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Sandy decided she wanted to get married first, then explore a little. So Kc ran into the RV and grabbed the surprise wedding cake her and Criss made, then brought out the Champaign and glasses. Beens Gigi was not only their girlfriend, but she was also a certified matchmaker, so she got to marry them. Gigi stood in front of the Hospital doors on the top step...Sully stood on the bottom step and all their friends were on each side of the sidewalk...Sandy walked down the sidewalk up to Sully...When he seen Sandy's wedding dress his eyes popped out and his jaw dropped to the ground!! She was wickedly Sexy!!... (Sandy's Dress Below)

                                      (Sandy's Wedding Ring)

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(Sandy's Wedding Ring)

Criss was Sully's ringbearer, and Kc was Sandy's Maid of honor

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Criss was Sully's ringbearer, and Kc was Sandy's Maid of honor. Gigi finally got to the part where she asked do you Sully Erna take Sandy LeAnn to be your wife? He said Hell Yeah!!...Then Gigi turned to Sandy, and said do you Sandy LeAnn take this Man to be your Husband?...she looked at him and said Always and Forever!! Gigi shouted Great!! now let's get the rings on and pop the champaign!! we have a haunted hospital to investigate!! Sully stopped her and said you forgot to say "you may kiss the bride!" Gigi looked over at Sully and asked him....Do I really have to tell you to kiss her!? I thought you could figure that one all out by yourself!....she stated laughing at him.They popped the cork and cut the cake. Sully and Sandy smeared the first bite all over each other! Everyone had a blast, then they toasted to their loyal friends...no their family!! After the party, food and drinks...They danced outside of the haunted hospital....Crisstopher was so stunned at Kc's dress it turned him on intensely!! Criss so badly wanted to ask Kc to Marry him right than and there, but she was still being so stubborn with him, so he just held her close and danced with her....and kinda copping a feel in between times, and stripping her with his eyes...

(Kc's Dress below)

                                                (Kc's Dress below)

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After all their wedding celebrating was over...they decided to make plans for the exploration of the Linda Vista Hospital. The first thing Sandy said was no one was to be left alone....not even for a minute! Sully agreed, that they should go either together as one large group, or two smaller groups...but no more than that...Carrot-Top added or we could just stay out here and not go in at all....Dallon walked over to him and put his arm around him, and said 'don't worry Carrot-Cake...I will stay out here with you....C.T. ran to Criss and said I am with your group!! Ok Let's bring on the Ghosties and Ghoulies!! Just don't eveerrrr leave me alone with Dallon Weekes Ok!!! Dally went over to Breny and kissed him deeply and they all laughed at C.T.

Criss finally realized how to get Carrot-Top to do whatever he wanted him to do....if all else fails just sick Dallon on him!!! Kc thought that was so mean...but inside she was laughing louder than the rest...for she knew Dallon was crazy but he was harmless...They all walked up to the front doors and took their first step inside the hospital.......

 Criss Angel's Misadventure's (Sequel to Scary Story)Where stories live. Discover now