Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to The real Destiny. Just as bubbly, twice as annoying. X

Chapter Four

"Get your hands off her!" Severus collapsed to the floor when the tall, impeccably dressed man punched him squarely in the jaw. It probably hurt more because of the metal rings encasing his pale fingers that happened to collide directly with the bone. The compacted, glistening snow began to slowly creep a bright crimson as Severus clutched a hand to his mouth, trying to staunch the blood flow from his split lip. Lucius spat on him before sneering angrily. "I can't believe you!" He kicked Severus in the side, causing him to writhe in agony. He spat out  a gobule of blood and looked up at his friend, a grim expression on his face.

"What, might I ask, was that for?" He growled, getting unsteadily to his feet and clutching his wand tightly behind his back.

"You know what." Lucius hissed, gripping Severus roughly by the collar and bringing him to eye level. "Putting your hands all over her like that. You disgust me." Severus laughed, an oddly chilling sound that was muffled by the heavy blood flow dribbling inside his mouth and down his throat.

"You're exaggerating." He smirked, looking over Lucius' shoulder to a very ashen faced Destiny. Her pale pink coat was rumpled and hanging from her shoulders, causing her to shiver as the early December wind stung her bare flesh. Long tendrils of golden hair spiraled from beneath her sparkly silver hat that she was quick to readjust, just to give her something to do other than feel guilty.

"Am I?" Lucius growled, releasing Severus' collar only to throw him to the floor. Passers by gave them strange looks and hurried past, not wanting to be caught up in the turmoil. After all, they had only come out for a spot of early Christmas shopping. "Destiny, come here." His voice turned softer as he turned and beckoned for her with one free hand. In the other he was clutching a crumpled white rose.

"What did I just  witness?" He asked her. Destiny merely looked at him, pale blue eyes glimmering in the watery light of the evening streetlamps. It didn't seem to matter to Lucius that she didn't answer as he just grabbed her by the arm and pulled her beside him. "I saw you, getting close with him, and I want to know why."

"I-I don't know." Destiny mumbled, staring deeply into his eyes as she fiddled distractedly with the hem of her dress. "We weren't doing anything Lucius. I promise you." His mouth flickered into a distant smile.

"Lucius, get over yourself. You only saw what you wanted to see, you've always been like this. It was just an excuse to show off in front of her." Severus grumbled causing Lucius to scowl profusely in his direction. He had pulled himself from the floor a second time, cloak damp with melted snow, and was holding his wand firmly by his side. He wasn't taking any more chances, Lucius wasn't going to touch him again. Lucius dropped the rose that fluttered soundlessly to the floor, landing delicately in a pile of light snow. His hand was curling around his own wand, but something stopped him.

Destiny placed a hand on his arm, stepping closer in an attempt to calm him down. His gaze wondered from her dainty hand and to her face, taking in the placid expression with a hint of something else. His eyebrows furrowed and he stared at her hand again.

"Nothing happened Lucius." She murmured. He blinked, seemingly confused as to believe her or not. "I promise you." She crouched down and picked up the slightly crumpled flower, still holding onto his arm with the other. "I know it was you who sent me the flowers." She whispered and he smiled slightly.

"How did you guess?" He whispered, bringing a hand up to her face and stroking her cheek softly. She blushed, startling crimson flooding her pale face as she brought her head up to his.

"Intuition." She purred and his other arm snaked around her waist. He kissed her softly on the lips and Severus gagged, faking a bout of coughing to cover it up. He caused Lucius and Destiny to break apart immediately, looking rather sheepish.

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