Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

"Father, he's not worth it." Florence smirked over the shaking man's shoulder, tears peppering her vision as she sneered at Severus. He was sprawled on the floor wearing a pair of tight, faded trousers and nothing else. He could understand why Florence's father would act a bit aggressively towards him.

The amiably large man released Severus before turning and engulfing Florence in a large hug, her burying her head in his chest as he rested his chin in her hair.

"Why didn't you come to us sooner?" He murmured into her chestnut tresses and she sighed miserably.

"I'm an adult, I can look after myself."

"Florence, we all know that's true, but this time you really should have come home." Florence lifted her head from her fathers chest to gaze at the man sloping through the door into the dining room. He was shabbily dressed in a faded set of wizard robes, pale face prematurely lined with prominent bags under his glimmering green eyes. A mop of shaggy, sandy blond hair speckled with grey flopped across his face as he smiled broadly, wincing as the various cuts and slashes on his stubbled cheeks stretched.

"Just because you're my older brother Remus, doesn't mean that you can boss me around!" Florence huffed, causing the ragged man to smile softly.

"Half brother." He corrected, pulling her into a tight hug which she returned happily, breathing in his musty scent. Remus pulled away and furrowed his eyebrows at the contemptuous, semi-nakedSnape sitting on the floor in his house, blood pouring down his pale chin and onto his chest.

Before he could say anything, however, Florence interrupted.

"Don't mind him," She began, gesturing to Severus who had slowly gotten to his feet, making sure he was out of reach of her father in case he wanted to hit him again. His wand lay abandoned back at the house of Black. Lupin raised an eyebrow as he received a furious scowl, and turned to stare inquisitively at Florence. "He's not staying long." She concluded with a smirk, seeing his features contorted with anger.

"This is the man you've been talking about then, Florence." Her father murmured, eyes raking over Severus' dishevelled appearence with a look of disgust. She grinned and nodded, knowing exactly what her father wanted to do to him.

"Sure is."

"I have to say that I'm rather surprised at your choice Ren," Remus grinned. "I never saw you with Snivel- I mean, Severus." Florence grimaced slightly at her nickname but let it slide. She was having too much fun watching Severus squirm under her family's scrutiny.


"Yeah, I thought that you would've gone well with Sirius. I mean, whenever he came round during the holidays you always got on like a house on fire-"

"We hated each other! How can you say we got on?" Florence laughed and Remus' smile broadened.

"There's a fine line between love and hate."

"Don't I know it." Severus growled, scowling at each person in turn. His expression softened slightly when he saw Florence frown but only a fraction.

"Now, I want you to tell me what Florence did that was so bad that you had to put her through all of this. Bearing in mind, we've all got wands, and you don't." Florence's father perched expectantly in a worn, spongy armchair, Florence perching on the armrest and Remus standing beside her, hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Severus spat, eyes narrowing as he clenched his fists by his side. "And If you don't let me leave now, I'll get you arrested for unlawful imprisonment."

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