Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"They don't suspect a thing." Florence smirked the next morning, leaning casually back in her chair and surveying the gaggle of students with a sense of smug satisfaction. Dumbledore had to disperse the many wearisome rumours haunting the corridors so they no-longer believed their Potions Master to be a cruel, abusive, torturing psycho. Well, maybe they saw him as a cruel psycho, but at least he could walk through the corridors without them diving away from him at the first available moment, or whispering behind their hands and giving him frightened looks as he passed by.

"Dunderheads, the lot of them." Severus growled roughly, staring at his plate as he shifted a forkful of food around and around the pristine surface. He swallowed loudly when he felt Florence's hand crawl down his back and slide down to his knee. They both thought it wise not to show too much affection in public, after all, the idea that Severus had Florence under the Imperius curse was still being uttered around, not quite buried under the carpet. It was a good idea to not give anyone a reason to think that this was anything but lies.

A small groan rose in his throat and he breathed deeply, trying to keep his feelings under control as Florence's leg wrapped around his own. He gave her a small scowl -  a mixture of anger and longing mixed into one fearsome expression. But Florence merely rolled her eyes and returned her attention to the dregs of juice remaining in her cup.

"You really shouldn't talk about the students like that Severus." She said simply, not looking at him but continuing to stare into the goblet.

"Why?" He raised an eyebrow, expecting some rattling response about how he should treat them with respect and they'd treat him with respect, blah blah blah-

"Don't you remember when we were that age?" She looked up and gave him a cheeky smile, causing him to smirk slightly.

Yes, he could. He could vividly picture him and Florence sitting the furthest apart of the group, Severus beside Lucius and Florence chatting with Narcissa. He would often steal longing glances at her that Lucius, unfortunately, always seemed to notice. He recalled the countless number of times that he had been mocked for wanting a 'Little, babyish school-girl, half your age." And the many conversations where Lucius would point out a girl walking past and go "She's good looking, what about her?" or "She's a pure-blood, very honourable family, what a catch." And each time Severus would impatiently shake his head and mutter. "No. I don't want them." In the end, Lucius gave up, with a lot of persuasion from Narcissa though.

"Yes." He said slowly and she sighed frustratedly.

"And you remember how stupid we used to act? The 'Dunderhead' things we used to do?" She quirked an eyebrow as he considered the moment when Florence had gotten so hot in their last Summer together, a few weeks before they broke up, and dragged him fully clothed into the lake. Thinking back, he can clearly see her diving into the water, long chestnut hair billowing around her head as she screamed, cold water soaking her entire body as he laughed and jumped in with her. He could still recall the boys giving her disgustingly looks and lewd comments about her almost see-through shirt, and how she seemed to shy away from them and bury herself into his chest. He gave her his robe, wondering why he had never seen her weakness before. If anything, this seemed to strengthen their relationship.

Severus grunted angrily under his breath and glared at his fingers as they curled and clenched around his cutlery.

"They're still Dunderheads, thinking those disgusting things about me." His lip curled with disdain as he watched Dumbledore rise from his chair and the hall fell silent, like they had been covered with a bell jar. He frowned when a guilty smile was sent his way, and then, Dumbledore began to speak.

"Now, I know that I don't usually hold a speech except at the beginning of the year, but this is a special occasion." He turned his body slightly towards Florence and Severus, the fore of the two blanched considerably and moaned under her breath, making frantic hand gestures to get him to shut up, but it didn't work.

Bright blue eyes twinkling with tears he pushed his glasses further up his nose and adressed the congregation.

"I wanted to alert you to the fact that two people in this very room are embarking on one of the most important adventures of their lives. And I want to wish them many congratulations, for they have reached a sudden raw, powerful blissfulness. So much has happened to them, so young, so fragile, and for them to finally find happiness is something to be celebrated. And although they don't show it, I know that they are made for each other, like two pieces of a jigsaw," He received some sniggers, which he ignored, and lifted his goblet. "So, if you would just raise your glasses-" It was a peculiar sight, hundreds of robe clad students, a sea of swirling black, raising their goblets for some reason they didn't even understand. But Severus and Florence understood fully.

Florence gave Dumbledore a thankful smile that he recieved galliantly and gave her a wink in return. Once he was seated, anxious and interested chatter began to rise in the hall, Staff joining in happily.

"Who do you think he is talking about?" McGonagall asked Florence and she shrugged.

"I honestly don't know Professor." The elder woman's mouth tightened to a thin line and she stared scrutinously at her.

"Hmm. Well, I'm going to find out."


Florence descended the staircase, fingers trailing lightly across the marble banisters as her flowing skirt dripped across the steps behind her, rustling gently as she walked. Her hair was pulled up into an elegant bun, pinned in place with an emerald bejewelled clip as a few tendrils escaped and spiraled down her face, stroking her cheeks.

A gentle dusting of mauve eyeshadow boldened her eyes, as did the light coat of mascara. Her blemishless lips were delicately painted with a soft red colour, matching the glowing tinge of her cheeks.

Dangling from her ears, a pair of glittering chandelier earrings glistened in the candlelight, bedecked with small scraps of jade. A matching pendant hung from her neck, shaped like a fluttering butterfly as it balanced from the strip of taught black ribbon.

And to finish the whole ensemble off, a pair of tall, strapless stilettos accessorised her toes as they hid beneath layers of voluminous fabric. But probably the most beautiful thing about her wasn't the clothes she wore, but the radiant smile creeping onto her face, and the jubilant glint swimming amongst the tears in her bright eyes.

And wearing a matching look of complete contentment, Severus moved one step from the floor and reached up to slip his hand in hers, taking the time to brush the back with a small kiss before standing straight and admiring her with adoration.

It was Florence's turn to kiss him, this time on the cheek, as she came to his side and they stared out through the open door and onto the moonlit grounds.

"This is it." She breathed, blinking slowly as her eyes swept the serene landscape. The lake lay glittering beneath the full moon that hung in the cloudless, starry sky. A small summer breeze blew through the air, rustling the trees to create a beautiful rustling sound that lingered with the sound of waves lolling against the shore.

"The next time you step through this door, you will be my wife." He whispered and she smiled gently, trying to stop the tears rolling down her cheeks as he squeezed her hand tightly.

"And I think I will be happier than I have ever been before." She replied gently before he led her through the open doorway and into the night.

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