Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"Lucius!" Florence breathed, leaping at him and wrapping her arms around his neck, breathing in his comforting, musky scent as he held her tightly against his tuxedo clad body.

"Florence." He whispered, smiling softly into her hair as she cried silently into his shoulder, smudging mascara down her cheeks.

"I've missed you!" She sobbed, pulling backwards and planting a delicate kiss on his stubble ridden cheek. Lucius grinned, revealing a set of pearly white teeth, as his eyes flickered from her tearful face, to Regulus who was struggling not to laugh.

"How are you, Lucius?" He smirked, hand slipping soundlessly into Florence's as she finally pulled herself together and leant into him.

"I'm good." He smiled broadly before settling his gaze on Florence and giving her a small frown. "So is Severus." Regulus didn't seem to notice the flicker of apprehension pass across her face, nor the small creases undulating her forehead as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Severus?" Florence repeated in a small voice, eyes darting between Regulus and Lucius who was now full on grimacing.

"Yes, he apologizes for not being here and all, but he had other plans." Lucius quirked an eyebrow and Florence swallowed, nervously fiddling with the long sleeve of her dress . 

In the flickering lamplight, the dark stubble was just visible on Lucius' pale, usually bare face, as were the prominent bags beneath his silvery eyes. He had about him an air of neglect, as if something had been troubling him for some while, no doubts contributing to his obvious lack of sleep. This was something Florence had never failed to pick up on, he had been like this before, back when they were at school and he was in his last year. It was when he planned on proposing to Narcissa. It would appear that the Slytherin prince didn't fair well with matters of the heart. And she just knew that this time, it was about her.

Regulus turned away as some distant relatives began asking questions, to which he'd respond with a nod of the head or a hearty chuckle. Lucius took this distraction to swiftly lead Florence away from the crowd.

He released her arm when they reached a small side room near the front door. A slither of moonlight was creeping through the heavily gilded curtains and snaking across the room, bathing them both in an eerie glow. The scent of mildew was obtuse, hinting at the surprising neglect of the once magnificent room.

Florence took the time to gaze carefully around the room, noting any exits if the need arose, but she knew they wouldn't. It was a habit picked up from her many months as a loyal Death-Eater. Know the escape root like the back of your wand.

Speaking of wands, Lucius pointed his at the rusting door handle and within seconds it had glowed a warm orange and a mechanical clunking sound filled the room. Florence sank into the moth-eaten velvet sofa at the back of the room and surveyed him with interest, wrapping one leg around the other as he came to stop in front of him.

"Why are you here Lucius?" She asked in an admirably level voice. "We both know that it's not just to wish us congratulations." She raised a perfectly formed eyebrow, causing him to laugh at her sheer cheek and boldness.

"You haven't changed a bit Florence, stubborn as always." He smirked and she laughed softly in return.

"Nor have you Lucius, still a pompous git I see?" He grinned before sinking into the seat beside her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She leant into his warmth and enjoyed the homely feeling of sitting contentedly with her friend she had missed so sorely.

"Do you know any reason why I might be here then?" Lucius twisted the cuff-link on his left-sleeve agitatedly as he lifted his gaze from their interlocking fingers and into her glimmering emerald eyes. Florence shook her head quickly, causing him to sigh. "Nothing at all?" He asked desperately and her features contorted into a look of contemplation. After a moments silence she frowned furiously and refused to meet his eyes, tears glistening in her own.

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