**CHAPTER 15**

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Klayton was leading his group of friends up the hill, of the strange and exotic island. Sandy and Kc were amazed at all the beautiful, flowers and trees like they have never seen before. Sully was checking out a weird bug that lit on his shoulder...he took a real close look at it, and it was an actual 'horse fly'!! Or to be more precise, a fly sized flying horse. He showed Criss, and he gave it a little pinky pet...then it flew off...Kc looked to the left, and spotted a stream of water...she tested it and said it was fresh...Klay decided to follow the stream further, and when he got to the hilltop, he was shocked to see a herd of unicorns!! That's right unicorns....horses with a horn growing from their forehead!! Mythological animals were standing in front of him.

The rest of the group ran up to him to see what he was gazing at. They were all speechless at that point...they definitely weren't anywhere on earth!!! But they were immediately snapped back into reality when Sandy screamed...Sully looked in her direction, and a huge 3 headed tiger was on the hunt for the unicorns,  but found them instead. The group scattered...Sully tossed Sandy then climbed up the tree. Klayton pulled Kayala and Criss under a huge boulder out of sight and out of mind...Kc and C-Top were running upstream. The beast chased after them. They ran together clear to the top of the cliff hoping to find a place to hide...but there was none. On top of the cliff, was nothing but a sheer drop off at the far end, with jagged rocks at the bottom!

Kc hung onto C-Top in tears as the beast came towards them...Carrot-Top always being a coward, and hiding behind Kc realized that one of them wasn't going to make it out...for the first time in his life he had a huge brave feeling flow through him...and he made up his mind, that Kc was going to be with her husband again...he pushed her out of the way and taunted the large 3 headed tiger towards him... C-Top moved right on the cliffs edge and threw a rock at the cat to get him to lunge at him...Kc was begging him in tears, not to do it...Criss and the others came in sight of what was happening. C-Top knew he was dead, but he got a little remorse nowing that the beast was going down with him...Just then the beast jumped on C-Top, and they both fell off the cliff to their deaths...Kc screamed, and ran to the Cliffside to see the remains of the beast and her dear friend...

Criss made it to her, and held her close to his heart...as she wept, telling him that he died to save her!! All Criss could do was hold her, and shed tears himself for his little buddy, who was no longer with him anymore. They slowly walked back down the hill, and filled make shift paunches to hold the water in....they also found groves of fruit trees, and the stream was loaded with fish. So Klay and Criss decided to do a little hand fishing...they went into the creek and waited for fish to swim close to there feet, and snagged them before they could get away...it was hilarious to watch!! But they were trying to mke it funny, to get everyone's mind of the deep loss of their friend.

After they had a huge collection of fish, they all headed back to the campsite. With food and water and plenty of tears....after eating they had a funeral ceremony for their lost companion...then huddled up into 2 groups and went to sleep. Accept for Klayton he kept lookout for any danger that may come.

 Criss Angel's Misadventure's (Sequel to Scary Story)Where stories live. Discover now