Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

"I see Florence got her way then." Remus quirked an eyebrow, leaning lazily against the door frame, as Severus threw the bags heavily to his feet.

"Begrudingly, yes." He responded gruffly, rubbing his aching arms as Florence came up behind him and clasped her hands on the other side of his body. "Florence, you are a brilliant Witch so I don't see why I had to carry all your bags, without magic I might add." He scowled profusely and Florence laughed softly, watching Remus' small grin twitch the corners of his mouth.

"You're lucky she didn't get you to carry her as well." He jested and Severus' frown increased tenth fold.

"She almost did." Florence closed her eyes and nuzzled her head into the back of his neck.

"You're supposed to be the chivalrous husband, carrying my possesions by hand." She murmured and he laughed.

"That's not what I signed up for." He smirked as Remus sank back into the house, leaving Florence and Severus alone on the windswept front path. The rickety, crumbling house had an air of grandeur, surrounded by a small lawn of lush green grass and enclosed with a peeling white picket fence. Beyond the fence was seemingly endless fields of buttery wildflowers, yellow petals swaying in the breeze as the wind was carried away and over the mountainside just visible in the distance beneath a blanket of cloud.

Severus bent down and picked up Florence's belongings, dragging them roughly to the doorway and placing them inside. Then, and only then, did she return his wand as he stood with his nose brushing hers and his arms around her waist.

"You know fully well what you signed up for. A lifetime of slavery." She grinned adoringly as his hair tickled her face and she brushed it away with her fingertips. Severus pulled her head to his chest as her arms wrapped across his torso and gripped his shoulders, holding her tightly against him as he buried his face in her hair, planting delicate kisses all the while.

"I don't mind that at all." He breathed and she laughed, being muffled by his robe as she inhaled his intoxicating scent and he held her tighter. Her stomach fluttered and she became teary, surprised that he still made her feel giddy and amazed that he would want her. "Hey, what's the matter?" He tilted her head back so that he could peer worriedly into her glistening green eyes.

"Nothing." She replied and he raised an eyebrow.

"It doesn't look like nothing." He wiped the tears from her cheeks. She smiled broadly and pressed her lips against his for a moment, leaving a tingling sensation behind, before pulling away. She could feel the warmth rise to her face and the golden sparks flush around her body, making her feel exhilarated.

"That seemed to do the trick." She breathed and they stared at eachother for a moment before kissing harder, more passionately, as his hand held her head steady and her fingers grazed his scalp. That was until a loud cough made them pull sheepishly apart.

"You two need to come inside so that we can discuss sleeping arangements." He smirked slightly when both of them scowled at him.

Filing into the house, Florence nodded towards the blond haired woman in the corner trying to feed a rather fussy little boy kicking and screaming in his high chair.

"Hello Madaline."

"Hello Florence, Zeverus, eet ees good to see you, no?" She smiled at them before returning to the porridge coated child who was tugging at her long silky hair.

"Now, am I to believe that Florence will take the spare room and Severus will sleep in here, or the other way round." Florence furrowed her eyebrows as Severus glowered at him, eyes narrowing as Florence stared at her brother incredulously.

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