#28 He/You have appendicitis

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Niall: He winced silently, making your heart flip again. You hated it, it was like a torture for you to see his blue eyes full of pain you couldn't take away. You bite your lip, hand running though his blonde locks, revealing the brown roots. His forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat, sweat pearling to his eyebrows what were knitted together when he groaned in agony. "Honey we should go to doctors, this can be serious, I think it could appendicitis..." you mumbled silently, watching him as he clutched his stomach, wincing in pain. His grey sweatpants were hanging low, white tank top covered with sweat when he shook his head, pulling you closer to him. You sighed, swallowing your tears when his head laid on your lap, face buried to your stomach when he struggled. "Babe please," you whispered to his hair, placing a kiss to his sweaty forehead. "Nah, I don't wana go," he whimpered, irish accent thicker with pain. You closed your eyes, feeling how he panted against your stomach in obvious pain. His legs were curled near his belly, his "grandpa slippers", as he called them, on his feet. You stroked his sweaty neck, feeling how the cold sweat washed through him time after time. He looked so tiny and so vulnerable, like an innocent baby who was tortured cruelly. You closed your eyes once again when his long groan made you sat up. "C'mon Niall, we need to go to the hospital," you said sternly, making the blue eyed boy finally give up and let you take him to the hospital where he finally thanked you for taking the pain away.

Louis: "I need to see her. Now." You smiled, shaking your head when you heard the familiar voice coming from the hospital hallway. Of course he found out. "She's my fucking girlfriend and I quite need to see her!", Louis' voice was annoyed and higher than usually, making you giggle. It had been several weeks that you had seen him, but there was no doubt that it wasn't him. "Thank you, bloody hell," his voice yelled, making you look to your door what opened with a loud click. A young looking nurse entered your room with a scowl on her face, Louis was not far behind her, making you grin at him. "Hi babe," Louis cheered happily, blue eyes sparkling when he saw you sitting on your bed with the hospital gown. "Hi sweetie," you answered, making the nurse nod to you before she left the room, still glaring at Louis who was smirking at you. "Well," he exclaimed, walking next to you with a raised eyebrows, "When were you planning to tell me that you had a surgery?" You laughed a little, rolling your eyes when he looked at you with a scowl. "It's not a big deal Lou, it was just appendicitis. I'm fine now, I'm not even in pain," you explained, making him sigh. Suddenly all his mischievousness was gone, and the brown haired boy next to you looked at you with pleading eyes.  "Not a big deal Y/N? You almost gave me a heart attack!" his voice was high like always when he held back tears. His hands trembled lightly when he pecked your cheek, trying to smirk to cover his tears. "I'm sorry," you whispered, feeling how your heart broke when he trembled in front of you, "I just didn't want you to stop touring because of me."  Louis looked at you puzzled before leaning to press a kiss to your lips. His tattooed arms sneaked to stroke your neck, making you hum in delight. "Don't ever do this to me again. I was almost going mental. It's bullshit you know, you need me here. And I want to know because I love you."

Zayn: "Zaynie," you mumbled, trying to keep the pain away from your voice. It wasn't easy when it ripped through you with waves, making you grit your teeth with the feeling. "Zayn, please wake up," you were pleading, tears of pain dropping down your cheeks when you looked to your sleeping boyfriend next to you. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, making you feel guilty to wake him up. "Zaynie," you pleaded again, gripping your left side when the pain kept pushing through you, making you almost go insane. Zayn stirred, brown eyes opening partly when he saw you sitting next to him. He was a heavy sleeper, but only this once you were hoping he'd wake up more easily. "Wh's wron'?" he mumbled, not making any sense. His eyes were sliding close again, perfect eyelashes intertwining when you let out a sob. His eyes shoot open, trying to adjust to the darkness. "Boo, what's wrong?" he asked, panic rising in his voice when he sat up, brown eyes scanning your trembling figure. "I think it's my appendicitis," you cried, pressing your hand against your side when another trail of sweat ran down your spine and forehead. Zayn's eyes went wide when he almost fell out of bed, reaching you in no time. He took your head between his hands, making you look at his dazzling eyes when another pinch of pain made you wail. "It's going to be okay, love, I promise," he said slowly, Bradford accent making your heart flutter a bit. You could barely nod before he scooped you up to his arms, carrying you to the car whispering silent 'I love you's to your ear the whole way to the hospital.

 Liam: You sighed, looking at his sleeping figure. He looked so tiny in the big hospital bed, surrounded by all the machines and wires that were supposed to keep him alive. His brown eyes were closed when he slept, color finally returning to his pale cheeks. You ran your fingers through his brown hair just the way he liked, touching his birthmark gently. Every time you did it, he used to smile, but now only another snore left his lips, making you smile a bit. "I love you," you whispered to his hair, kissing his clammy forehead before sliding your hand to his. You smiled to the rock on your left hand's finger, brushing your thumb over it. It was so beautiful, but it's meaning was even more special. "Hey," Liam's groggy voice said, making you jump before looking straight at his eyes. He was watching you with a small smile, making you smile back. "How are you, my love?" you asked gently, stroking his forehead with your thumb. He chuckled silently, looking at you with a smug smile, "I'm superman." You let out a small giggle, pressing your lips to his, "I don't know about that, but you are well drugged, I can see." He smiled smugly again, making you roll your eyes. "You are so beautiful," he murmured, eyes staring at you, making your heart flip. Drugged or not, he was still looking at you. You smirked, rolling your eyes when he drifted to sleep again. He looked peaceful again, making you chuckle at his state. "I'm so lucky to have you silly boy," you mumbled against his neck, pressing another kiss to his birthmark before closing your eyes, finally capable of getting sleep after knowing that he'd be alright again.

 Harry: You could feel yourself drifting off the sleep slowly. First, you felt the rough sheets under you, reminding that you weren't in your soft bed with Harry, and then you heard voices around you. Someone was near you, hand stroking your arm gently, afraid that he'd broke it. His sniffles weren't the only voices, but they were the most affective ones. "Harry," you whispered, trying to open your eyes. The sniffles stopped, making you stir your eyes. "Kitten?" Harry breathed in disbelief, green eyes looking at you, full of tears. He was biting his lip, trying to stop the tears falling. "Hi," you breathed, feeling a bit dizzy. He looked so relieved it made your head spin. "It didn't go like it was supposed to, huh?" you said, not really meaning it as a question. Harry's eyes showed it all. He shook his head, brown curls bouncing a bit, making your heart flutter, "No kitten. Um, there was some complications but you are okay now, we're okay," he breathed, looking at you with a brave smile. You could see all the tears behind his grin, making you touch his cheek. "I'm fine love," you mumbled, making him nod before few tears escaped his eyes, stopping near his lips. It took all of your energy to lift your hand to his cheek and brush his tears away, but the minute you touched his warm skin, you could almost see him breaking. "Harry," you whispered shocked when he looked down, embarrassed that his tears were falling down. "I'm sorry kitten, I was just so worried that...that I would lose you." You smiled gently, brushing his lower lip with your thumb, making him shiver lightly. "You'll never lose me Styles, I promise."

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