**CHAPTER 17**

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Kc woke up early the next morning and decided to get washed up in the creek. She walked to the stream, and noticed that 2 of the extra guys from the ship were talking kind of strangely...then she remembered Sandy telling her that 2 guys were staring at her the other day in a real creepy way...til Klay ran them off. So instead of cleaning up, she decided to get back to Criss. Dall was awake starting a fire while attempting to make a very fish breakfast...so she went over to him and kissed him on the cheek...he gave her a sweet smile, but she knew he was still mourning over is buddy Carrot-Cake...

Brendon was asking Sandy for advice on how to make Dallon feel better. But she had no clue....for no one really knew how close of buddies they were....Andy and Joey, got up and went to find a bush to relieve themselves....Patrick ran over to Breny and slapped him playfully on the ass and told him morning...then went to sit next to Dall. Pete gave Kc a big hug, then kissed her on the forehead...Sandy held her cheek out for him to kiss...and he did...Pete noticed that Sully was still snoozing...so he snuck up behind him and jumped on him and screamed Flying Shark!!!!...Sully jumped up ready to run...the rest of the group rolled on the ground with laughter...

After they settled down...Pete thought he'd try his luck with Klay for he was still sleeping as well....he tiptoed up to Klays bed and knelt down....and screeched real high pitched...when Klay very rapidly grabbed his nuts...and looked up at him...Pete will you never learn you cannot sneak up on me...if you ever try that with me again...I will rip them off, and make you a necklace out of your....tiny jewels.....do I make myself clear.....Petie Bird?....he said yes...in 2 octaves higher than usual...everyone was awake now except Criss...Kc walked to him and bent over and kissed his lips...and asked him if he was gonna grace her with his sexy smile...he smiled with his eyes closed, and pulled her on top of him...he lazily opened his eyes and said ok, sweetie I am up.

Sandy walked to the stream and looked down the hill a little and seen one of the extra girls from the ship was laying on the ground dead...Sandy screamed, and Klay was the first one to her...she ran to his arms...when Sully got to her, she went to her hubby...Klay went and inspected the body....then turned to Sully and Criss and told them she was sucked dry...no blood in her body at all....no animal did that...there were two puncture marks on the side of her neck. He also said she hadn't been dead long either....and she did not scream...she knew her attacker.

One of the extra guys walked up to Klay, and asked him sarcastically, how would you know!? Klayton was very short tempered when it came to people judging his knowledge...when it came to hunting, survival, and tracking he was amazing...he also had medical training. So Klay got in the guys face and told him how it was...the other guy swung a punch at Klay, but beens Klay and Criss both were heavily into martial arts that dude didn't have a chance. Klay flattened his ass out! As Klay bent down to help him up, he noticed the footprints around the body...he checked them out closely...he recognized that tread pattern...but he didn't say anything just then...he waited for the group to disperse...then told his buddies who the killer was...Criss said they had to take him out, before he killed anymore of them. Sully and Dallon agreed. Pete was all for it too...but Breny, Patrick, and the girls were scared.

It was just a matter of timing to catch the bastard...Criss and Klay were the strongest...Sully was the boldest...and would never back down...especially when his wife was in danger... Klayton pointed the guy out to his buddies...then Klay had all the fraidy guys stay with the 3 girls...and told Pete and Dallon to protect them...Then Sully, Criss, and Klay walked up to the guy and surrounded him...as they backed him into a corner his form changed into a demon!...but that didn't scare any of the guys...they grabbed him and held him down, and ordered him to talk!

(Pic of demon below)

After the demon knew he was overpowered

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After the demon knew he was overpowered....he turned back to his human form and told them he was ordered to take you to the far side of the island where Vladimir his master lived...

Criss told them that Vladimir was a myth...a slayer of manflesh...that killed so brutally...that the dying men he slaughtered damned him with a curse....which made him immortal....but could only survive by drinking the blood of others...

When Criss told them all the story...it made the girls quiver with fear...the others just wanted to find a way off the fucking island....Dallon came over and told them he's had enough adventure for one year...and was ready to get the hell outta Dodge...

Klay put his foot on the demons neck and ordered him to tell them if there was a way off the island....and where they were for that matter...the demon told them that they were in the center of the world inside the Bermuda Triangle....deep in its core. And the only way out was in the heart of Vladimir's Castle....

So it was settled...the only way out was to jump face first into the fire!! Kc and Sandy hated the idea..Kayala was still in a deep traumatic state of shock...Klay took another look at the demon and said sorry dude but you gotta die!! And snapped the evil demons neck with his foot, like a twig...then told the people in the group to stay close we were heading to the castle. The extra people from the ship said they weren't following Klay anymore and headed in the other direction...

Criss just said it's their life...whats left of it now...for they all knew they wouldn't last 20 minutes out here on their own...Criss walked back to the water. Just then a beautiful black pegasus stallion flew in and landed right next to him. The grand flying horse was not afraid of Criss...he reached his hand and stroked the grand horse on his muzzle..he nickered with delight and then walked along side Criss, and bowed down on his front legs...and looked at Criss, wanting him to ride him...Kc saw what was happening, and told the others to look... Criss straddled the magnificent horse and he stood up and went into a full out gallop....then there was nothing...Criss looked down and he was flying!! Kc was in tears as she seen her hubby living his dream...

After a while he saw the castle and asked his new friend to fly back to his group...the horse winnied, and did an aerial turnaround and went back to the creek...and landed right beside Kc...

OH MY GOD HONEY!! That was so amazing! Yes, it was I think I am gonna call him Houdini. I found out how to get to the castle...

 I found out how to get to the castle

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