One Direction ( Fire )

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 Liam: “Babe, come here for a second!” Liam yelled from balcony, while you were making dinner for you two. “What is it honey?” you yelled back, not wanting to burn your supper. “The big house on our street is on fire!” he yelled, making you instantly drop your spoon and hurry next to him. Air was full of smell of smoke, when dark grey smoke cloud rose in front of your eyes. Fire trucks filled the street, pumping cold water to the burning house. Liam wrapped his arm around you, keeping you safe in his arms. He knew how much you scared fire. “I hope everybody got out,” you whispered quietly to Liam’s neck, making him turn around to face you. His smile was gentle, when he kissed your lips, looking at you with his brown sparkly eyes. “I’m sure the fireman’s did their best,” Liam murmured to your hair, hugging you closely. He laughed quietly, pulling away to kiss your forehead. “We better get in or we stink the whole week,” he said smiling sadly, before he reached your hand to his large, warm one. “And also we better get there before we need fireman’s, your food must be burning,” he joked when your eyes went wide and you rushed inside to see burned food. “Oh no,” you groaned, throwing your food to a sink. “I think this night has a theme,” Liam joked, wrapping his arms around you from behind, kissing your neck, “C’mon love, let’s order pizza and watch some movies.”

 Zayn: You sat on the couch, trying to concentrate to your book. Zayn was outside smoking, making you frustrated. He promised he’d stop. Not because of you, but because of your baby who was growing inside you. You didn’t want to raise a baby in smoke. “Babe, where did you put my lighter? I need fire,” he yelled from your yard, making you growl. “I don’t know,” you yelled back annoyed, trying to read again when he stepped inside, unlighted cigarette on his hand. “Tell me where it is, please darling,” he begged, knowing that you had hide it from him. “You need to stop smoking,” you said with stern voice, once again, “I don’t suffer if you smoke, but the baby will.” He groaned, rolling his eyes when he left the room, leaving you sit by yourself. You rested your head against the soft couch pillow, hoping that he’d come around and understand why you were so worried. You wanted the best to the baby, and after reading baby books and finding out smoking wasn’t it, you assumed Zayn to understand it too. You knew it wasn’t easy, but he didn’t even try… Half an hour later, you woke up to smell of food. Curious, you stood up, rubbing your small belly, before walking to the kitchen. Zayn looked at you with apologizing eyes; he opened his arms, taking you to his warm embrace. “I’m sorry boo, I’m so stupid,”he whispered to your ear with raspy voice. “I understand you love, and I don’t want you to change who you are if you don’t want it,” you said, looking at his brown chocolate eyes. You ran your fingers through his thick, black hair when he smiled you nervously. “No, I want to. I’m gonna throw all my cigarettes away, and my lighter too. No more fire,” he promised kissing the top of your head, “our baby is going to smell food instead of smoke.”

 Niall: You gasped, trying to catch your breath, panting heavily. He laid next to you on the carpet, chest raising quickly, sweat glowing on the light of fire. The fireplace was near you, making you warmer than you already were. He wrapped his sweaty hands around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. You smiled, kissing few sweat beads away from his chest. You ran your fingers over his chest hair, making him smile. He was so proud about his hairy chest…so proud. You kissed few hairs, smiling when his moans filled the room. He knew how his voice turned you on, but he was silent. He knew he’d get you anyway. You didn’t say a word, resting on his chest. His heart was still beating faster than usual, making him pant and shiver at the same time. He closed his eyes for a second, exhausted, before opening them again and staring at the fireplace. You could see the fire reflecting of his eyes. It looked like ocean in his eyes was on fire. It was scary, but absolutely beautiful. Quietly, you laid your lips to his skin, memorizing his scent on your lips. His skin was hot like the fire in front of you, keeping you safe from the blizzard. The cold weather outside couldn’t get in to your safety place, leaving you protected and warm. Niall pressed a tired, sloppy kiss to your bruised lips, smiling when his blue eyes met yours.  His fingers draw circles to your moist skin, when he bite his lower lip, looking at you with lustful eyes. You raised your hand to his hair, twirling it around your finger in his warmth. The room was getting hot, making you sweat even more, but you didn’t mind. As long as you had him, you could be in any climate, and he knew it. You started press slow kisses to his jaw when the fire in front of you, started to tarnish slowly.

Louis: You kept your hand on his, when he walked through the crowd in front of the hotel. He squeezed your hand tightly, afraid of letting go, before you were safe again. “Louis,” you laughed, when he looked at you worried again, “I’m fine.” He laughed quietly, pressing a small kiss to your cheek. “I know babe, but I know how you don’t like paparazzi,” he said smiling, wrapping his hand around your shoulder, before you faced another crowd. “Oh for heaven’s sakes,” Louis groaned, making you giggle in the cold winter air. “Louis, LOUIS!” fans and paparazzi are yelled, flashing pictures in every corner, making him annoyed. “Yeah, yeah, thanks,” he mumbled, pulling you beside you, trying to get away as soon as possible. Paparazzi yell your name, making you smile to his direction. “Y/n you’re on fire tonight girl! Looking fit!” he yelled, taking pictures so close it was uncomfortable. “Thanks,” you said embarrassed, trying to hide your face to Lou’s shoulder. “Louis you better keep water close to you if Y/N gets any hotter she’s going to burst to flames!” another paparazzi yelled, making Lou grip your hand so tightly it hurt. “Thanks for the advice man,” Louis yelled with his sassiest voice, making you smile a little. You loved his sassier side. He sighed, finally getting to your car and opening the door for you. He started the car, driving to a quiet place, before pulling aside and looking at you. “I’m sorry babe, I can’t deal with paparazzi right now,” he groaned, “They’re just fucking everywhere.” You smiled, resting your hand on his stubbly cheek, “I love you.” He laughed, kissing your lips gently, “I love you too…and they were right. You really look as hot as fire today.”

 Harry: You rested your palm above the photo book, tears glistening in your eyes. Turning to the first page, you could almost feel him close to you. Photos of him tore you apart but also made you love him even more. You remembered his brown curls and dimples when he smiled. He was always begging for a kiss, trying to find some way to meet your lips. Now, you’d give anything for his kiss. You wanted to feel his warm breath against your skin, soft fingertips on your shoulder, when he brushed off all your worries. You wanted to wake up from this nightmare, and find yourself next to him in the cold bed. Few tears rolled down your cheeks, dropping to the pictures, making beads to the smiling faces. You couldn’t stop thinking about his eyes. They were so full of fear, when he yelled you to run, when he wanted to make sure your neighbor’s child was safe. It was the last time you saw his green eyes. The fire reflected on them when you yelled you’d stay with him, but once again, he made you go. You sniffled quietly, resting your head in your hands, feeling guilty again. Everyone said there was nothing you could do, but you knew your life was over when the fire licked your apartment’s walls. He was gone, and every time you closed your eyes, you could see his dirty face when he pushed you out of the building, making sure that his loved one was safe. It was all what mattered to him, but you left your heart with him, and it burned away. You still loved him more than anything in the world. You needed him like fire needs air. And you loved him. Forever.

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