One Direction ( your kid uses a curse word )

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Louis: You lie on the couch, head on Lou’s chest, listening his heart beating steadily against his chest. Your son was sitting in front of you, playing with his toys, bubbling to himself, brown hair messily pointing to everywhere. “Whoooommmm..,” he screamed with his tiny voice, making the batman’s toy car speed in the floor, “Don’t worreh, I’m comin!” his small voice was full of power, making both you and Lou chuckle lightly. He was so in to his playing, he didn’t even notice. A small thud escaped to the air when the car smashed to the chair’s leg. “Oh, bullshit!” tiny voice exclaimed, making both you and Lou look at your small son. “Thomas!” you yelled, looking at him at shock, “That is a bad word! Why did you say that?” He looked up to your angry eyes, confused. “But daddy said that too,” he whined, hanging his head in guilt. You groaned , glancing on Louis, who looked at you, trying to stop the smirk. “I’m sorry mommy,” Thomas whined, hugging your leg, burying his teary eyes to your knees. “It’s okay baby boy, daddy is in more trouble than you. Just promise you won’t say that again,” you said, stroking his hair gently. “I promise,” he said sniffling, before taking the car and starting to play again. You glared at Louis whose grin was obvious. “So I am in trouble?” he asked, voice playful. “Yeah, and you have to make it up to both of us.”

Liam: “Here you go sweetie,” you said, placing an ice-cream cone to your little girl’s hand. “Thanks mom,” she chirped, smiling when she started to lick the vanilla cone, eyes shining and lips turned to a smile. You sat next to her, looking at Liam who was doing a photo shoot with boys just few feet away in the park. “It’s good!” she smiled, looking at you with his brown eyes. Liam’s eyes. “Yeah? Let mommy taste,” you smiled, reaching to lick a bit of the delicious vanilla. “Mmh, it is good!” you said, looking at your little girl who was holding the ice-cream with both hands. “Daddy’s waving! Mommy daddy’s waving!” she yelled excited, pointing at Liam who was looking at you two, making funny faces. “I’m gonna let him taste it too!” she screamed excited before running to Liam’s direction. Just few seconds before reaching Liam, she fell for her own feet, landing to the ground, ice cream all over the crass. You whined standing up before running to her. Liam was scolding her, while she cried. “Liam! Why are you yelling?” you asked annoyed, looking at your baby girl, whose ice cream was on the ground. “She said a bad word! A nasty, nasty word!” Liam scolded, looking down to the small girl who was sniffling. “Well, you know that you can’t say those things!” you said, making the small girl nod. “I’m sorry,” she cried, whipping her tears to her palms. “It’s okay love, just go and get your teddybear here so we can go to get another ice-cream,” Liam said, stroking her head. “What did she say?” you asked, looking at your baby girl who was running to get her toy. “She said damn. My little baby said damn…”

 Harry: “Darcy,” you warned, looking at your small girl who was sitting next to your cat, stroking it against the grain “Stroke to the other direction sweetie.” Harry chuckled, next to you, rolling his head to his daughter. “NO!” Darcy screamed, making you groan. She had been like that all day… “Darcy..,” Harry said slowly, with low voice, making his warning to your tiny daughter, “Dusty doesn’t like that, and you know it.” Darcy shoved her tongue out, making an ugly face to him. “Darcy, this is the last warning,” you said calmly, trying to concentrate to your magazine instead of your daughter who was giving you a hard time.  A small thud and a shriek made you jump, and look at your daughter who was suddenly shocked. “Darcy Anne Styles,” Harry said slowly, “Tell me you didn’t hit Dusty?” You saw the fear fade away of your girl’s green eyes, “I hate you daddy, and hell I hate that cat!” she screamed face turning red. “Darcy!” both you and Harry screamed, making her finally burst to tears. “I’m sorry daddy,” she whimpered, letting Harry pick her up to his lap,”I’m sorry. I love you. I do, I’m sorry. I love Dusty too.” You smiled, looking at Harry who was fighting back his tears, “I know you do. I love you too baby, I love you so much.”

Niall: You sat in the living room with laundry, trying to fold them to stacks. Niall was sitting next to you, strumming his guitar and singing, not even trying to help you. Your boys were outside, playing football in the backyard. You looked at them through the window, smiling to their laughs and cheers. “They’re so big already,” you sighed, patting James’ jeans, a bit sad that your twins had already grown so old. “They’re only six,” Niall chuckled, looking at you before giving you a lazy kiss. “Still,”you sniffled, smiling to the goal what Aiden scored, making his brother pout. “They’re damn good in football, they are like me,” Niall laughed, making you hit his chest playfully. “Yeah yeah,” you laughed with him, looking at the boys who were standing next to each other, frowning. They looked so much like Niall it was crazy…“MOM!” a sudden shriek made you look at James who was running to the livingroom, shoes still on, leaving muddy footsteps behind, “Aiden said a bad word!” Aiden ran next to him, hitting his brother angrily, “Stupid James!” Niall stopped playing, looking at the boys in front of him, “What did he say?” James looked at ground, lips pressed to a white line. “I said fucking cunt,” Aiden confessed, looking down, a bit guilty in his face, “It’s what dad says when Derby misses a goal.” Niall looked at his sons shaking his head, “I shouldn’t say that, I’m sorry. You’re too young to say that but someday…” “NIALL,” you interrupted, shaking your head. “Babe, they’re Irish, it’s in their blood…”

Zayn: “Shot me out of the sky..,” your daughter sang while rocking her doll back and forth, trying to play house. Zayn was sitting in a small chair next to her while you were changing her bed sheets. “You’re my kryptonite,” Zayn sang softly, rocking another doll, admiring his daughter who had his eyes and dark hair. “ Shit…I don’t remember the next line,” she pouted, whining a little. You looked up, not realizing what she had just said. “What?” you asked, seeing the blush on your daughter’s face when she realized what she had just said. “I said a bad word,” she whispered quietly, putting her hand over her mouth, knowing that it wasn’t a good thing. Zayn looked at you, a bit amused when he saw his daughter’s horrid expression. “Well, are you sorry?” Zayn asked, looking at the identical eyes what were full of fresh tears. A small nod made you smile, “I am mommy. I won’t do it again!” You let go of the pillow you were holding and kneeled up next to her. “It’s okay baby girl,”you soothed, making her tears fell down tiny flushed cheeks. “What’s behind, is behind,” Zayn whispered, stroking her black hair making her cry even more. “Baby,” Zayn sighed, pulling her to his lap, rocking back and forth, singing One thing until her long eyelashes were down on her cheeks, while she slept peacefully. “She’s a golden one,” you whispered, stroking her cheek, making Zayn smile, “She got that from you, you know.” You giggled shaking your head before letting Zayn put her on a bed, only so he could cuddle next to his small girl.

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