#29 One Direction ( last night)

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Niall: "Y/N! It's startin'! Get yer ass 'ere!" Niall shouted cheerily, making you giggle in the kitchen where you were going through his cabinets looking a bowl to your popcorns. "Y/N!" Niall shouted again, making you grab the nearest bowl and pour the warm popcorns in it. "Coming!" you yelled back smiling when you tiptoed through your kitchen only wearing his crazy mofo's tank top and your knickers. Your long day was finally on its end, making you able to cuddle Niall after having a shower together. "It started already princess," Niall said when you snuggled closer to him. He was laying on your bed only in his white boxers, blue eyes glued on the TV where X factor was on. "Oh?" you smiled, giving his pink lips a small peck, making him smile at you when he wrapped his muscly arms around you, burying his lips to your damp hair. "I'm exhausted," he mumbled sleepily, making you tighten your grip. During days he might be hyper active, trying to be as many places as possible, but at nights he loved to curl next to you letting you rub his tummy and give gentle kisses. "Want some popcorn love?" you asked smirking, already knowing the answer.  He laughed, burying his hand to the popcorn bowl, making you smirk against his chest. You looked how auditions scrolled on the TV screen, making both of you giggle and talk through the entire show. "Oh that's horrible," Niall moaned, looking at the screen where another unlucky screamer was trying to sing. You laughed nodding, popping another popcorn to your mouth. "You were so cute on that stage," you mumbled, making him look down at you. "Yeh? Ye were watchin'?" he asked surprised, blue eyes widening. "Yeah I was," you smiled, thinking the time when you had seen him in TV, "And I thought you were super cute already then."

Zayn: You sighed, turning another page of your book, trying to concentrate to it while Zayn tossed and turned next to you, unable to sleep when your reading light was on. "I'm sorry babe, I'll put the light off soon," you mumbled, touching his bare, tattooed back with your hand. He turned around giving you a sympathy look, brown eyes tired. "No, it's okay boo, just read, I'll fall asleep soon," he whispered with a hoarse voice. He had been working in the studio with lads a lot lately, they were making their new album and it was slowly making Zayn more tired than ever. You looked at him smiling, before putting your book away and turning the lights off. His eyes sparkled in the dark, when you nuzzled closer to him, pressing your head to his neck. "You didn't need to do that boo," he mumbled sleepily, making you smile to his sleepy voice. His heart beat steadily under you, legs tangled to each other. He was so as near as he could possibly be and it made your heart race. "I know, I just wanted to," you whispered, hand stroking his neck gently, knowing how he loved it. He hummed approvingly eyes already close when his steady breathing started to fill the room. A smile crept to your face when you looked up to your adorable boyfriend whose hair was messily against the pillow, mouth a bit open. He was perfect in every single way and he was all yours, making you feel like you were living in a dream. "I love you Zayn," you whispered, against his chest, smiling to your confession. It came from your heart and you truly meant it. You loved the black haired man next to you. "I love you too Y/N," he mumbled so sleepily it almost didn't make sense. A small giggle left your mouth when you cuddled nearer to the man you loved, letting him press his lips against your forehead before drifting to sleep again. You stayed near him, not wanting to let go of the moment but also happy that he would be next to you when you'd woke up next morning.

Harry: You mumbled to yourself, running your hand through your hair. The notes you had wrote in your college class were sprawled all around the table while you read them through once again. It was past midnight and you were exhausted. The lump in your throat made tears prickle in your eyes but you swallowed them away. "Kitten?" Harry's voice made you jump a bit when you noticed his sleepy figure on the doorway. His curls were a mess and green eyes squinting because of the bright kitchen light. "What are you still doing up?" his voice was silent and husky when he came closer eyeing your notes. "I'm just prepping," you said with a small voice. Harry rise his eyebrows looking at you with his beautiful eyes, "You did that all day kitten, come to sleep." You shook your head violently, taking a sack of notes and put them in to a pile. "I can't, "you said voice breaking. Silent tears rolled down your cheeks when you buried your face to your hands. Harry was next to you in seconds, hugging you tightly, embracing you to his scent. "Ssh, it's alright kitten. C'mon let's get you to bed baby girl," he cooed with low, soothing voice when he scooped your small frame to his strong arms, carrying you all the way to the bedroom. He laid you down gently, snuggling next to you. "I'm sorry," you cried against his chest, making his heart broke. His arms held you tight, lips and silent words trying to soothe you, "I was just trying to make you proud." He stopped for a second, looking at you with a broken heart. "What?" he asked, voice cracking lightly. "I just want you to be pro-, " you couldn't finish when he interrupted you. "You make me proud every day Y/N. Every day. Don't you dare to think that you're not enough. You make me so proud and amazed every time you open your mouth," he was biting his lip, trying to stop the tears from falling, but he failed. You whipped them away, still crying, and pressed your foreheads together, making him close his eyes and tighten his grip of you. "Thank you. I love you Harry," you whispered, making a sad smile form to his face. "I love you too Kitten, so much."

