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The next morning Criss woke up to see his beautiful angel laying next to him...he gently kissed her lips and she woke up, and smiled up at him. Kc got up and dressed, then Criss woke up the others. For Today was the big day...He was getting married to the girl of his dreams....Klay and Sully got together and paid the state to rent the beautiful cove along the beach for the private wedding ceremony it was breathtaking. and only just a slight breeze...The day was perfect...All the grooms men wore white pants with a very mellow yellow top...Criss wore a white Armani silk shirt with the chest open, with black pants.

The Bridesmaids wore a light pink greek styled dresses with greek leaves wrapped in their hair.(Pic of just dress below)

Sandy wore a beautiful Red dress,with little red and white Hawaiian flowers in her hair

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Sandy wore a beautiful Red dress,with little red and white Hawaiian flowers in her hair... for she was the maid of honor(Pic of dress only below)

And the beautiful Greek Wedding dress that Kc wore with a dainty white flower head piece atop her head

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And the beautiful Greek Wedding dress that Kc wore with a dainty white flower head piece atop her head..(Pic of dress below)

The guests and the beach setup was beautiful!! Criss was so stunned at how gorgeous Kc was when she walked towards him

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The guests and the beach setup was beautiful!! Criss was so stunned at how gorgeous Kc was when she walked towards him. Beens Klay was her only family...He also walked her down the beach. Then he went and stood behind Criss for he was also the Best Man, and was holding the Wedding Band. Criss and Kc decided on just emotional wedding bands nothing fancy...

(Pic of Criss n Kc's wedding Bands below)

They stood there together for hours while the preacher talked of there love forever, but it was going in one ear and out the other

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They stood there together for hours while the preacher talked of there love forever, but it was going in one ear and out the other..they were both totally wrapped up in each others eyes...Finally Criss was getting his girl. Finally the preacher said I now pronounce you man and wife....You may kiss the bride...

Criss reached down and moved Kc's hair from her face and gently touched his lips with hers..they interlocked and everyone cheered...Kc threw the bouquet of white, red, and black roses behind her back, and of all people it landed right in Klay's arms...he wasn't even trying to catch it!! Kayala looked up at him, and he quickly tossed the bouquet to the other bridesmaids and ran down the beach hollering Oh-No! not this kid!! I am a prowler not a settler!! everyone laughed as Kayala chased him down the beach!!

After the thrill was gone Criss ignored everyone but Kc, and started to dance with Kc all along the beach...Kc smiled at him and asked him how can you dance without music....Criss smiled back at her and said you can't hear the music...I do...and I love it's dulcet tones, 'I Love You Kc' he spoke sweetly in her ear while he dipped her. After he brought her back up, she said...'I Love You Too Crisstopher.....Forever!'

Sandy was in tears for a while as she hugged Kc and congratulated them both... Sully did the same thing to Criss....Then Klay came over and shook his real brother-in-laws hand...then stole his sister and danced with her and kissed her on the forehead...and said if he ever breaks your heart, me loving him or not I will kill him...Criss went back over and took his wife back and said it was time for the beautiful cake it was an exotic mystic dragon design that C-Top created himself...

Criss went back over and took his wife back and said it was time for the beautiful cake it was an exotic mystic dragon design that C-Top created himself

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Criss and Kc had there hands handcuffed together as they cut the first piece, then they each picked up a small piece of it and fed each other...then with their same hand they popped the cork of champaigne and poured it into the glasses then they gave each other a drink...after they did their ritual C-Top jumped in and cut all of their friends an slice and Sully poured the drinks...

Criss smiled down at Kc and told her he couldn't think of a happier ending of this very memorable day. Then he decided to get a little perved when he stated but it will make for an even better night.Kc looked up at him, and he asked her if she was going to make his night 'A Night To Remember' with his very devilish smirk....Kc smiled at him and said only if you show me something....Criss looked stumped for a second....then said are you serious?...Kc said yes, I want you to show me some magic. Criss said fine to Kc, but only if she'd show him a little something else later... Kc smirked and agreed to his terms.

Criss went over to a table where the candles were standing...he pulled out his lighter, and lit one of the candles...then put his hands all around the candle and the flame lifted off the candle!! he was levitating the flame...he had it go all around him than he mystically sent it around Kc, and then it went in between his arms and told Kc to call it to her...She called to it and i went right to her and moved around her fingers and then around her head...Criss than called it back and he grabbed it in his fist and blew on it and when he opened his fist 5 beautiful butterflies flew out of his hand...Kc grabbed him and told him how amazing that was!! They kissed deeply and Criss asked her to blow this popstand and they went to have some personal alone time.

 Criss Angel's Misadventure's (Sequel to Scary Story)Where stories live. Discover now