#18 Cheater Final Part

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Harry:  You followed the tabloids more than you cared to admit after you had broken up with Harry. It let you know that you needed to boycott your favorite coffee shop seeing that it had since turned into Harry's favorite haunt. When his tour was set to resume you let out a breath of relief; you could finally go to your normal places without checking around the corner for your ex.

You actually had a smile on your face when you walked into the coffee shop. The staff beamed back when you went up to the counter. Even after the few weeks you had been gone they still memorized your order perfectly. Chai tea with a shot of espresso, two light scoops of sugar and a tea spoon of cinnamon with natural honey and heavy, heavy foam. It was a creation that you had invented and they named it after you, it was quickly becoming a house favorite. You tapped your finger on your chin as they made your drink and you looked around at the array of freshly baked cookies. The smell was intoxicating, you wanted one in every flavor.

"Finally you came here, today is the last day I'll be in the country." You groaned inwardly at the familiar voice and the way your body became all too aware of the tall figure behind you. You turned to see Harry with a wary smile on his face, as if he was afraid that you were going to reprimand him like a tiny child. "I was a little afraid that you had totally given up this place."

"I thought you left already," you replied drily, "The website lied to me."

Harry's smile grew into a cocky smirk. "So you've been checking up on me, huh? It's okay, I guess that's something we have in common."

"You've been checking up on yourself too?" You cursed yourself for playing into the banter with him. It had taken you so long already to get over all of the time you traded remarks back and forth. Harry knew what you had done as soon as you did; he perked up a little seeing it as an opportunity.

"I've been checking up on you and the magazine. You scrapped the interview with the band."

Your name was called so you were able to walk away from the conversation that was quickly about to turn awkward. You weren't able to escape him because he only followed you as you picked out a wide array of cookies. The cashier glanced at him again and again wondering why he was so determined to listen to you drag out your order.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Harry," you lied, "To be totally honest with you no one told me that One Direction was coming in for an interview and no paper landed on my desk."

"Bullshit and you know it, you're the only editor they would have given that too. I doubt you trashed it without reading it, that's not your style."

"So what do you want? I'm sure someone has it saved on their computer, if you're that beat up about it then I can run it in the next issue. No problem I'll send you a copy."

"You know that's not what I want, (Y/N). You read the interview so you know how I still feel about you. I miss you so much, I camp out at some rinky dink coffee shop just to talk to you. I obviously still care and you can't say I don't. If you didn't care then I doubt you would still be here talking to me. Answer just one question for me, okay?"

You let out a huff and put your hand on your hip. "Lay it on me Harold."

Harry moved closer to you than he had been before. You desperately wanted him to move back, you could smell the strong scent of his body was that brought back so much nostalgia. You could see the angelic angles of his face up close and that half grin that had almost made you fall in love. Whatever he was about to ask all of these things were going to make it pretty hard to stick to your guns.

"Is there still a chance for us?"

You sucked in a deep breath as your throat got thick. "No."

Louis: You smacked Louis' hand away when he tried to hold yours. He gave you a sheepish smile but the paparazzi had certainly seen the contact. You rolled your eyes and wondered why you had even agreed to visit him while he was on tour. Actually you couldn't wonder that long: it was an all-expense paid vacation for a week with one of your best friends. Ever since you had broken things off with Louis, you hadn't been able to hang out with Perrie for fear of making things awkward.  There was no person on Earth that wouldn't take up that offer.

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