**CHAPTER 20**

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Klay jumped up from the shock of the gate and lunged at Vladimir for hurting him...Vlad counterattacked and tossed Klay against the far wall like a rag-doll...Kc ran over to her brother and put her arm around him...Vlad flew down towards Klay and Kc, he gave a maniacal grin and was gonna give Klay his final death blow...Kc jumped on his back, and covered his eyes...but her only being human, was no match for Vlad...he swatted her away like a fly...Sandy ran over to Kc and pulled her up in her lap...Sully went to both of them...when Sully looked at Criss to show him that Kc was out cold..and blood was pouring from her head...Criss went to her and nuzzled and licked her face....then he turned to Vlad, and spun into a pissed off he'd never been in before in his life...pure rage from Vlad hurting his baby...
(Clip of Criss pissed off below)

When Criss attacked his movements were so rapid, that Vlad couldn't keep up with him as easily

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When Criss attacked his movements were so rapid, that Vlad couldn't keep up with him as easily...also Vlad couldn't for some reason read Criss' s thoughts like he could the others....but Criss could read Vlad's mind...so he was ready for Vlad's attacks before, he even knew what he was going to do....once Vlad new he was no match for this bad puppy...he flew to the top of the castle to get a better advantage against Criss...but again Criss was more intelligent, then any other rival Vlad had fought against....now Klay was awake and was ready to fight...especially when he saw his sister laying there unconscious, and bleeding... so Criss and Klay teamed up and went to the top to hunt Vlad down, and finish the battle....while Sully stayed with Sandy, and tried wrapping Kc's head...and to wake her up....

Klay found Vlad first and attacked...but Vlad caught him by the throat, and began to squeeze with full power of the vampire...Klay managed to let out a weak howl, and Criss came lunging out of the darkness and sunk his claws deep into, Vladimir's back...he quickly released Klay, who was fighting for air....Vlad turned and took a strike, at Criss, and nailed him right in the face, but Criss absorbed the blow, and kept counterattacking, til Criss saw the moment for his kill shot, instead of leaping, he attacked from the underneath, and sunk his fangs deep into Vlad's neck, and ripped out his throat!!

Criss pulled away, from Vlad to watch him as he turned into nothing but ash, and skeletal remains...then he went to Klay and nudged him with his muzzle, to make sure he was ok...they both headed back down to there friends...as they paced over to Sully, Sandy, and Kc..their werewolf appearance faded away...they were their human selves again...Criss ran over to his wife and picked her up in his arms and begged her to wake up and come back to him....with tears streaming down his face...Klay knowing medical procedures, checked her out...he told Criss she just had a minor concussion, but she would be alright...Sandy was glad to be with her Sully again, and that the evil monster, was defeated...Kc slowly came around and seen her sexy hubby looking down at her with loving eyes...Criss kissed her very sweetly, and told her never to leave him like that again...Sandy interrupted by asking how in the hell do we get off this damn island!!

Sully wrapped his arms around his baby's waist and pulled her to him, with his hungry anxious look...Sandy just looked up at him and said not hardly!! We need to get out of here, and you are horny...isn't that just like a typical male Kc?....she looked at Criss and he gave her the same look....Kc smiled and said yes, Sandy I couldn't agree more!!!

Criss did agree with Klay and the girls thought about finding a way out first then have sexy love time with their boy's...they searched the entire castle, trying to find a way out of the Bermuda Triangle, and the Mystical Island...they all made it to the roof, but there was nothing...then Criss heard a familiar sound...he turned, and looked up and seen his flying friend....but this time he wasn't alone...with him were 2 other pegasus's...they all landed in front of them, and Criss realized, that his flying friend was their way off the island. Criss and Kc mounted on Criss' s friend, Sully and Sandy doubled up on the white pegasus, and Klay mounted solo on the painted pegasus..and they flew off into the sunset....

Then finally after months of fantasy, love, action, sorrow, and pain....Kc opened her eyes and seen her brother Klay, and her best friends, and Criss standing around her in a hospital room, Kc asked what happened, Crisstopher, walked over to her and said it was all his fault....right after the haunted hospital, she asked him to marry her, and he said he wasn't ready yet, and it hurt her so badly, that she drove off and got into a bad wreck...and that he was the first one to her, and got her out before the vehicle caught fire...and she has been here in the hospital in a coma ever since...and that he never left her side....Criss in tears hugged Kc and begged her for forgiveness, Kc reached out for him, and held him tightly and said yes I forgive you....Criss quickly pulled away and asked her if she still loved him.....Kc said she would always love him...then he asked her if she'd marry him, before something else happened....Kc astonishally says yes, and that he made her wait long enough...after she got signed out of the hospital, she really did get to marry her man, just like in her dream....she was so happy to see all their friends that died in her dream was alive and well...she gave out a huge smile when she saw Dallon teasing on C-Top....she ran over to C-Top and gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek...saying how good it was to see him...and that she loved them all!! When her and Criss made it home to Serenity, Kc told him and Sandy her whole dreamscape while she was in a coma...and that the best part of it was when it ended, and her and her friends and family were home safe and sound....and that she was really married to her sexy Greek Houdini.


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