covers over his head, leaving you sit next to a giant burrito. “Zayn, c’mon,” you begged, trying to pull his covers off. You knew that he’d sleep all day if you’d let him. I’m lonely…he just sleeps all day every day… I want to hear his voice and feel his touch… You sighed, wrapping yourself next to him, staring at his face, hoping he’d open his beautiful brown eyes. He murmured something, not opening his eyes, when he pulled you closer to his bare chest. You snuggled against his nipples, trying to find comfort when it hit you. You slide your fingers against his nipple, smiling mischievously, before pinching his soft skin. “OW!” he yelled in surprise, opening his sleepy eyes, and looking at you, “What was that for?” You giggled, kissing his lips gently. “I got what I wanted. I wanted you to open your eyes,” you laughed, when Zayn wrapped his warm, strong arms around you pecking your lips, “Next time you want me to wake up, just tickle me, alright?”

 Niall: “C’mon!” he yelled from the pool, opening his arms trying to signal he would catch you. “No,” you whimpered, looking at the cold water under you. Even watching it in the dark night, made you feel cold. The pool lights were on, making Niall look magical. His wet hair rested on his neck, nipples barely above the water when he waited you to dip with him. “I’m scared,” you whimpered, pressing your hands to your chest, trying to cover your skin. Even when you had your bikini on, you felt like naked. “I’m gonna catch you princess,” Niall promised laughing before he walked closer to the edge of the pool. “I love you Niall,” you whispered, when he placed his cold hands to your waist. I hate cold and water. Why did I even agree to do this? You sat on the edge of the pool, legs under the cold water, breathing heavily. “Do you want me to lift ya?” he joked, looking at you, blue eyes full of love and adoration. You nodded hesitating, when he smiled, picking you up to his arms. The cold water made your skin go goose bumps, but Niall just smiled. Adjusted to the water, you wrapped your legs around his waist, kissing his lips gently. He made you warm in the cold water. You placed your hands to his chest, rubbing his nipples with your fingers. He moaned, tensing up, when you smirked against your kiss. “What is it, love?” you asked innocently, looking at him at the dim pool light. Niall laughed shaking his head, kissing your lips, before he guided his hands to your back, opening the strings of your bikini tops. “Oops,” he giggled, making your bikini float away. “Niall,” you laughed, acting hurt, when his face lighted up of the sight of your hard nipples. “What about we skinny dip now? Just you and I princess, just you and I and the stars,” he murmured to your neck before pressing his thumb to the gentle skin off your nipple, “And of course these babes.”

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