Chapter 26 - 3,000 Miles

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A/N: Explicit Sexual Content Below. You're welcome. ;)

***Bea's POV

I laid in my bed reading an English assignment for Monday's test. Even though it was still considered Thanksgiving break, I couldn't chance falling behind. English was my most difficult and challenging subject.

Just when I was about to get frustrated, my lights flickered on and off a couple times.

"Hey, Mom," I plucked out my earbuds.

"This came in the mail for you," she smiled and walked over to me.

"Is that?" I sat up. "Is that the info packet?"

She nodded and smiled even bigger.

I ripped open the envelope stamped with a New York postmark. I stared in awe at the brochure for the music college I knew I wanted to attend since freshman year.

"I'm so proud of you, Beatrice."

"For what?"

"For realizing that music is your future," she collected the shredded pieces of envelope. "Honey, I was worried you were throwing away your talent."

I nodded, opening the brochure.

She was right.

My mom made an "um" sound.

"What?" I closed the brochure using my finger as a bookmark. "What is it?"

"It's just, I'm happy for you, Beatrice. I need to go start on my floor plans now."

"Is that all?"

She nodded and went downstairs.

I figured it was because the school was so far away and she didn't want to think about me leaving.

Then it hit me.

I would have to say goodbye to not only my parents, but Harry.

How in the world could I tell the boy who I was in love with goodbye before leaving three thousand miles? We were less than a half an hour away from each other and I had a hard time saying goodbye then.

But I quickly brought myself out that depressing thought. I realized I wouldn't even be accepted into the school. I wasn't all that talented.

I tossed the brochure on my desk in defeat and my phone chimed.

And I smiled again.

"Hey, Baby. Would you like to come over? My mum and sis are having a girl's day out. ;)"

"Hi, Babe. study! :p What time?"

"If I had a time machine, I'd let you use it so you could get here sooner."

I smiled and shook my head. His text didn't make sense at all yet it made me go "aw."

"Lol you cornball. If I'm with you for you to give me the machine, why would I need to use it? You are too cute. Time?"

"Yeah, yeah. You know you swooned, even if it was rubbish. And I caught the 'to study' part. ;) Just get here when you can, Baby."

I rolled my eyes into a smile. I had such a cute boyfriend.

I changed my clothes, fixed my hair and sprayed on perfume. I went to put my Speech manual in my backpack and the brochure got my attention.

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