Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"Severus, he'll be fine! Remus has spoken to him and he has promised to be civil!" Florence was walking down the secluded, tree canopied road hand in hand with a grumbling Severus. Madeline had offered to take the twins off their hands so that Florence, Severus and Remus could visit Florence's father - The couple's first time since they properly became a couple and got married.

Remus met them at the gate of the ramshackle house, limp hair billowing around his windswept form as he pulled Florence into a tight hug.

"But what if he isn't?" Severus mumbled and Remus his him on the back.

"He'll be fine, he promised." But to Severus, the man's promises didn't mean a thing. Florence dragged him down the cobbled path and towards the peeling, black door that hung inticingly from its frame. 

"And I don't care what he says, you're mine and you're perfect." She purred and squeezed his hand tighter. Rapping her knuckles sharply on the wood, the door was swiftly swung open and a man came blinking out into the sunlight.

"Florence." He said quietly, not wanting to meet her gaze unless it was absolutely necessary. He took a step forwards and so did his step-daughter. They met on the bottom step and Florence looked up into the glimmering brown eyes so much like her brothers. "I've missed you." She flung her arms around his neck and burrowed her head into his chest, breathing in his comforting, homely scent.

"I've missed you too Dad." She choked and he hesitantly placed a hand on her back.


After shepherding them inside, Remus' father busied himself in the kitchen fumbling around for mugs into which he poured scolding hot tea. Severus realised that this was an attempt to bide his time, calm himself down - the look on his face when he had seen Florence and Severus kissing a moment ago was downright murderous.

"Here you go!" He said all too cheerfully, thrusting the cups into their hands and causing the liquid to slosh over the brim and into their laps. Grinning slightly at her father's nervousness, Florence cleaned it away and leant over to do the same to Severus. She gripped his thigh tightly and he hid a smirk when the elder man's cup clattered to the floor - he had gripped the handle so tightly that it had snapped off.

"So..." Florence was gazing into the murky depths of the brown liquid.

"So..." Her father copied in a quiet voice, staring between Florence and Severus with bemusement. "You two are... are-"

"Married, yes." Severus interjected, receiving a scathing look from the man who was now running a hand through his tousled brown hair flecked with grey. Remus was leaning back in his chairsuppressing a laugh at the sheer audacity and lunacy of the situation.

"I was about to say that, thank you very much." He said sternly and Severus raised his eyebrows. The man sighed and turned wearily to his daughter who had snuggled right up into Severus, holding his hand in her lap and resting her head on his shoulder. "How long ago were you married then?" 

"June." Florence replied simply, fingers intertwining with Severus' as she fixed her father with a troublesome look, watching his expression rapidly changing.

"Right..." He coughed absentmindedly and exchanged a warning look with Remus who wassurverying him with amusement - He could tell that he was going to burst out laughing at any moment. "Well, you've been busy." He said without thinking.

"Excuse me?" Severus said indignantly as Florence stifled a laugh behind her hand. Remus was openly guffawing, tears rolling down his cheeks as Severus gripped the sofa arm with white, pointed knuckles.

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