One Direction ( He thinks you're lying, but you're not )

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Harry: You sighed in pain, when new contraction hit you. After an hour, they were getting worse every time. Harry was standing in the kitchen, eyes full of anger and tiredness; he was having a bad day, and he was taking it on you. "Seriously Y/N, it's like you're dying or something! You won't leave the house! You just sit here and watch TV!" his voice was so loud, that your small whimpers didn't catch his ears. You clutched the chair frame on your hand, closing your eyes, hoping that he'd be done soon, so you could tell him about your pain. He was so angry, his neck veins popped out, and his eyes turned in to dark green, instead of his own sparkly stars. "Harry," you whimpered, after awful contraction. "WHAT?" he yelled, running his hand through his hair. "I-I think I'm in labor," you answered, voice shaking under the pain. He rolled his eyes, turning around, before heading to living room. "Whatever Y/N, that's not gonna stop us going out today," he said when you groaned, tears building to your eyes, "I'll be in living room, when you have something to say." You looked at him, unbelievable, he was so stubborn sometimes..."HARRY EDWARD STYLES!" you yelled, making him turn around. With that, your water broke, making a puddle to your grey sweatpants. Harry's eyes grew wide. "A-are you serious?" his voice was suddenly panicked. "Yes I am, you idiot!" you cried, when another contraction hit you, making you whine in pain. "Oh my god, I'm so so sorry kitten! I'm such a jerk! Let's go! Let's go have our baby!" he grabbed you to his arms, carrying you to his car. He stayed with you the whole time, gripping your hand, and whispering nothings to your ear, before apologizing with words and kisses.

 Liam: His eyes traveled around your body, when you woke up, to the morning light. He smirked to you, moving few hairs off your face, before kissing your lips gently. You smiled, snuggling to his bare chest, before leaving a kiss to his collarbone. Every touch he gave to you, every time he looked in to your eyes, it made you feel dizzy. He made you feel special, time after time. "Hi love," you whispered, voice raspy, after long sleep. He smiled when his cold fingertips traveled down to your spine, leaving goose bumps behind. He ran his hands on your sides; eyes closed and smile on his beautiful face. Everything was so quiet; you could feel his steady heartbeat lulling you back to drift sleep. "You're so beautiful," he whispered to your hair, making you open your eyes immediately. A small smile creep on your face; no one had never said that to you. He looked at you, smiling, when he saw small tears in your eyes. You smiled at him happily, enjoying, that someone thought that you were beautiful. "What?" he whispered, suddenly getting worried, when he whipped few escaped tears off your cheek. You shook your head, looking down at his chest. "That was the first time, someone called me beautiful," you said a bit embarrassed. Liam burst in to laughter looking at you. You looked at him in disbelief, was he lying? Your eyes filled with tears again, when you sat up, trying to leave him alone. He stopped laughing, gripping your hand, when he saw your tears. "Y-you're serious? No one has ever said that to you?" his voice was shaking a little. You nodded, looking down to your bedcovers, when you felt the bed drifted, and suddenly he was hugging you, letting you cry to his bare chest. He held you tightly, stroking your hair. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I just couldn't believe that someone as beautiful as you..," his voice broke, before he kissed your forehead, "You're the most beautiful girl in the world. So beautiful... Everything in you is so perfect it's scary. Don't cry Y/N, you're so beautiful."

