Chapter 11 - No Big Deal

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***Bea's POV

The week absolutely couldn't have gone by any slower with my anticipation for Friday night. I may have had a few tests, a couple quizzes and my paycheck was proof I did actually go to work.

But what I remembered vividly was having lunch with Harry every day, passing notes and texting back and forth.

I enjoyed his company and I guess he enjoyed mine, otherwise he wouldn't have wasted his time with me.

As I walked out of History, Harry walked up right beside me.

"Hey there," he smiled.

"Hey back," I gave him an equally happy smile.

An awkward couple of seconds passed.

"I'm headed to my locker if-?" I shrugged my shoulders.

Harry smiled and we walked to our lockers. I switched out my books and he leaned against the lockers next to mine.

"So this thing that I'm taking you to tonight starts at seven," he examined his fingernails. "So I should pick you up about six."

He looked pretty sure of himself.

"And how far is this 'thing' you're taking me to, Harry?"

"Only ten minutes away," he turned serious, "but I want to apologize to your parents. I'm sure they hate my guts for what I did."

"Oh, Harry, you really don't-"

I was forcefully bumped into my locker and Harry placed his hands on my arms to help steady my balance.

"Hey, Poindexter! Watch where you're going."

"You did that on purpose, Victor," Harry pointed his finger. "Apologize to her!"

Harry's demeanor changed so quickly it scared me.

Victor stood there and took out the straw he was chewing on.

"Naw, man," he stepped closer. "I bet you wouldn't want me to accidentally say something else, would you?"

Harry looked like he was holding back a verbal attack on Victor.

"Vic, you need to walk away. Now."

Victor looked at me from head to toe, huffed a disgusted laugh at Harry and walked away.

I was completely confused. I even second guessed going on the date with Harry after seeing his short-fused menacing side.

"What was that about, Harry?"

He made sure Victor left the building completely then he turned back around to me.

"He's just mad at me," he shrugged a shoulder.

"Oh," I nodded. "Well, it seems like Victor would be mad at you even if you'd give him a hundred bucks."


"Yeah, like even if you would do something nice for him, he'd still be mad at you."

Harry let out his breath in an "oh," rubbing the back of his neck. He wasn't really acting like himself.

"Harry, are you okay? We don't have to go on our date tonight if you don't want to."

"What? No, I'm fine, really. I don't want to cancel. Unless you don't want to go. In that case I have to find someone else to go fly fishing with."

I laughed so loud I had to cover my mouth as it echoed down the hallway. Harry seemed back to normal with his quick humor.

He's funny.

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