Chapter One

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An old man was stumbling up the empty desolate street that was Spinner's End. He was a peculiar sight, what with his long ,shimmering hair and matching greying beard he tucked into his belt. Hanging off his thin frame was a loose, baggy robe scattered with dozens of stars and perched on the end of his long, crooked nose was a pair of half-moon spectacles.

"Severus?" He reached a dilapidated terraced house on the edge of the street. The heavy black curtains were pulled closed across the filthy windows, bricks were crumbling before the man's eyes and even the door was falling apart. He rapped his knuckles against the peeling wood and waited for a few seconds before knocking again. His placid expression turned worried and he knocked again. And again. And again.

After numerous bouts of knocking the door gently swung open, revealing a tall, broad man whose long black hair was covering his young face. A slight dash of stubble was peppered across his pale cheeks and he scratched at it absentmindedly, deep obsidian eyes staring beedily at the man at the door.

"Ah, Severus. I was beginning to think you weren't in." He beamed merrily. His smile never faltered, even when he saw the dark bags lining the man's adolescent skin and the increasing amount of frown lines etched onto his forehead.

"What do you want, Dumbledore?" He growled, voice deep and husky. "If you can't see, I'm rather busy." He gestured with his hand further down the corridor to where a lone door stood open. Through which a woman in her early twenties was clearly visible, sitting in an armchair and studying a book laboriously. Dumbledore chuckled as she lifted her gaze from the page and fixed him with a fierce scowl.

"I do hope you're pleased with yourself!" She shouted, throwing the book onto the coffee table and striding to the door wearing something that looked suspiciously like a toned down victorian crinoline dress. "Making me live with this insufferable man." She swapped her anger from Dumbledore and onto Severus, her piercing green eyes narrowing. He gave her just as dirty a look back.

"Now, now Florence. I'm sure Severus isn't that bad." He soothed. The woman presumably called Florence raised one eyebrow, gave an exasperated sigh then stepped past them both and into the deserted street, long chestnut coloured hair trailing behind her as she stomped down the road in a pair of ludicrously high heeled black boots.

"Have a nice day dear!" Severus shouted sarcastically after her retreating figure. Florence turned on the spot, made a rather rude gesture, then disapperated. Severus glowered at the place where she had disappeared before giving a chuckling Dumbledore a withering look.

"You act like an old married couple Severus." Dumbledore laughed, clapping him around the back causing him to scowl even more fiercely.

"If you wouldn't mind getting whatever this is over with, I need to clear up before she gets back and makes ten times more mess."

"Of course, of course. If I could come in..." Severus nodded reluctantly and held the door open to let the man inside his small neglected house. Dumbledore smiled as he passed and walked merrily down the dingy corridor, not even glancing at the mould growing in the corner or the damp patch on the ceiling.

"I see she has made herself at home then." Dumbledore murmured, eyes settling on pile after pile of Florence's belongings that littered the usually immaculate study. With a flick of the wand Severus tidied them up and had them soaring through the air, towards Florence's room. He shot a burst of crackling blue flame into the empty hearth, bathing the room instantly in an eerie sapphire glow.

"What was it you wanted Headmaster?" Severus asked, more respect in his voice now that Florence was no longer in sight.

"You remember why Florence is living with you?" Dumbledore inquired, perching in a worn black armchair only after having removed one of Florence's undergarments from the seat. Pulling a cup of tea from thin air he sipped it thoughtfully as he watched Severus take the chair opposite him, closest to the fire.

"I am tutoring her in the art of potions." He replied in an aggravated tone as Dumbledore pulled another piece of Florence's clothing from underneath him and giving him a searching look. Realising exactly what the Professor must be thinking, Severus became flustered. "Sorry Headmaster, It's not what it looks like, she was going through her suitcase down here and looking for a textbook-"

"It's quite alright Severus. Please forgive me for jumping to such conclusions, but it's such an easy mistake to be made what with the compatibility between you." Severus gave him a fierce stare, looking far more menacing as the flickering flames had thrown shadow over his face, accentuating his dark eyes.

"I can assure you headmaster that I wouldn't go near her if she was the last woman on earth." He growled. Dumbledore gave him a look to signify that he was not so sure before taking another sip of his tea. After he drank a mouthful of the scolding liquid he peered at Severus over the top of his half-moon spectacles.

"Back to the matter at hand, I think. Do you know why Miss Felicis is being taught such advance potions, way beyond the skill of any N.E.W.T level student?" Severus shook his head, getting increasingly worried. "No? Well, Miss Felicis is to be trained as a Professor of Potions." He choked on the tea he had conjured for himself but Dumbledore gestured for him to let him finish. "Florence is to be a teacher at Hogwarts."

The realisation sunk in and Severus sat frowning profusely, mulling it all over in his head. Dumbledore had finished his tea and slipped the empty teacup into a pocket on the inside of his robe. Sitting back in the armchair he allowed the gentle lulling warmth of the fire wash over him.

"You mean to say that I have been training my REPLACEMENT?" Severus yelled incredulously, throwing his cup to the floor where it didn't smash but rolled under the armchair, spilling tea everywhere. Dumbledore smiled slightly.

"Severus, please, do you honestly think I would-"

"Be so idiotic? That girl is a brainless airhead who wouldn't know a potion if it hit her in the face, and yet you are giving her my job? What will I do instead? I can hardly afford to keep the house as it is, are you just willing to throw me out on the streets like some common muggle."

"Calm down Severus, you know I would do no such thing."

"You know what? I'm going to leave with some dignity. I quit, I don't want to be thrown from by job by some child."

"Severus, you aren't quitting." Dumbledore shouted over him, shining blue eyes reflecting the dancing flames and giving him a touch of madness. "Florence is not to be your replacement either."

"But you just said-"

"I'm well aware of what I just said, thank you Severus. Florence is going to be teaching Potions but she can only do so by being your apprentice. I will not have a member of my staff thrown into the street. Seeing as you have been living together for three weeks already, I am sure that spending the school year together won't be a problem." Dumbledore pressed his fingertips together and stared at Severus whose lip was curled with disgust.


"I'm afraid it has already been decided Severus." Dumbledore said calmly, pulling himself to his feet and gliding from the room. When he reached the door he turned back and stared at Severus. "You still need to tell Florence. Thanks for the tea by the way." And with that he was gone, only the reverberations of the slamming door proof that he was even there at all.

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