Louis: He laughed, chasing after you, when you ran, trying to escape his tickles. "I'm gonna get you Y/N!" he yelled laughing, chasing you around the living room. His cheeks were red after all the running, but his eyes were sparkling mischievously, like always when you had tickle fights. You hide behind your couch, trying not to giggle, when he walked past it, without noticing you. You smiled; catching your breath so you could ran when he'd notice you... You loved to play tickle fight with Louis. It was so spontaneous and so funny. You could both act like kids around each other, letting all the stress out. "Boo!" Louis screamed near you, spotting you from your hide place. You screamed and giggled, when you stood up, running away his touch. Before you could notice, you had bumped in to your kitchen table. You whined, shooting pain bursting through your hip. Taking a shaky breath, you rubbed your sore spot with your palm. "HEY!" Louis called, running next to you, pulling you down so he could tickle. His fingers ran through your body, only making you squirm, because of the pain in your hip. "LOUIS!" you yelled, but he just laughed, tickling even more, "Louis stop, I'm hurt!" He shook his head, brown hair messily whipped aside when he laughed, "I'm not gonna let you win Y/N!" You looked at him, tears running through your cheeks, landing to your messy hair. Louis took a while, before noticing your tightly closed eyes and tears. He stopped tickling and looked at you worried, "You're serious." You nodded, before opening your eyes. You rolled your shirt up, seeing a large pink bruise on your hip. Louis sighed, kissing the bruise lightly. His cold lips made the pain away for a while. He looked to you, cuddling to your side. "We need to find the security word," he sighed, "I don't want to hurt you, ever again."

 Zayn: You smiled, setting down the candles. You had been working all day, for making him special dinner. Singing to yourself, you walked to the bath room, to curl your hair before he would be home. It was your three year anniversary and you had been excited. You had loved him so long, and your relationship was getting stronger and stronger day after day. Finishing your hair, you heard the door closing and Zayn walked in. He left his leather jacket to the lobby, not even looking at you, when he left you alone. You heard him opening TV, when his favorite series was on. You sighed, annoyed. At least he could wish happy anniversary... You followed him to the living room, where he sat, brown eyes on the screen. "Zayn," you said looking at him but he just stared the screen. "Go away Y/N, I'm tired, "he groaned, pulling a pillow under his head, "This day was horrible. Go away." You looked at him, mad and disappointed. He forgot...How he could forget... "Fine," you snapped, looking at his dark eyes, "I'll just spend our anniversary dinner alone." He snored, eyes still on the screen, "Our anniversary is March 14th." You looked at him, not believing what he was saying. You pressed your hands to your tights, storming out of the room. "ZAYN!" you yelled angrily, turning around your heels, looking at his angry figure, "It's March 14th." He snorted again, shaking his head before taking his phone, "No it's not! It's..," his voice faded away, before he jumped out of the couch, running next to you. He pulled you to a deep, passionate kiss. "I'm so sorry!" he said, eyes full of tears, "I just have been so stressed lately..." You nodded, cutting him off with another kiss. "Just come to eat with me," you said, before leading him to your kitchen.

 Niall: You sighed sleepily before pulling the car door closed. His words were burning in your mind, making you roll your eyes. "But I want chicken, now..," he had pleaded you with his big blue eyes, making you storm out the room. He was just a big baby sometimes... You started your car, driving towards the only 24hours drive through. You stopped to the red light, before someone hit you. A car crashed to your side, making your airbags go off. The other car didn't stop. The driver drove away, leaving you alone. You drove to the hospital by yourself. It wasn't far away and only your wrist hurt. When a doctor was putting it to a cast, you gripped your phone to call Niall. "Yea," his voice answered, his mouth was full of something again..."Ni, I'm in the hospital...I was in a car crash," you started, hoping that he would be by your said already. He laughed a bit, making you raise your eyebrows. "That's good one princess," he said making your heart drop, "Could you ask if they have grilled chicken?" You were silent for a moment, tears rolling down your cheek, "Ni...I'm really in the hospital..." You heard a loud noise, when he stood up, chopping down your snacks, "Seriously?" You chuckled through your tears, "Yes dummy." He took a deep breath, "I'll be there in ten minutes princess, don't worry." After ten minutes, he was by your side, kissing your lips constantly. "I'm such an ass, my princess was in trouble and I didn't believe her," he mumbled kissing you once again. "It's okay Niall, I still love you," you teased before pecking his lips.

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