Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

At Eight o'clock that evening, Florence swept over to the door and opened it emphatically, practically beaming. Severus just sat in his armchair, giving Remus a small glance before returning his attention to the newspaper spread open in his lap.

"Sorry I'm late." Remus muttered, shifting his son further up his chest so that he had a better grip on him.

"You're not late," Florence laughed, taking the sleeping toddler from his arms. "You're perfectly on time, as always." 

"Where should I put his stuff?" Remus asked, gesturing to the small cloth bag held in one hand. Florence's eyes widened and she stared at it with incredulity. Noticing her confusion, Remus laughed softly and placed the bag by her feet. "Extension charm." He grinned.

"So is there anything I need to know?" Florence had glided past Remus and was now perched on the arm of Severus' chair. He kept sneaking glances at her but made no sign that he had noticed her brother enter the room.

"Like what?"

"Allergies, routines, that sort of thing." She took the newspaper out of Severus' hands and instead handed Marcus to him. Severus stared at the gently snoring two year old for a moment before holding him tightly and picking the dropped teddy from the floor. Ironically, it was a greying wolf.

"No, not that I can think of, just that Marcus can't sleep without the wolf." He gave Severus a lopsided smile that he didn't return. Florence gazed at him adoringly, not noticing the strained look on his face. "Thanks for this Severus." Remus muttered and the black haired man looked up from the sleeping child and directly at the werewolf.

"It's no problem." He mumbled and Remus grinned.

"Right, if that's it, I'll be off. I don't want to keep Madeline waiting." And with that, he strode purposefully over to the door, wrenched it open and stepped out into the dark, draughty corridor. He couldn't help but grimace at the drab, damp walling and the dim flickering torches hanging from brackets on the wall. "Good luck." He called back before shutting the door shut behind him with a resounding slam.

Florence turned to Severus and smirked slightly at his disgruntled expression. Holding Marcus atarms length, he handed him over to Florence and dusted himself down. The bag that up until that moment had been left abandoned on the floor was now gripped in his hands.

The first thing that he pulled out was a miniature iron cot, complete with sky blue covers and small mobile.

"Where is he going to sleep?" Severus asked, turning the small bed over in his hands and eyeing itscrutinously. 

"Our room?" Florence asked hopefully, knowing just how Severus would feel about this. And, true to form, he scowled furiously and fixed her with a scathing look.

"Really?" He asked, raising his eyebrows in disbelief before looking back at the frame in his hands.

"Well, yeah. I mean, he hasn't been away from home before so it would be a bit cruel to stick him in a room on his own, wouldn't it?" Florence stepped cautiously over to the bedroom, being sure that her grip on her nephew was secure, before pushing the door open.

Severus gave a reluctant sigh and followed her inside, bed clutched in one hand, bag in the other. He threw the bag carelessly onto the bed and lowered the small cot to the floor before slipping out his wand. Without even having to say an incantation, the bed began to increase in size before, with an echoing creak, it had slotted directly into place and refused to grow any further.

Florence sank onto their bed, Marcus still cradled in her arms, and watched as Severus moved the cot into position and stood upright, examining his handiwork. When he was satisfied he walked over to where she was sitting and lifted the child out of her arms before returning to the cot and placing him gently in it.

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