Chapter 19 - Big Obstacle

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***Next Day
***Bea's POV

I yawned, taking in a full breath and rubbed my eyes. I sighed. I felt good. Turning to lay on my side, my body jerked and I sat up. The warm throw fell from my shoulders to my lap in my quick motion. And it felt like I had done a thousand crunches.

Then, the event from the previous night rushed to my memory. I looked over and Harry's seat was still reclined but he wasn't there.

My heart pounded.

I looked to my right and saw Harry sleeping in the chaise lounge.

I let out a sigh of relief, knowing he didn't leave me during the night.

His arms were crossed on top of his stomach, his long legs were outstretched on the ottoman and quiet snores emitted from his nose and mouth periodically.

I covered Harry's exposed arms with the throw.

Good morning, Harry.

My heart fluttered as I watched him take in a deep breath then pausing his snores for a second. His hand slowly emerged from the top of the throw, scratched his chest and he started snoring again. I smiled to myself as I imagined Harry serenading me with his snores every night.

The butterflies that lived in my stomach had long since flown to my heart.

Because I had fallen in love with Harry.

I knew I loved him from our date at the pier.

Having never been in a relationship before, I didn't know the right time to tell him. How soon was too soon? And would he have even said it back?

After a quick shower, I dressed in my comfy sweats but I still wore Harry's t-shirt that he gave me. I knew we wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

I tidied up my bathroom, knowing Harry would use it when he woke up. I placed a new toothbrush on the counter for Harry and I giggled.

I can't wait for his reaction.

After drying my hair and letting it fall naturally, I decided not to put on make-up. I smiled confidently in the mirror knowing Harry cared so much for me.

I walked into the kitchen and just as I put the tea kettle on the stove, a deep, raspy voice greeted me.

"Good morning, Bea."

I smiled and turned around to see Harry walking towards me, taking in a stick of gum and stretching.

How can he look that good right after waking up? Not fair.

I smiled anyway.

"Good morning, Harry."

"Did you sleep well?" he wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me in a hug.

I hummed in answer with my temple pressed to his chest.

"Did you?"

"Um," he stood back up, rubbing his neck. "Best night's sleep ever."

"You couldn't have been that comfortable. Why didn't you sleep in the guest bedroom?"

"You have a guest bedroom?"

I nodded, trying not to laugh.

"Oh well," he shrugged. "It was still the best night's sleep."

I smiled, tilting my chin up so my boyfriend could kiss me. His index finger traced my bangs over, skimming behind my ear. A sharply inhaled breath cooled my lungs and I felt my stomach contract its sore muscles.

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