Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

A small gasp escaped Florence's lips as she saw the scene further in the distance. Her legs were being tickled by dry grass as her dress trailed behind her on the ground like a long, winding rattlesnake.

Dancing beneath the moonlit, velvety night sky, dozens of hovering lanterns hung through the air as though suspended by an invisible hand. Small, flickering flames fluttered in the gentle breeze that brought with it both the warmth of Summer and the scents of flowers bursting into vivid bloom.

The lanterns floated through the branches of the nearby oak tree that towered over the lake, strung with garlands of pale white, gloriously scented flowers. Hundreds of real Fairies fluttered in and out of the swaying branches, scattering small pinches of glitter everywhere they went.

All the lighting reflected off the calm surface of the lake like underwater Christmas lights, giving everything an eerie, haunting glow. And standing by the waters edge, frothy waves lapping at his feet, was Dumbledore, wearing a pair of splendid magenta robes with matching hat.

Beside the elderly Headmaster, Remus stood alone, running a hand through his tousled messy hair as he gave Florence a shy smile.

"I had to come." He said softly as she planted a small kiss on his cheek.

"I know. As long as it's just us, I don't mind. We didn't want a big fuss to be made." And she turned to Dumbledore who was staring out onto the expanse of swelling water, eyes scanning the horizon as he spoke quietly to Severus.

"Having seconds thoughts?" Dumbledore asked somewhat cheerfully. Severus almost immediately shook his head before looking over his shoulder to where Florence was standing with Remus. He sighed slightly before returning his gaze to Dumbledore who was peering inquisitively at him, somewhat amused by what he saw. 

"I've never seen you put your barriers down for anyone before Severus." He smiled slightly as Severus gazed at his hands that he was wrenching tightly, not looking at Dumbledore.

"She's not just anyone Albus." Severus said quietly. "She's perfect. More perfect than I could have hoped or dreamed for... and all I ever want for the rest of my life is her... just her..." He trailed off and closed his eyes, breathing in the sweet scented air as he tried to calm his nerves. "And I worry... I worry that I'm not going to be enough. That I'm not good enough for her... that she deserves better than some poor Teacher afraid of showing his emotions..." He sighed, unaware that Florence was saying pretty much the same thing to Remus.

"But what if he grows tired of me? What if I bore him? Worst of all, what if I hurt him, do something wrong somehow?" Remus engulfed her in his arms as she nuzzled into his shoulder, trying to stop the shaking of her legs and the butterflies flitting around her stomach. "I'm not cut out for this Remus, I can't do it."

"Sure you can." He murmured into her hair before gently peeling her away and gazing into her averted eyes. "Look at me Florence." And she obeyed, eyes shining with unshed tears. "Do you love him?"


"Would you do anything for him? Anything at all? Would you risk your life for him? Throw away everything, abandon your life just for him?" Florence nodded and he smiled gently at her. "Then you will be fine, he feels the same way about you."

"But what if-"

"But nothing Florence. You two are made for each other, and if you back out now then you will regret it for the rest of your life." And finally, Florence smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"You think?"

"I know."


Florence and Severus stood facing each other, nervousness and absolute blissfulness etched onto their faces as they listened to the sound the waves made against the worn, wooden jetty. Creaking, mottled boards stretched out from the decorated shoreline to a fair way into the lake, giving them the sense of being alone in the world.

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