Chapter 4 - Big Distractions

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***Bea's POV

I sat in my desk before the tardy bell, watching the other students rush in our first period English class.

I was anxious. Harry didn't mention anything about our date since he asked me out on Wednesday.

Maybe he forgot. Not surprised. It's just me.

A burst of laughter at the doorway caught everyone's attention.

"Yeah, I just wish you were my receiver for the game, mate," Victor tossed the football to Harry. "You quitting really screwed us all."

Ms. Workman called Victor's name.

"Watch the language."

Victor had a foul mouth on him almost every time I heard him speak, far worse than just then.

He leaned into Harry's shoulder and spanked his bum. Harry nodded and gave him back the football.

I straightened my homework folder to turn in and Harry walked down the aisle to sit behind me.

Okay, he forgot. No biggie. I'll just curl up on the couch with my crunchy PB and watch 'So Goes My Love.'

I always thought that if I had a tenth of Myrna Loy's beauty, I would be somewhat pretty and maybe have at least one boy be interested in me.

But nope.

I sunk into my desk, playing with the charm on my necklace. And I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Bea."

My necklace dropped to my chest and I turned around, considering class hadn't technically started.

I swallowed my nerves. He was, after all, very attractive.

"Yes, Harry?"

"So," he smiled and his dimples popped, "pick you up at seven?"

I couldn't believe it. Our school's most attractive and popular guy, who actually had a brain, remembered our date.

I snapped out of my fog with the woosh of Harry's hand waving in front of me.

Harry raised one eyebrow, anticipating my answer.

"Yes, seven is fine," I couldn't control my smile. "You still remember where I live?"

"Yeah," he pressed his eyebrows together, "I've got it."

I turned back around and Victor and Heather, the school's most sexually active couple, were laughing.

And my smile faded.

Class dragged on but we were entertained by Ms. Workman admonishing Derek.

He wasn't paying attention when he was called on and he answered, "Uh, Shakespeare?" The class erupted in laughter. Derek wasn't laughing when he was called up to her desk after class.

Then the bell rang.

I started to walk out when Harry walked up beside me and smiled at me. And I couldn't help but smile back.

We didn't say anything. I thought it was like our own little "moment." I was convinced more than ever that he really wanted to go on the date with me.

I tried to focus on Dr. Young's lecture on the Atomic Theory, at the same time visualizing my closet.

Crap. I have nothing to wear.

The bell rang, closing the door to my virtual closet and I made my way to Speech.

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