Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight


It was a wonder that the weak, September sunlight could penetrate the muggy clouds they were so thick with smoke. The pollution that billowed from the tall chimney standing erect from the hillside swam like viscous treacle through the air, along with the scent of mildew and decay.

Pavements cracked and splintered, wrenched apart by vicious weeds and midnight vandals, this was only the beginning to the extensive neglect this area received. Windows were smashed and the broken glass hung like crooked teeth from the empty rooms within.

Many a family had chosen to move from the dilapidated miners town, setting their sights for London where their children had better school access and generally a better lifestyle. But all wasn't bad. So what if some houses were ramshackle and seemingly build from mouldering, crumbling bricks - others were brightly painted and obviously cared for.

Behind the houses, beyond the ziz-zagging gardens that interlocked like snakes, lay a field of shimmering golden grasses that had grown well beyond the average height. It was easy to get lost within the wildflowers and swaying stems that felt a million miles away from the filthy streets and rundown houses.

A young girl emerged from the forest of delicate vegetation and closed her eyes, relishing in the brief glimpse of sunlight as it peeked through the clouds. There were cuts upon her pale, porcelain cheeks from where the wild grasses had sliced and slashed at her whilst she searched for goodness knows what.

Tumbling chestnut hair cascaded down her back to settle gently upon her shoulder blades. The sweeping scarlet travelling cloak that had been clasped tightly upon her chest fluttered in the breeze with tendrils of glossy hair.

Swung carelessly over one shoulder was a faded, battered satchel engraved faintly with initials you could only just make out - S.S. The worn leather strap cut into her bare skin as she pulled the cloak tighter around herself, trying to cover up the exposed flesh that was hit with sudden coldness.

A billowing black dress made of a thin, floaty fabric drifted behind her as she stepped confidently up the gnarled, uneven path towards the end of the street. Bright, glimmering emerald eyes darting up and down the road, she felt it was safe to finally escape from the shadows and side streets to walk up the main road that was strangely empty.

But as soon as she place one foot on the cobbled pavement, a flurry of movement down the other end of the street caught her eye. A group of youths were slouching towards her, a handful of girls who were talking loudly to each other whilst the boys laughed raucously. They stopped however when they saw the petite, pale, strangely dressed girl standing still and staring serenely at them, eyes wide with interest.

"Hello." She smiled slightly as they approached her, smug grins on their faces. The main girl swaggered forwards, eyes darting from the bedraggled satchel to the hand-me-down robe and finally to her wide, heavily outlined eyes, grinning all the while.

"Wha's in the bag?" She asked in a heavy, indistinguishable accent. The girl frowned and tightened her grip around the strap.

"Excuse me?" The girl snorted with impatience and pointed to the bag.

"I said," She grunted slowly, her friends laughing as they stepped closer to the bewildered girl. One of the boys circled around her, looking her up and down with a cruel smirk. "Wha's in the bag?"

"And why should I tell you that?" The girl's voice was well articulated and drawling, matching her unbothered appearence as she surveyed the group of teenagers before her with disgust. They had to be a couple of years older than her - 17 at least.

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