Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Please watch the video at the same time. X

With the silence that followed, she knew he had already chosen, that he had chosen a long time ago but she had refused to accept it.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, taking one glance at her glittering emerald eyes before turning and walking from the hall. She stared after him, shaking uncontrollably as she struggled to come to terms with the immeasurable anger and sorrow swirling inside her.

She looked around her, scowling at the people who had turned to watch the scene take place.

"What are you looking at?" She snapped, voice cracking as she was on the verge of hysteria. "Haven't you seen someone with a broken heart before?" And with that she stormed from the room, blinded by her own tears.

Her heavy footsteps echoed throughout the corridors, empty apart from the odd couple embracing in the shadows after escaping the crowd of the Great Hall. She tried to ignore them as she passed but couldn't help but feel immensely envious. Why couldn't he act like that? Was he afraid of commitment, or was it something more? Did he actually like her, or did all the times they kissed mean nothing? Did the stolen glances in the corridor mean nothing either? Perhaps... perhaps he thought that showing emotions was a weakness. He'd rather be alone forever than seem weak.

She choked back a sob as she stumbled up yet another flight of steps, unsure whether she had already been this way and she was just going round in circles. Tears were now pouring freely down her pale cheeks and she felt like her heart was aching so badly it would burst.

Near to collapse, she found herself in an all too familiar corridor. Falling to her knees she buried her head in her hands and sobbed heavily, shoulders wracking with the force of her cries. They echoed throughout the empty, secluded corridor as she curled up into a ball and nestled her head on her knees.

Occasionally sniffling, she didn't move from that space until the icy draught became unbearable. Her skin was tinged light blue, cold to the touch, matching her frozen fingers that hurt to move. Forcing herself to stand upright, she wobbled slightly, sure that at any moment her weak knees would give way and send her crashing to the floor.

To her relief, appearances were deceptive as her shaking legs allowed her to stagger towards a narrow archway. Feeling her way along in the darkness, she tripped a few times but was too shaken to care. She swallowed loudly, trying to keep the desperate sorrow at bay. 

When the moonlight dripped from the open archway ahead of her and licked at her feet she allowed the tears to come. Stumbling over to the edge of the battlement she collapsed on the low wall, staring almost longingly at the velvety denseness of the lake that surrounded that part of the castle.

"How easy would it be to jump?" She asked no-one in particular, bringing herself to her feet and balancing precariously on the edge, feet millimetres from slipping and taking her tumbling down to the calmly lolling waves.

"Too easy." Someone whispered behind her, stepping away from the archway and into the watery moonlight. She became stiff, not moving as the wind violently lashed at her skin. She didn't want to turn round, didn't want to face the person who had disturbed her. But of course, she knew who it was. The silent rift between them was somewhat deafening, neither talking to the other. Taking a deep breath, Florence prepared to face him.

Before she could turn round, however, Severus had stepped closer and grabbed her by the hand, pulling her roughly against him as his arm snaked around her waist and held her tightly to him. She felt like her lungs had literally stopped working, time itself had frozen. 

He released her hand, albeit only briefly, to take her other one and place it on his shoulder. Once he had gripped hers again he leant down so that he could stare deeply into her eyes. She shivered at his touch, anger growing inside of her. She detested herself, this man had let her down so many times, so many unbearable times, yet with only a few words her heart was melting.

"I-I can't do this." She whispered and he smiled slightly, letting go of her hand only to bring it up and gently stroke her cheek.

"You know that isn't true." He murmured. Kissing her softly on the lips before being pushed away.

"Please, I don't want to do this. I can't have you leave again..."

"I'm ready." He whispered, brushing away the tears from her face. "I won't leave. I want this... I want you." She frowned, aware that he had said the very same thing before and still left, he'd gotten so far, told her he wanted her, but had just gone anyway. "I... I love you... I always have Florence, always." In those words, those three little words, she could hear so much truth, so much pain, and so much longing that she was sure he wouldn't hurt her again.

Something was floating in the breeze, a soft tinkling sound like the faint tune of an orchestra. It seemed almost ghostly, suddenly appearing out of the dark night and haunting her ears. He leant down and kissed her again, other hand slipping gently around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck. And from that moment she knew. She knew that she loved him too.

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