One Direction ( pokemon)

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Niall: “Honey I’m home!” you called, closing the door with a quiet creek. You had been away with your friend a whole weekend, leaving Niall alone to your flat. “Babe!” Niall screamed, running from your living room, jumping to hug you before kissing you multiple times, “I missed ya so much.” He hugged you tightly, not letting go, inhaling your scent a while. He started to swing you back and forth making you smile. It was so hard to leave Niall even for couple days, but the comeback was always so sweet it made it worth it. “I missed you two baby,” you whispered, planting a small kiss to his neck. A while later Niall let you go, leading you to the couch where he snuggled you, rambling about everything what happened when you were gone. You smiled leaning your head to his chest, loving the feeling that you were home. “Babe, did ya bring me anything?” his voice was so hopeful it made you giggle against his shirt. “Maybe,” you teased, looking up to see how his blue eyes had widened with exaction. He was such a little boy sometimes. “Gimme, gimme, gimme!” he beamed bouncing up and down under you. You giggled nodding before you reached to your bag. “Eyes close Horan,” you warned, making him whine. Smiling, you took his snapback off his head, leaving the dirty blonde hair messy. You placed another snapback on his head, smiling when he opened his eyes. “A SNAPBACK?” he yelled happily before taking it to his hand squealing like kid in a Christmas morning.  “It has Squirtle in it!” he yelled happily, cheeks red and smile so wide it hurt. “It’s your favorite Pokémon, Horan,” you smiled, making him laugh before putting it back on. “Now I have somethin’ for you missy,” he smiled pecking your nose before kissing every part of your face making you giggle, “for thank you to my lovely lady.”

Zayn: “Do you need this?” you asked, lifting a small skiing boot, tossing it to his bed. He laughed, looking at you with his brown eyes, “What do you think?” You rolled your eyes, leaning to kiss his plump lips, giving him an answer he needed. “We can’t take everything to our new flat,” you whispered against his lips, when he smiled, pecking you again. “I know boo,” he murmured, running his hands on your sides, giving you chills. You smiled, reaching to stroke his hair when he leaned to kiss you again, his taste lingering your lips. “Only the ones we really need, right?” he whispered, gripping your waist to pull you closer. You hummed to the kiss, giving him your love. “Right,” you said, when he broke the kiss to gasp some air, “We need to get this thing done.” Zayn whined when you pulled away, disappearing to his closet. He sat to the bed, waiting you to throw things to him so he could put them to ‘yes’ and ‘no’ piles. You threw few comic books which Zayn put to the ‘yes’ pile with so much care you almost laughed. “How about this one?” you asked, passing a skateboard to him. His eyes widened, smile appearing to his stubbly face. “What?” you laughed, looking how he looked at the skateboard with such gentle eyes. “C’mere,” he murmured, patting the place next to him. You sat to his side, looking at the board what was just a normal one for you. “This is my first skateboard ever. Look, there’s a Charmander in it! It’s a Pokémon,” he said chuckling when he saw your questioning voice. “Oh,” you smiled, trailing your finger on top of the picture, “So this goes to the yes pile?” Zayn nodded, laughing to your obvious question. He looked at the board with a glowing expression, making you snort. “What?” he asked, looking at you confused. “You love that board as much as me, don’t you?” you chuckled, looking how his fingers gripped the edge like he was scared it would break to pieces in his hands. “Noo,” Zayn answered, looking at you a small smile playing on his face. “So you love it more?” you asked a bit hurt when he laughed again. “You’re crazy baby girl,” he giggled pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I love you more than anything.” You bite your lip, looking at his loving face. “More than Charmander?” you asked, feeling hopeful. “Thousand times more,” he chuckled pressing his nose to your skin, “I choose you, sweetheart. I always did, I always will.”

