One Direction ( everytime we touch i get this feeling...)

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Liam: You smiled, placing your hand to his upper tigh, rubbing it slowly, making him moan to your kiss. “Babe please stop, I can’t control myself soon,” he moaned quietly, not really wanting to stop. You felt the same way, when you placed your hand on his bulge, rubbing it lightly, guiding your fingers on the sides of his hard on. “Babe,” he whimpered, pulling out of your kiss, trying to calm himself down, “Stop.” You shook your head before you yanked his pants down in one good move. His brown eyes widened. “There’s no stopping today,” you answered sweetly, kissing his dimple. “Are you sure?” he asked, voice trembling. You could see his erection growing every second. “I’m sure,” you answered, kissing him passionately, making you both moan, “Then don’t stop.”

Harry: “Haz,” you whispered, nudging him in the silent hotel room. He had fell asleep during your movie, and starting to moan in his sleep. You giggled when he moaned again, this time adding your name to the end. “Harry,” you whispered again, now loudly, before you tried to shook him awake. “Shit Y/N, you’re so good,” he groaned in his sleep, making you smile at his sleepy figure, suddenly feeling eager to see to his mind. “Harry,” you said again, now waking him to the night. “Hi,” he said, embarassement glowing in his face. “Having a good dream?” you asked, making him blush even more. “Y-yeah,” he muttered playing with his long fingers, hoping you wouldn’t notice the bulge in his pants. You giggled, sitting up before straddling him on the bed. He bite his lip, muffling a moan, making you grin even more. “Harry,” you asked, looking right at his beautiful eyes, “Could you show me what you were dreaming about?” His eyes widened when he looked at you mouth hanging open. “Show me babe,” you whispered, taking your shirt off, still straddling him. “Y-You mean…?” he was a bit confused because last time you talked about the subject you told him you weren’t ready. “Yes Harry, I’m ready. Show me,” you whispered kissing him roughly, feeling his smile in your kiss. “I love you kitten. I promes I’ll be gentle. I love you so much.”

Louis: He sang quietly, voice echoing in the silent bathroom. You couldn’t help but giggle a bit when he hit his high notes while he washed himself in the pouring shower. You rolled off the bed, sitting down to the edge, before his voice filled the air again. “I’m ready,” you whispered to yourself, smile creeping to your face when you stood up, love and nervousness filling your heart. “Louis,” you giggled, opening the door to the bathroom. He was standing in the shower, looking at you surprised. “Hi babe,” he cheered, leaning out of the shower to peck your lips. “Hi love,” you answered, taking your pajama shirt off, before tossing it aside with your panties. Louis’ eyes grew wide when he looked at your exposed body. “I’m ready Lou,” you whispered, when a huge grin appeared to his face. “Finally,” he groaned making you giggle before stepping out of the shower and carrying you to the bedroom.

Zayn: “I’m not jealous!” he yelled, hitting his hand to the table, making you groan. “Of course you’re not, why else would you tell me I can’t see my best friend!” you yelled, tears streaming out of your eyes. It was just another fight. “Your best guy friend!” He corrected, making you roll your eyes before you let your hands travel to your hair in frustration. “So what? I’m not dating him! Don’t you trust me at all?” Your scream filled the apartment, making the walls echo lightly. Zayn sighed, brown eyes full of tiredness when he finally calmed down. “I trust you babe, I trust you 100%. It’s him I don’t trust. I’m sorry,” his voice was hoarse after all the yelling. You sighed, shaking your head when you kicked your heals off and smiled to him gently. “What are you doing? You’re going to be late,” Zayn asked confused, but you just smiled before walking next to him, planting your lips to his. “I have something more important to do this evening with my crazy boyfriend,” you answered smirking when your hand tugged his pants down with one swift move.

Niall: You laid against his bare chest in his big bed. His steady heart beat kept you awake, making you stare at his ceiling. It was your six month anniversary and you were ready. The battle in your mind kept going for hours. The subject should you tell Niall or not, was yelling in your head. You were ready, but was he? “Princess?” he whispered, hands stroking your hair, “Why are ya’ still awake? Can’t sleep yeah?” You smiled, looking up to his blue sparkling eyes. “I’m just scared,” you answered shrugging before kissing his sweet pink lips. “Of what?” he asked confused, wrinkle between his eyes showing in the darkness. “Of what you’ll say when I’m telling you I’m ready to have sex,” you whispered quietly, face turning red. He left out a chuckle, kissing your forehead before reaching to kiss your lips,”Why are ya’ worried princess? You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he said laughing silently to your ear, making your heart skip a beat. “Really?” you asked, smiling. “Really,” he said kissing you again before he rolled you against the mattress, kissing your collarbone gently, “Happy six month anniversary princess.”

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