One Direction ( premature babies )

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Harry: “Hi baby girl,” he whispered, looking at his daughter, tears in his eyes. She was hooked to many tubes, small body fighting against the big world. She was so tiny, Harry could easily take her to his hand. “You scared me and mommy today,” he whispered, sliding his finger to the incubator to stroke his tiny girl’s cheek. She whimpered quietly, making Harry’s tears roll down his cheeks. “The doctors said you have a good chance to get better. You’re going to be just fine baby girl, daddy promises you!” A small finger grabbed a big one, squeezing it with all the strength, making Harry’s dimples appear when he smiled. She was only wearing a diaper what was clearly over-sized even when it was the smallest size. Harry looked at her, eyes wondering at her small figure, thinking how he had anything to do with such a perfect creature. “You’re such a strong little girl, you’re daddy’s fighter. I love you baby, I love you so much and daddy’s going to keep you safe.”

Louis: He pressed his small baby’s body against his skin. He had done a research, knowing that his son would need every support and help he could possibly get. Louis’ shirt was off, toned chest rising slowly when he crawled his son against his warm chest. “Hi buddy, it’s okay,” he whispered, stroking little boy’s small hair, “Daddy is here, mommy is in the other room, napping but she’ll be here soon. Don’t worry baby boy, daddy got you!” Small whine left his son’s little lips when he kicked his small feet. He was so tiny against Louis’ chest. He was tiny and facing the world too early but he still had Louis’ eyes. Small grump left his tiny pink lips, making Louis tear up a bit. He looked down to his son, who was a fighter. Against all the expectation he was there, opening his small eyes to look up to his father, telling that he’d be fine soon, able to play soccer and laugh. Just like Louis had dreamed.

Liam: The minute she was born, they took her away. Liam followed her in a minute, first making sure you were okay. You wanted him to go, to see your little, tiny girl, who was entering her life way too early. Liam stared at the small figure in front of him. She was smaller than any doll, tiny chest rising when she screamed, giving every small voice what was left in her lungs. The love Liam felt was unbelievable compared to the small baby he saw. She was perfect. Even when she was smaller than anyone Liam had ever seen she was beyond perfect. “She has your nose, love,” Liam sighed, tears rolling down his cheek when he spoke to you across the room, “She is so beautiful. So absolutely perfect and beautiful. I can’t even describe her darling, but we did good.” He stared the small baby who was now hooked to different kind of tubes. They helped her to breathe, Liam knew it, but he still wanted to take them off, to see his daughter in her pure beauty. “She is a strong one,” doctor said,”She will be just fine when we get her a little more weight. “ Liam nodded proudly, still staring at the little girl, “Can I hold her?”

Zayn: He sat in the waiting room, head on his hands, when he prayed with all his power. You were sleeping, and the nurse told that you’d better be alone for a second, with no interruptions, but all Zayn could feel was emptiness.  His little girl was on the surgery, fighting for her life what had just given to her… Tears rolled down his cheeks when he waited, replaying the events over and over again in his head. He remembered the moment when your water broke, way too early. He remembered the scare in your eyes. Lastly he remembered how the miracle had appeared to his life and then taken away, way too fast. They had to make sure that she was okay, but Zayn was miserable. “Mr. Malik?” Doctor asked, making him stood straight up, “Your daughter’s operation was a success. She’s breathing on her own now, do you want to meet her?” A minute later Zayn held her up, crying happy tears, whispering nothings to her ear, “I’m here to protect you my little princess, daddy’s here now, no need to worry. I love you baby girl. To the moon and back.”

Niall: He looked at the two little boys who were tugged in to car seats safely. His big hands checked every clip and lock what was in the seat, over and over again, making sure his boys were safe. “Are ya’ sure they’re okay?” Niall asked voice trembling when he looked at the tiny twins who were sleeping peacefully. “They are just fine Mr. Horan,” Doctor promised, smiling a little when he noticed your husband’s nervousness. After many months, you were finally able to take the boys home. Niall had been extra careful the whole day, afraid he’d break the babies who were almost able to sleep in his snapback. “With those eating skills they’ll be normal sized in few months,” you joked, making Niall laugh nervously, before he leaned to check the car seats again. He kissed both of your son’s foreheads, making them groan in their sleep. “Okay buddies, time to go home. Don’t worry, daddy will drive slowly. You just relax and be safe…And of course try to resist your mom’s boobs until we’re home. Okay lil’ buddies, let’s go!”

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