Louis: "Love?" Louis' voice echoed through your home, making a smile to your face. It was really late, almost midnight, but he knew you'd be awake waiting him to come home from the studio. "Upstairs!" you yelled back, spreading lotion to your dry skin. In no time Louis was on your bedroom's doorway blue eyes shining mischievously when he looked at you. "Hi Lou," you cheered smiling, rubbing the lotion to your leg, "How was work?" He shook his head licking his lips sassily before he walked closer to you, throwing his beanie aside. "Well, well, well...What do we have here Mrs. Tomlinson?" he asked smirking. You beamed happily at his words, still stunned to be his newly wed wife. "What?" you asked happily, raising an eyebrow at him. He leaned closer, eyes on the same level as yours. His breath lingered on your lips when he smirked eyeing your plumb lips what were still sore from the night before. "My very ticklish wife," he answered, making you blink confused before his fingers found your sides. "Louis!" you cried between bursts of laughing. He was laughing too when he hovered over you, hands on your sides, looking how you trembled and tried to wiggle off his touch. "Louis! Please!" you cried again, feeling how the happy tears rolled down your cheeks. Your stomach muscles were hurting and Louis' wasn't getting enough. "Say that you love me," he ordered, not stopping his tickling. "Lou I might pee my pants!" you screamed giggling, making him laugh his adorable laugh as well. "Say it!" he laughed, making you twist under him when his fingers found your most ticklish place just under your armpit. "Louis...I love you! I love you! Stop!" you yelled, making him beam at you before stopping his tickles and making you catch your breath. "What was that for?" you asked drying your laughing tears to your palm. He smirked, pecking your lips before shrugging. "I just wanted to see my beautiful wife laughing," he said innocently, making you shake your head. "You're lucky you're cute Tomlinson," you sighed, making him grin happily before pulling you to his embrace.

Liam: You laid in your bed, eyes open and tears falling out of them. Your best friend was lying next to you, hands stroking your back when you cried silently. Liam had left hours earlier after your fight and never came back leaving you cry in your bed. You had no words anymore. They were all gone. Now you were all alone and feeling broken. "Do you know where he went?" your best friend asked silently. Her voice was careful and light, like she would have been thinking the question a long time, figuring should she ask or not. "No," you whispered, feeling how your heart ached painfully, making everything else feel unreal. "I know you said things you shouldn't have and..." your friend started, making you shook your head in the silent room. "No. This was way worse. I said things I didn't mean. I didn't even know why I'd lie and say things like that but I did. I messed this up. I messed the best thing in my life..." your voice was dead serious when it came out of your mouth. It felt like Liam had taken every other feeling with him except pain, agony and self-hate. "I love him so much. I never even thought that no one could love someone like I love him, and now I screwed up," you cried, making your best friend sigh before pulling you against his chest. "Y/Friends/N," a low voice said from the doorway, making your heart stop for a while, "can I take your place?" In few seconds your best friends arms were gone and much more familiar arms were around you. His scent overwhelmed you when your heart beat broken and aching. "I'm sorry Liam, I'm so so sorry," you cried, making him chuckle lightly. You looked at him confused but he just shook his head, brown eyes smiling at you. "You silly girl, you really thought that I'd leave you?" he murmured smiling, making you sniffle against his shirt. His strong, tattooed arms were holding you in the darkness surrounding you. "I'm still sorry," you said silently, making him smirk before kissing your lips long and hard. "Me too sweetheart, me too."

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