Chapter 16 - Results

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***Harry's POV

I waited until the last possible minute to text Bea. I had to let her know I wouldn't be in our morning classes, but I was not going to tell her the exact reason over the text. I'm not that clueless.

While I ate breakfast, I thought of the wording for the text message. The last thing I wanted to do was make her worry.

I didn't really come up with anything good. I looked at the clock.


I had to hurry. I still needed to change.

As the time drew closer for me to leave for my appointment, I finally worked up the nerve to text her.

It's now or never, mate.

"Hey, Bea. I'll be late to school. Should be back before Speech. Have a routine dr. appt. No worries."

I lied.

It wasn't routine and I was worried. I would tell her the reason at a later time and not over a text.

I opened the front door to leave when she texted back.

"Oh, ok. Hope it goes well. See you then."

With that settled for the moment, I left for my appointment.

I arrived at the medical complex and met my mum in the parking lot. We planned to meet there since she had to drop off some mortgage papers for a client earlier.

Other than a greeting, we didn't say much walking in. The reason for the visit weighed heavy on us both.

I signed my name in and sat next to my mum. While I couldn't stop fidgeting, she held onto her purse with both arms staring at the carpet.

I was a fucking mess inside but I told myself I had to be strong for my mum. My initial breakdown had to be the only one.

"It's probably nothing, Mum," I leaned over the armrest.

"Probably," she smiled, patting my knee.

I made myself comfortable in the uncomfortable chair, wanting to take my mind off what was uncertain.

I held my phone, scrolling through Bea's and my texts. I laughed to myself at her first text she sent when we exchanged numbers:

"Hey, Harry. It's me - Bea."

Hi, Bea.

"Harry, you can come back now."

A perky voice cut short my momentary escape from the living hell I was in. I looked up and Julie stood at the door, waiting. I put my phone in my pocket and my mum and I walked back.

"You'll be in room six today, Harry," Julie smiled, holding the door open.

She led us to the room and I hoisted myself up on the bed. The crackling paper solidified that I would soon find out my results.

Julie took my vitals, making the notations in my chart all the while bringing up the damn weather and the latest episode of the popular Wednesday night television show.

My mum was friendlier than I, conversing with her even though she didn't watch the show.

"Okay, Dr. Coleman will be with you shortly."

Julie shut the door behind her and I glanced over at my mum. She sat in the chair off to the side, humming some tune like she was trying to distract herself.

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