Harry: You smiled to your husband who was sitting in the livingroom looking at the television. His dark curls were messily pointing to every direction, making you want him even more. He felt your stare, turning to smirk at you. “Daddy!” your son screamed hitting Harry with his stuffed bear, making him laugh before he took his son to his arms, carrying him to his bedroom. You sat on the living room smiling when he almost ran to you, pinning you down, straddling you, and planting kisses all over you. “OW!” you whined, lifting your back gasping. You pulled handful of plastic Pokémon toys under your back, before throwing them aside. “MY POKEMONS!” a small voice screamed, making you look at the doorway where your son was standing in his Pokémon pajamas, looking at his toys horrified. “You almost broke Charmeleon! Where’s Rattata? Or Jigglypuff? MOM WHERE’S DIGLETT?” Harry sighed, resting his head on your shoulder when you wiggled under him, trying to get out of his grip. “I’m sorry love, mommy’s gonna help you look,” you sighed to your little son who was collecting his plastic toys to his small arms, holding his treasures. A blood curling scream left your son’s mouth when he saw Ivysaur under Harry’s bum. You looked at Harry, apologizing with your eyes. Harry groaned before getting up to help looking the lost Pokémons knowing that sooner you’d collect them, sooner he’d get you.

Louis: “Look, look what I got for you!” Louis sang happily running to the room where you were sitting, resting your aching feet. “I hope you got me a time machine so I could go back eight months and block that ‘I want a baby’ thing,” you moaned, trying to get comfortable, what was nearly impossible with your eight month pregnant belly. Louis chuckled sitting next to you, stroking your belly with his hand. “How’s my family today?” he asked, kissing your lips before planting one to your belly. “Exhausted, nauseous, sleepy and graving olives and peanut butter,” you answered with whining voice, closing your eyes when shooting nausea hit you again, “and I hope my amazing husband don’t get pissed of me when I’m all moody and whiny because I want this baby out like right now.” Louis chuckled, pressing a kiss to your cheek before rubbing your stomach with his cool hands. “You have every right to be,” he smiled sweetly, kissing you again, when you popped one eye open,“Did you say you got me something?” Louis laughed, nodding before pulling out a shirt, handing it to you. “No way,” you beamed, looking at the shirt with wide smile, “No fucking way.” Louis laughed, when he saw your shining smile. His blue eyes sparkled when he saw you happy again. You squealed when you pulled the white shirt on, seeing how a giant Pokémon ball covered your pregnant belly. “It’s like my own Poké Ball!” you said quietly, suddenly very teary. “It’s amazing, thanks love,” you sniffled, letting Louis chuckle before pulling you to his embrace. “Believe me love, this Pokémon will be worth the pain,” he whispered to your ear, stroking your hair gently, letting you feel his love for you. “I know,” you sniffled; turning to kiss his lips when his hands were on your belly, admiring the beach ball sized Poké Ball.

Liam: You laughed, snuggling your head to his warm chest. You were laying on his bed, under the covers just talking, telling secrets and confessing things to each other. “When I was four I borrowed Ruth’s Barbie’s dresses and put them to my Woody doll,” Liam confessed smiling, stroking your back with his fingers. You giggled, biting your lip before looking at your beautiful boyfriend whose brown eyes were full of love and adoration. “Uhm, when we started to date, I still slept with a stuffed animal…Well it was more like a stuffed Pokémon,” you said a small smile on your face when Liam let out a small laugh. “Yeah? What one? I always liked Blastoise. I always won with that Poke card,” he bragged, looking so proud that you started to laugh. “Yeah well my stuffed Pokémon was a Butterfree because when I was five I loved that Pokémon over anything,” you smiled, making Liam snort. “I should have known…typical answer for you… It was because it’s pretty butterfly, is it?” he teased, knowing how you loved everything girly and cute. You laughed, hitting his chest with your hand playfully before giving him a gentle kiss, “Maybe, but my best card was still Hypno, I would have won you!” He looked at you raising his eyebrows, “Is that a dare?” You giggled, standing up and running to your closet, before taking out a box where you kept your oldest, dearest toys you wouldn’t give away. With a smirk you pulled out a box where you had kept your Pokémon cards. Liam’s face lighted up before he cupped your face to his hands, kissing you passionately, “This is why I love you so damn much.” A minute later he had found his old cards and you were sitting in the bed wondering how lucky you were to have each other.

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