One Direction ( breastfeeding )

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Liam: You cooed to your small infant who was opening her little eyes, letting out small heartbreaking whimpers. “Are you hungry again, baby girl?” you smiled, stroking her soft cheek, making her small mouth open. “She’s so amazing,” Liam whispered, stroking her tiny feet with his long finger. A small whine left your baby’s mouth making you chuckle, “Alright, alright, keep your pants on sweetheart.” You lowered your shirt, moving your nursing bra before giving your baby what she needed. Liam had turned on the tv, staring at it, nearly frozen. “Honey,” you chuckled, knowing what he was thinking. He always thought you first, not wanting you to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. “You can look at me even when I’m feeding her. It’s okay, you’ve seen them before,” you smiled, reaching to stroke your husband’s blushed cheek. “Oh, sorry babe, I just wasn’t sure would you like that,” he confessed, still looking down to his lap, before shyly lifting his head upper, seeing his small baby. Liam reached to stroke her forehead, before kissing yours, trying to get over his embarrassment.  “Liam,” you rolled your eyes, kissing his hand gently, letting him know that you hadn’t changed your mind. “I just..,” he smiled, biting his lip, brown eyes full of small tears,” You’re great mom Y/N…And I love you so much.”

Louis: “Are you hungry little man?” Louis asked, lifting his crying baby to his arms, rocking the bundle gently, only making him whine louder. He sighed, smiling to himself when his son’s eyes opened, staring at him with baby blue eyes. “I know man, I can’t keep away from your mom’s boobs either,” Louis chuckled, walking to your bedroom with the small boy, seeing your stirring figure on your bed. “Is he hungry?” you mumbled, half asleep when Louis nodded smirking, placing the boy to your arms. You chuckled, looking at Lou whose eyes were full of enthusiasm. “If you don’t take that damn smirk off your face, you can wait in the nursery until I’m done,” you threated, making his eyes go wide before nodding without a smirk. Cooing to your baby, you lifted your nipple to his mouth, helping him start sucking before looking at your husband again. “Louis,” you whined annoyed, looking how his eyes didn’t leave your boobs, “Please don’t.”  He bite his lip, before trying to look away, failing miserably. You rolled your eyes chuckling, “You’re such an ass Lou.” He smirked, making his eyes squint before he reached to kiss your lips gently. “It’s not my fault your boobs are fucking sexy,” he reminded, guiding his hand on your bare shoulder. You smirked to his mischievous smile before looking down to your son who had fallen asleep while eating. “He’s clearly my boy, true Tomlinson,” he stated, making you smack him playfully in the dark room.

Harry: You sat on a small hospital bed, eyes on your baby girl. Her dark hair was soft under your touch when you cooed at her, nurse standing next to you. “C’mon baby girl, try, I know you can do it,” you cooed, trying to get your baby to eat. She didn’t suck, leaving you almost tears. “Why won’t she eat?” you asked, tears on blurring your vision when you worried. “It’s normal, Mrs. Styles, just wait. She’ll find her reflex soon,” nurse smiled assuring when the door opened and your husband walked in. He looked at you shocked, green eyes staring your exposed breast. “You’re feeding her?” he asked, rushing to your side, greeting you and your baby with a kiss to forehead. “She’s not eating,” you sniffled, making Harry look at your baby girl, forehead wrinkled, “She doesn’t suck it.” Harry looked at the nurse nervously, but she only told him what you already knew. You just needed to wait. “What if there’s something wrong with her?” you whispered when the nurse had left you three alone. “No, she just needs time,” Harry assured, but his eyes were glued on your boobs. Unlike usually, he just saw his baby and the food she didn’t eat. “She needs to eat, you heard what doctor said, she’s so tiny,” you panicked, making your hands tremble while you held her closely. “Hey, hey..,” Harry soothed, kissing you gently, “It’s alright kitten, it’s gonna be alright.” You nodded, taking  a deep breath when a new sensation hit you. You looked down where your tiny girl had gripped your nipple with her mouth, sucking it gently. “Harry..,” you whispered, making you both sigh relieved and stare at your small miracle who was enjoying her lunch.

Niall: “Hush little baby, don’t say a word, Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird don’t sing, Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring..,” you sang quietly, rocking your son in a rocking chair, looking down at him lovingly. His eyes were shut, jaw moving when he ate once again, not seeming to get enough. “Princess, I’m home,” Niall’s voice echoed through the house, making you smile down at your baby boy, “Did you hear that buddy, daddy’s home.” Niall appeared to the nursery doorway, smiling to the sight of you two. “Eatin’ again?” he asked, walking next to you, kissing your lips, before leaning to give a kiss your baby boy, leading his lips to your breast, giving it a light peck. “Niall,” you giggled, shaking your head, “You’re as bad as your son.” He chuckled, sitting to the chair next to you, staring at your son with his blue eyes. “He looks so much like you,” you smiled, stroking the baby’s soft brown hair, making him sniff in his sleep. Niall giggled, kissing your cheek, admiring the life you had made together. “Thank ya,” he whispered, pecking the spot behind your ear, “For givin’ me the best family ever.”

Zayn: You sat on his bunk, small girl on your chest, eating in silence. Boys were outside, meeting the fans while you had stayed in the tour bus with your sweet baby girl. “You’re hungry today,” you chuckled down your few months old baby, “Just wait ‘till daddy gets back and hears that you have been eating the whole time. You’re gonna be a big girl, aren’t you sweetie, yes you are.” You smiled to the black haired girl whose brown eyes were staring at you while she ate, gums touching your gentle skin. “Boo?” Zayn’s voice asked when the bus’s door opened, making five laughing boys stumble in. You smiled when Zayn peaked his head through his bunks curtain, seeing your baby girl gripping your bare chest. “Oh,” he smirked blushing, making you giggle. “She’s been eating all that time you were out,” you smirked wondering, looking at the baby who was attached to your breast with all her power. Zayn chuckled before slipping in the bunk, keeping the curtain closed. “Zayn, it’s okay if they see, it’s natural and she eats so much that they see it at some point,” you smiled, but he just shook his head, kissing you gently, “What’s mine, is mine. I already share it with the baby and that’s enough, okay.”

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