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The group was heading towards the exit doors, but something was internally pulling Sandy and Kc to one more room...they just had to check it out, before leaving....So the group all decided to go with them...for their number one rule....always stay together.

They all walked in and noticed chains dangling from the ceiling, with huge blood stained flesh hooks...there was vials of weird liquids in the walls....real gory surgeon's tools was scattered all over the floor...and in the center of the room, there was an autopsy table that was stained with old blood and different bodily fluids...and all along the south wall was a whole bunch of tally marks by the thousands. The entire group was wondering what the tally marks meant. Carrot-Top was standing up against an empty wall waiting for them to say it was time to leave. Sully finally told Sandy it was time to leave, there was nothing else to see in there, and Criss wanted to get us to our next destination...So they all filed out of the room, Dallon was sitting on the autopsy table upside down with his ass in the air asking his Breny Baby Boo to take a picture of him...but he ignored him and walked out of the room with the others...Dall slid off the table and pouted towards the door, but noticed C.Top still leaning up against the far wall staring at a huge cockroach crawling up the wall...Dall ran up behind him and slid his middle finger all the way up his back and said Gotcha real loud in his ear!...C-top jumped straight up in the air and yelled at him...but then ran him over trying to get to the door, for it was slamming shut! C-Top missed the door by a couple of inches. But once it slammed shut Breny ran back to the door pounding on it trying to get it opened...His Dilly Dally loverboy was still in the room! They have never been apart...but the more Breny pounded the tighter the door jammed shut. He tried pulling the door knob apart so hard that it left blood rivulets on his hands. Criss grabbed him and decided to hypnotize him to calm him down from his hysteria. C-Top wasn't doing much better! not only was he stuck in a room with flesh hooks and chains, but he was stuck in their with Dallon...that was a nightmare in itself!! he jumped back against the wall feeling a panic attack coming on... Dallon was looking at the door...starting to shed a few tears...not for himself but wondering if his little Breny Boo was going to be all right....for he suffers from severe separation anxiety...he doesn't like being without him for very long...if he can't see him...he gets hysterical.

But then he looked behind him and seen C-Top having an extreme panic attack...so he ran over to him and calmly put his hand on his shoulder and just talked to him for a while...But C-Top jumped away from Dallon and just told him to stay away and not to touch him!! Dallon backed off, and told him he wasn't going to do anything to him....he just wanted to calm him down, by consoling him. But C-Top didn't believe him....Just then the chains with the flesh hooks started swaying back and forth....and creepy scraping noises surrounded the room...C-Top tried to break down the door he was so scared...Dallon saw one of the chains heading straight for C-Top....So he jumped in the way and grabbed C-Top and threw him to the ground...one of the flesh hooks ripped into his arm. After C-Top noticed what Dallon had done for him, he reached for him to pull him closer to him...away from the chains and hooks...then he took his bandanna from his pocket and wrapped it around his wounded arm. C-Top realized that when bad went to worse...Dallon really was his friend, and just wanted to keep him safe...so he apologized for acting like a big baby...he just had a real bad experience with a homosexual stepfather when he was young...and he never could get rid of the bad memories of him molesting him off and on. without his mother ever knowing about it. Dallon sincerely apologized for teasing him like that...For he wouldn't have done it, if he would have known....But C-Top told him it was alright, now that he knows that you don't mean any harm in it...besides it makes all their friends laugh...so C-Top gave him permission to go ahead and continue to tease him....cuz he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he didn't..They both had a good laugh, and after that the noises stopped, and the doors opened, Criss and the rest of the group came in to see Dallon on top of C-Top...saying C'mon Carrot-Cake just give me a little kiss....C-Top jumped up in the air and ran to Kc for protection...and Yelled hell no!! C'mon dude!! stop!! please stop!! Dallon just laid in the floor and looked at his friends...then grinned and said Damn!!....I can't win for losing...He just won't give me a little taste of that Carrot-Cake....They all laughed and Breny came in and ran to Dall and snuggled up to him and kissed him deeply on the lips, and said Dilly Dally Loverboy don't you ever leave me again!! he said in tears...Dallon hugged him and said Never again my poor little Baby Breny Boo!!...Criss turned to them and told them to stop fucking around and let's get the hell outta here!!

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