1D ( You see baby at the first time )

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Baby Direction

You see your baby at the first time.

Liam: "There you go.", doctor says when she puts cold gel on your little tummy. It's a bit cold but you don't even notice. You are too eager to see your baby. Monitor is a little blurry and Liam kisses your cheek nervously. You know he's been waiting to see his baby so long. He's so excited to be actual Daddy Direction.  You two look a little screen next to doctors desk    enthusiastic and try to see something. Liams hand is on yours, he strokes it lightly. His brown eyes are restless. He can't wait. Either can you. "There is your baby.", doctor says and points a tiny spot on black screen. You stare that little spot. A baby. It's your baby.Your and Liams. Liam looks at you. His brown eyes are full of tears. "It's our baby.", he whispers and kisses your cheek and your tummy."Daddy loves you."

Louis: "Louis sit down! NOW!", you say when Louis is jumping up and down in his chair. He's been restless all day. "Sorry babe. But I really can't wait!", he says smiling. He starts to play with doctors equipments. "LOUIS!", you laugh. Doctor comes in and looks at Louis smiling. "What if I'd do my job now.", she says and tooks gel bottle out of Lou's hand. Louis smiles and sits next to you stroking your hair. A moment later doctor points screen and smiles at you. "Do you want to know which is it?", she asks. You nodd and squeeze Lou's hand. "It's a boy.", doctor says. A moment you just sit amazed. Louis is finally quiet. "Our little Tommy.", You say and look at Louis who is still staring at the screen. Few seconds later he jumps off the chair and yells, "I'M HAVING A BOY!" You laugh and can't stop thinking how perfect he'll come out.

Zayn: You can feel Zayns hand sweat on yours. He's listening doctors advices quietly, taking notes to his head. "So how much morning sickness is too much?", he asks worried. "Zayn I'm fin-", you start but Zayn already has another question. You are nervous. You'd want to see your baby already but Zayn is worried about you. You smile a bit. It's cute when Zayn is taking care of you but you can't stop thinking about that tiny miracle growing in your tummy. "Zayn...", you say quietly but he doesn't notice. He's asking should you eat more all gran. "ZAYN.", you say out loud and he looks at you worried. "I want to see our baby!", you say. A few minutes later you stare at screen. It feels like your heart is growing. That tiny baby is just so perfect. You can't love anything more than it. Zayn kisses your forehead and whispers, "I love you both. And I just want to keep you safe." "I know.", you whisper back.

Harry: "It's a girl.", he says. "No it's a boy.", you say. You've been arguing two months about the sex of the baby. You don't care which is it, but Harry wants to start buying dresses or football shorts. "We'll see.", Harry says smiling and hugs you lightly when you enter your doctors office. When you feel the gel on your skin you move a little. It's so cold. Harry laughs a bit and strokes your arm. "It all looks good.", doctor says. "Do you want to know the sex?", he asks. "YES!", you and Harry yell at the same time. Doctor smiles, "It's a girl." You start crying happy tears. Harry puts his head to your chest and you can feel his tears on your skin. "Girl? Harry we're having a girl!", you say happily. "I've never been happier.", Harry says with raspy voice. "Me either.", you say and look at your baby. "I guess this means I won.", Harry said cheekily. "Like always.", you joke and he kisses you gently.

Niall: "Are you ok?", You ask when Niall stuffs chips in to his mouth. He nodds and gives you chips knowing that you're as hungry as him. Since you got pregnant you've been eating a lot. And by a lot you mean more than Niall. Doctor comes in to room and welcomes you. Moments later he stares at the screen. Your heart drops. Something is wrong. "What is it?", Niall asks. His hand is on yours, squeezing it. He doesn't remember his chips anymore. Doctor looks at you surprised and smiles, "Well mr and mrs Horan, you have twins!" You feel your heart beating. Twins? Tears escape your eyes. Two baby Horans! "I love you.", Niall whispers when he kisses your lips and then your belly. "I love you too. Two babies! This is unbelievable!", you sigh. You both look at the monitor. "Well now I can eat that much with a good reason.", you laugh with Niall. "Actually they look a bit like beans...", Niall says and you laugh. You wouldn't want to do this with anyone else.

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