Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Gellert?" Florence whispered, pulling herself slowly upright beneath the starch white sheets. She stared in disbelief at the ragged man before her who stood clutching a bunch of extremely wilted flowers. His usually smooth, clean-shaven face was daubed heavily with dark stubble. Omnipresent bags hung beneath his pale eyes that were now glimmering with tears.

Choking back a sob, he pulled the curtain further aside and stepped into the cubicle. Glancing around he placed the limp sweet-peas by her bedside. He sat slowly beside her, Florence having shuffled over so that there was room for him on the small hospital bed. She shook silently, her trust in men still awfully fragile.

"I've missed you." He whispered, going to touch her arm but thinking better of it when she cowered away. He sighed and returned his hands to his lap, fiddling with a stray petal that was slowly staining his hand a vivid purple. Florence eyed him warily, noting the distance between herself and the partition in the curtain should she need to make a run for it. 

"Are you... are you scared of me?" He asked suddenly after a stifling long silence. Florence gulped loudly and moved further away from him, just far enough that she couldn't see him out of the corner of her eye. He stared worriedly at her, jaw clenched tightly as he saw a tear drip miserably into her lap. "I vill get the man who did this to you Florence." He growled, grabbing her hand tightly. Florence whimpered and pulled it quickly to her chest, cradling it frightenedly as she saw his eyes harden. "Please, vill you at least speak to me?" He murmured, slipping his hand into hers and refusing to let go this time.

"P-please, let go." She choked, trying to prise his fingers off.

"Florence, you know you can trust me." He murmured soothingly, releasing her hand as he stared defeatedly into her viridian eyes. She looked away quickly and muttered something incomprehensible under her breath. "Please, vill you just look at me?" His voice rose slightly and Florence jumped, pushing herself further into the plump white cushions.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She sobbed, collapsing into fits of violent tears as she fell into his arms. Gellert held her tightly to him, hands running comfortingly through her hair as she cried into his shoulder.

"But vat are you sorry for?" He whispered into her hair before kissing her softly on the top of the head. Using his finger he tilted her head so he could gaze worriedly into her eyes, a profuse frown etched on his handsome features. "There vas nothing you could do. It vas not your fault." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her, needing the warmth and comfort it brought more than anything. Gellert held her tightly, head burrowed into the crook of her neck as he inhaled her intoxicating scent.

Florence released one of her arms and used it to gently guide his lips to hers, craving the sparks that flew between them as he kissed her tenderly. She allowed him to softly caress her cheek with his hand and smiled slightly when he pulled away and stared at her, gratified grin on his face.

"I was so scared." She whispered, hot salty tears dribbling down her cheeks as she pressed her forehead against his and allowed him to kiss her softly on the nose.

"I know." He choked, struggling to suppress the tears that had sprung to his bright blue eyes. "I know." He brushed her lips with his and they sat in contented silence, each wrapped in their own thoughts with their arms around the other.

Neither seemed to notice the small flicker of black in the gap of the curtains. Or the slamming of the heavy oak door.


Severus threw the empty bottle at the wall where it smashed into small shards that continued to float gracefully down to the floor, collecting by his feet as be paced. The candles flickered with the sudden breeze created from the flapping of his cape as he angrily stomped back and forth, massaging his temples.

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