Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Severus came out of his room, hand clutched to his throbbing head. He lifted his gaze from his bare feet and instead to the scene happening in the doorway. Inwardly, he groaned.

"But I love you!" Florence sobbed as Gellert stood before her, a saddened look on his chiseled features. His scowl seemed to soften when he saw the desperation in her eyes. "I was drunk, please Gellert, please believe me!" She clutched at his chest in an attempt to stop him leaving. He stepped backwards and allowed her to fall to her knees by his feet, tears dripping miserably onto the stone tiles. He frowned as she stared frightenedly at him.

Gellert knelt beside her and tilted her head so he could see into her eyes. Heaving a big sigh he moved his other hand up to stroke her cheek softly. He rested his forehead against hers.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiled weakly and brushed her nose with his.

"You couldn't help it." He breathed. Leaning in further he captured her lips with his own and allowed her to rake her hands through his soft hair. "It vas his fault." He murmured when they finally pulled away. Gellert stood up and helped her to her feet, gently wiping away her tears once he had done so. 

"Gellert, I'm so sorry. If I could do anything to change what happened, you know I would-" She began, stopping when Gellert slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him.

"Florence, stop. It vas not your fault." He murmured into her hair, gripping her more tightly as he felt her shoulders wrack with the force of her sobs.

"But-but-It-w-a-s-" She hiccoughed, burrowing her head into the crook of his neck.

"Too right it was." Severus growled, stepping into sight. A scowl was set fiercely on his pale face but his eyes glittered with something other than malice.

"You! You got my girlfriend pregnant, you little shit!" Gellert snarled, pushing Florence to the side and storming over to him, wand gripped tightly in his hand. Severus merely looked at it before elegantly sliding out his own, a look of smug satisfaction on his face.

"That is true." He smirked, lapping up the anger now radiating from Gellert's heavily contorted face. It was a look of pure fury, something seldom seen on the usually calm Bulgarian man. "It's something I cannot deny..."

"Too right, you can't deny you fucked my girlfriend." He stepped closer to Severus, so close that his wand dug sharply into his chest as the corners of Severus' mouth twitched into what looked like a smile. "You can't deny that you got her drunk either." Severus small smile faded, to be replaced with a fierce scowl. His pale skin was mottled with startling red as his eyes narrowed angrily.

"How dare you!" He hissed. "It's not my fault she jumps into bed with every man she lays her eyes on." Gellert looked close to snapping. A vein in his temple was throbbing rather violently as he gritted his teeth, trying to stop himself from going over the edge. "And I didn't get her drunk. She probably got me drunk-"

"And vy vould she do that?" Gellert hissed, causing Severus to smirk.

"Have you not seen the way she looks at me? You were there the other day in the great hall, you saw what she wanted to do to me." Gellert looked taken back. "I think that maybe, you should reconsider your opinions. Florence is no angel, believe me." He said in a patronising voice. "Especially when she kisses like that..." He swept past Gellert, completely ignoring Florence who stood fuming at him.

"You bastard!" She screamed when he reached the door. He turned round and gave her a scathing look. "Do you take pleasure in hurting me?" She hissed and his eyes narrowed.

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