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Carrot-Top was sitting on a broken toilet in the hallway waiting for the rest of the group to get ready to leave to the next room...He was trying to forget where he was and all the terrible words and torture tools he seen in the rooms...but the methods of malpractice was all too clear in this hospital a long time ago...He didn't even want to think about what they did to patients that were under psychotherapy. As he was sitting there a dark black substance was moving down the wall towards C.T.'s head. When it got close to him a dark human-like creature came out of the black substance, it tried to reach out and grab C.T. but Klay came out of the next room and grabbed him quicker...they both watched as the thing disappeared back into the black substance on the wall and vanish altogether. Carmen came out of the room and ran down the hall and threw up...the hospital was really getting on her nerves...she didn't want to be there anymore...Mark followed her and rubbed his hands on her shoulders and down her back trying to soothe her....she turned quickly and lunged into his arms...Shannon was a little more tolerable, due to the fact she never let go of Mickey's hand. Gigi was holding Krysten very close to her for they were both scared of everything about the hospital...Krysten was so nervous Gigi gave her a deep kiss to take her mind off of the creepy place...it worked for a while. Kayala walked over to Klay and asked him what he saved Carrot-Top from...but he just kissed her on the neck and told her nothing...Even after what happened to Dallon he still wasn't taking any of it seriously. He was always making fun of the things that he saw...Breny asked him to cool it a few times, for his practical jokes was getting old...So he did and decided to go tease Carrot-Top some more to take his mind off of his fear of the hospital and put his fear on him...which always worked...because for some reason Carrot-Top was very afraid of homosexuals...and Dallon loved it...

                                                          (Picture of Brendon Urie)

                                                          (Picture of Brendon Urie)

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                                                            (Picture of Dallon Weekes above)

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                                                            (Picture of Dallon Weekes above)

Kc was looking down the southern corridor trying to really see what was moving around...as she walked closer she noticed it was a shadowy figure of a woman crawling around on all fours making strange noises...when the shadowy figure noticed Kc standing there it turned it's head all the way around til it was upside down and ran at her on all fours!! Kc screamed and ran back to the group Criss was by her side instantly and looked around her and seen what was chasing her...he pulled her behind him and used his kinetic energy to shock the thing...just as it reached him...it made a deep hiss and crawled in reverse just as quickly as it had came. Criss turned to Kc and checked her over thoroughly to make sure she was ok, before asking her...Sully decided it was just about time to leave the Linda Vista Hospital before something really bad did happen....So they all took a few more pictures together in the main reception room, then headed back towards the front doors.

                                                (Picture of Klayton Scott below)

                                                (Picture of Klayton Scott below)

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                            (Picture of Sully Erna below)

                             (Picture of Carrot-Top below)

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                             (Picture of Carrot-Top below)

                           (Picture Of Criss Angel You Know Lol!!)

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                           (Picture Of Criss Angel You Know Lol!!)

                           (Picture Of Criss Angel You Know Lol!!)

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