One Direction ( He's confused by your lady products )

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Liam: You bite your lip, walking to the pad section, before finding what you needed. You took few packets down, throwing them to the shopping cart what Liam was controlling. He looked at you, a bit confused when you finally walked to the cash, leaving the buzzing market behind. “Babe,” he asked with confused voice, looking at you with his brown eyes,” Can I ask you something?” His voice was curious, just like little child’s. “Yeah, sure, bring it on,” you smiled, packing your groceries to the car. “Why did you um…I thought you just ended your period,” he mumbled, eyeing the bag where you had put the pads, “I thought we could know…” You looked at his bit redden face what was covered with embarrassment and confusion. “I did end them,” you chuckled a bit, looking at him trying to decide was he cute or sexy when he worried like that, “But I have to buy that stuff so I don’t get ugly surprises next month, you know… I bet your fans would love you to do some pad shopping.” You laughed a bit, looking how he bite his lip, even more embarrassed, when he scratched his red neck. “Oh,” he breathed,making you giggle again. “But Liam, we can have sex, and you can call it sex,” you whispered to his ear while he sat to the drivers seat. His eyes widened when he slammed the door close quickly, “Put your seatbelt on, we’re gonna race home.”

Niall: “I’m walking on sunshine..,” you sang quietly, mixing the cookie dough, dipping your finger to the bowl once in a while, licking your finger clean. “Princess?” Niall’s voice echoed through your apartment, making you smile when he sat to the counter, grey sweatpants and a tank top on, a bit red flush on his cheeks. “What?” you asked confused, looking at his worried expression. “Well I was just in the bathroom and..,” he started but you cut him off, “If this is about what you did there again, I do not want to know okay.” He chuckled shaking his head, growing even redder than he was before, “No princess, I just… Ya know I only have a brother?” he waited until you nodded, “and I have like zero experience about dis stuff but… I found this and…” He took a tampon to his hand, showing it to you, making you flush bright red. “Niall,” you laughed awkwardly, taking the tampon out of his hand. “Is that what I think it is?” he asked, looking at you, blue eyes concerned. You let out a laugh, “Haven’t you see a tampon before?” He looked at you, realization washing over him, “Oh.” You smirked, rolling your eyes when he kissed your neck gently. “Sorry,” he whispered, ticking your side, “I’m just gona take it back where I took it then.” You laughed nodding when he left the room, making you lift your head. “Niall?” you yelled after him, making him poke his head out of the door, “Yea princess?” “What did you think it was?”

Louis: You sighed, head buried to your exam notes, when your phone beeped, once again. “Not now Lou, I’m studying, “you groaned to yourself when you brushed his message off, trying to focus to your notes. He had given you alone time so you could study, but he had been texting the whole time, making you annoyed. Another beep made you lose the line you were reading. “Seriously?” you hissed, taking the phone to your hand, glancing the message he had send. “SOS Y/N, ANSWER!!” panicking, you picked up the phone, dialing Lou’s number. “What’s wrong?” you yelled when he answered, making your heart beat. What if he was in trouble… “Finally woman, can you please pick up your phone when I need you?” he sassed, making you roll your eyes. “What Louis?” you asked, smiling to your boyfriend. Even when he was idiot, you couldn’t love him any less. “Uh.. I drove to Doncaster and I’m here with Fizzy and she’s having some…lady trouble… and mom’s not here and did you know that stores have whole aisles to things like this…” you smiled, hearing the light panic what was coming through his voice. He loved his sisters so much he worried even because of the littlest things. “Lou, honey, breathe, I’ll help you okay,” you said, biting your lip so you wouldn’t laugh. “Thank you, thank you,” he sang dramatically to the phone, “I seriously have no idea what I’m doing here.”  You giggled, shaking your head, “Okay cutie, is there a pink pad pack where reads always? Yeah, take that and…”

Harry: Another groan left your mouth when you buried your head to Harry’s chest. His hands were stroking your back, making the ache go away a bit. Television was on but you couldn’t focus on that because of your cramps what almost made you cry out loud. “It hurts,” you whined, few tears on your cheeks. He brushed them off with his large palm, giving a gentle kiss to your temple. “It’s not this bad normally is it?” he asks, voice full of fear when you left another whimper to his black Ramones shirt.  “No,” you cried, closing your eyes when the pain didn’t go away. His hands were on your belly, rubbing it lightly when you whined. Suddenly he stopped, hands freezing to your skin, muscles tensing. “Haz?” you asked, looking at his horrified expression, “What’s wrong?” His green eyes were dark when he looked down at you, worry covering his face. “You have that new tampon thing what I bought you, right?” he asked, low voice shaking. You nodded confused, looking how every color had drained out of his face. “What if it’s that? I can’t buy girl stuff and I bought the wrong one and maybe it’s making you sicker..,” he said, voice breaking. Few afraid tears rolled down his cheeks, making you chuckle before kissing them off. “Harry..,” you breathed, taken how cute and caring he was,” that’s not possible. You did not do this, love. Sometimes it just hurts more.” He looked at you biting his lip before kissing your forehead gently, “ Are you sure kitten?” You nodded, making him sigh in relief before he started to rub your belly again, when you smiled to yourself how much he actually cared.

Zayn:  “Shit,” he mumbled, looking at the aisle in front of him. Hundreds and hundreds of colorful packs, knits and boxes were stuffed to same aisle. “what did she want..,” he mumbled confused, looking horrified at all the brands, colors, sizes and symbols in front of him. Tampons, mini tampons, pads, super mega pads, sleeping pads, night pads, perfumed or not… Zayn rolled his eyes in pure confusion, running his hand over his tattooed arm, trying to cover his nervousness, while he hoped that no one would recognize him. He walked the aisle twice, before taking the phone to his sweating hands, dialing your number. “Hi boo,” he said, when you answered with third ring, “I’m a shitty boyfriend.” A chuckle left your mouth before asking what was wrong. “I forgot what brand you wanted and there’s like thousands of them. And what does that tear mean? Do you want that where’s three tears? Or four? I thought wings is a song though… What is a tampon applicator…” You laughed, hearing how his voice almost fade away with confusion. “Oh love,” you giggled, shaking your head,”I have a feeling you haven’t done this before…It’s okay, but for your information, those tears, are not tears…” you chuckled, thinking how adorable he must have look, standing in the market confused look on his stubbly face. Big, tough superstar was buying pads with a flower print. “I feel so dumb..,” he muttered, only so loud that you would hear. You smiled, biting your lip, “Just take those with a green flower box and come home so I can cuddle you.”

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