Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Florence sat staring into the flames, twisting a mottled old tea towel round and round in her hands whilst she contemplated the shapes dancing within the embers. Sighing loudly, she closed her eyes and allowed the warmth to wash over her in waves, scent of crackling wood and the incense she had lit beginning to make her feel light headed...

She awoke abruptly when she felt someones hand shake her shoulder roughly, causing her to spring upwards and almost send Severus flying. Dilated pupils quickly going back to normal, Florence stared as Severus knelt before her on the floor.

Reaching up a hand to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, the corners of Severus' mouth twitched into a smile and he allowed his fingers to gently caress her earlobe as she nuzzled into his hand. His eyes glimmered strangely as he leant in and captured her mouth with his own, only briefly, before pulling away again.

"The train will leave soon." He murmured and she went to get up, murmuring "Let me get my stuff." Severus pushed her back down, frowning as his eyebrows furrowed.

"Florence, you're not coming." He responded rather harshly and she dropped back into the seat, eyes wide and brimming with tears.

"Why not? I have a job too you know-"

"I've cleared it with Dumbledore and he says you can have the year off for maternity leave." He moved her folded legs over and sat beside her, pulling her against his chest as his head rested in her hair.

"Where will I go? I want to be with you!" She choked into his chest and he exhaled deeply, holding her tighter to his body as he leant back in the chair and pulled her with him.

"You can stay here, it's all been arranged-"

"I don't want to stay here! I want to go to Hogwarts, with you!" She wrenched away from him, furious scowl on her face as he frowned at her.

"You're acting like a child Florence." He growled and she laughed chillingly.

"Oh, I'm acting like a child! You're the one refusing to let me come with you!" She yelled indignantly and he smiled softly, dragging her into a delicate embrace that she begrudgingly accepted.

"You know that you have to stay here Florence. The outbursts are getting more frequent, what if one happened when you were in the company of other people? How would we explain it?" Florence began to cry softly into his chest, clutching desperately at his robe as the tears poured angrily from her eyes.

"Don't make me stay here alone Severus. I won't be able to cope without you!" He looked like he was going to snub her attempts again but in one final appeal she held his face softly in her hands and begged, "Please, I need you with me..." She trailed off as she saw his expression become stony and unreadable.

"Florence..." He said warningly and she pulled away, dragging herself away from his lap and wiping her eyes roughly with the back of her hand, sniffling all the while. She reached the door leading out into the hallway and wanted to turn back, to say one last thing to Severus, but she felt that he didn't even deserve that. He didn't seem to understand just how frightened the episodes made her, how much she needed him with her, to hold her, to comfort her.

But of course, he did know. Hating himself for not comforting her, for pushing her away and not allowing her to come with him, Severus understood fully why he had to do this. He couldn't risk anyone seeing the mark.

"Severus, Please don't make me stay here." She said quietly, leaning on the door frame and refusing to look at him, instead staring into the fire again as it leapt in the grate.

"You have to Florence. I won't let you come with me." He growled and her eyes narrowed, mouth set in a thin, tight line as she visibly shook with anger.

"Madaline doesn't keep Remus and Marcus on a leash! Why do I have to stay on one? I need to come!" She screamed and he frowned, from anger and pain at the same time.

"It's not the same Florence. They won't be sent to Azkaban for revealing their true identities. It's not a crime to be a werewolf, but-" He silence Florence with a dark look and she scowled impatiently. "Being a Deatheater is."

"Stop treating me like an idiot." She snarled as she stormed forwards so that their noses were almost touching, her finger pressed sharply against his chest and her hot, angry breath in his face. "I'm well aware of that, so don't you dare treat me like a child! I've done worse things than you could probably imagine, I know the consequences and I'm willing to risk it. Maybe you should stop being so pathetic and grow a pair." Severus grabbed her wrist as his eyes narrowed, lip curling with disgust.

"What did you just say?" He roared and she flinched before quickly regaining her bitter composure.

"You heard me." She hissed. "You're a coward. Not wanting to risk me being seen by the authorities, keeping me locked up in here! It's my choice Severus! It's my neck on the block, not yours. You're supposed to support me-"

"I am supporting you."

"You call that supporting? Refusing to let me out of the house for weeks and then not letting me come with you to Hogwarts. You're pathetic." And with that she yanked her wrist away and stormed up to their room, slamming the door angrily behind her as Severus released the breath he didn't even know he was holding.


Florence and Severus spent the train ride in cold, icy silence. Florence leant her forehead against the cool glass of the window and watched the city thrown roughly away from her, wishing that she had stayed behind. But, being the stubborn person she was, she had boarded the train with Severus and hadn't said a word to him since.

She lifted her head slightly from the pane when she heard Severus shuffling around and gave him a dark look, one he returned dutifully. The rift was shattered however when Severus got up, walked slowly over to where she sat and sank onto his knees, cupping her chin in his hand and turning her to face him.

"How I wish I knew what was going on in those troubled green eyes." He murmured and she frowned, allowing her gaze to linger on his own for a moment more before looking back out of the window. "Florence, talk to me." 

Florence sighed and closed her eyes, blinking away the tears that had beaded her eyelashes and now rolled serenely down her cheeks. Severus brushed them gently away and she nuzzled into his touch, angry at herself that he could break down her barriers with such an easy task like merely being near her.

"I'm sorry." She breathed and he swallowed loudly, watching her large doleful eyes as she stared distressedly at him, nibbling her bottom lip.

"You don't need to apologize." He said softly, pushing her over in the seat so that he could plant himself beside her. She brought her knees up to her chest as his arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her securely to him as she sobbed quietly. "I should have realised just how scared you were... I thought I was protecting you."

"You were trying to protect me Severus, there's nothing wrong with that." She leant upwards and kissed him fleetingly on the cheek. "I'm sorry for calling you a coward."

Clearly the words still stung as he didn't say anything, just stared out of the window. Finally, and seemingly somewhat reluctantly, he replied to her.

"It's ok." He murmured as he pressed a delicate kiss on the top of her head and she snuggled into him. He could already feel her skin become slightly clammy and slick with sweat, knowing that it was a matter of days before she had another one of her outbursts.

"Severus... Thankyou." She whispered and he looked at her with confusion.

"For what?"

"For not leaving me."

"Florence," He sighed, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "I love you too much to leave you. You and our child." Placing his hand on the prominent bump beneath her shirt.

"Children." She replied and he frowned, opening his mouth as to speak but she stopped him by pressing her finger against his lips. "Twins." 

"Two children?" He breathed and she nodded, tears sparkling in her eyes.

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