Chapter 27 - Five Days

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***Harry's POV

Christmas was a couple of weeks away and it would be our first one together. I had known since before Thanksgiving what I wanted to get Bea. I didn't quit have enough, so I begged my mum for opportunities around the house to earn extra money.

Bea didn't give any hints on what she wanted and I knew she would never ask.

But I knew.

I went to the mall since I thought that would be the best place to find what I had in mind. And it was. I found all five gifts I wanted to get her.

I came up with a brill idea to make it a series of gifts with one gift a day for the week of finals. She was stressing about her finals and I wanted to ease her nerves.

As I wrapped them in festive paper I knew Bea would like, I imagined her beautiful face when she would open them. Her grateful spirit was infectious and I loved doing little things for her.

I secured the corner with a small piece of tape on the last present when my phone chimed.

I couldn't help but smile because it was a text form my girl.

"Hey Babe, I miss you."

It didn't take me but a split second to reply with a smile.

"Not as much as I miss you, Baby."

I put the presents on my desk but I held onto the first one. I couldn't wait. I wanted that day to be the first day and I didn't know why.

I called my girl.

"Hey, Harry! I was just texting you. That's funny."

"Yeah, that is funny. Hey, do you want to hang out, Bea?"

"Right now? We have to study for our finals, Babe."

"I know, but uh, I have something for you."

"Oh, um. Okay, sure. Is everything alright?"

I heard a bit of shuffling through the receiver and then a thud.

"Yeah, it's fine, but what-, what are you doing, Bea?"

"I'm getting, dressed -ooof- to see you."

"You are too cute, Baby. I can be there in twenty."

"I'll be ready!"

"Okay. Bye, Baby."

"Bye, Babe."

I heard Bea give a kiss into the receiver then the three beeps.

I smiled to myself as I put the present and my Speech manual in my backpack.

And I got ready to go see my girl.***

"Mum?" I walked down the hall to the living room. "Oh, there you are. I'm going to Bea's just for an hour or two."

"You're being smart about studying for your finals, right?" she looked up from her laptop on her lap.

Maybe that's where they got the name?

"Of course," I shrugged as I got my keys out. "In fact, we'll probably study and practice our presentation, knowing Bea."

"Okay, drive safely. Love you much."

"I will," I kissed her cheek. "Love you too, Mum."***

I rang the doorbell, exhaled a deep breath and looked up.

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