Chapter 29 - Shattered

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A/N: Strong Language Below.

***Last Day of Finals Week
***Bea's POV

"We've got this, Love," Harry squeezed my hand just before we walked up to the classroom. "It's just you and me."

"Yeah," I smiled at him and my nerves went away, "you and me."

Harry and I walked up to the front of the classroom and five-and-a-half minutes later, the class applauded.

Mr. Sullivan wrote his marks in his notebook as we made our way to our seats.

I let out a relieved breath. I was happy to have the nerve-wracking task of speaking in front of the class done. Public speaking never appealed to me and my sweaty palms proved it.

"Everyone did a fantastic job," Mr. Sullivan began. "While you all are enjoying your Winter break, I will be reviewing your presentations. Grades will be posted sometime next Friday. My gift to you is to let you guys out before the bell. Have a great break and we'll see you next year."

I turned around in my desk.

"Can you believe it, Harry? We're half-way to graduation!"

"Let's celebrate!" he got up from his desk and took my hand. "How about we go to lunch?"

"Great idea, Babe," I smiled as I stood up and entangled our fingers, "I'm hungry."

As Harry and I walked down the hallway the last time for that semester, I swung our hands. I smiled up at Harry and he smirked at me.

He loves corny. He just won't admit it.

It was the day after we made love for the first time and it wasn't awkward or embarrassing.

Harry loved me.

I went to bed that night wearing his t-shirt and breathing in his scent. Just as I was about to cry, my phone rang. It was him. He said he could still smell my perfume in his bed and he missed me. We talked and laughed until I could barely keep awake and the last thing I remembered him saying was that he loved me.

"And you were right, Love," Harry bumped his arm into mine as we rounded the corner to the lockers.

"I know. About what?"

He rolled his eyes into a smile.

"It wouldn't have made sense with the part I wanted to add."

The woman is always right, Harry.

I smiled and playfully bumped into his side.

Four months had passed since Harry and I were partnered in Speech. I didn't even want to think how different my life would've been had that not happened.

Yes, Harry was my first boyfriend.
Yes, he was my first love.
Yes, he drove me crazy sometimes, but I loved all of him. The good, the not-so-good and the wonderful.

Because Harry loved me just the same.

As we made our way down the hall, I could feel my cheeks blush. I had finished a whole water bottle during class. I needed to go.

"I need to use the ladies' room before we leave, Babe."

"Okay, Love," Harry pulled me into a hug, "I'll be at my locker. I haven't emptied it out yet, so meet me there."

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