**CHAPTER 16**

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The group had a real rude awakening from the loud roaring and swooping of loud thrashing wings. They all looked up and seen a huge Griffin! It was getting ready to swoop down and claim its first victim. Its first victim was one of the extra passengers from the cruise ship....the Griffin plummeted down and grabbed her with its razor sharp talons. She didn't have a chance, it impaled her she was dead instantly....she didn't even get a chance to scream...

Klayton grabbed the girls and took them to cover

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Klayton grabbed the girls and took them to cover. Criss without thinking clearly, he grabbed the rope off the raft and lassoed it around its neck then ran around a tree and tied it off. The griffin landed and decided to attack from the ground. The guys got together, to find a way to kill it before it killed any more of them....but that didn't happen..the griffin swiped its whip-like tail, and killed two more of the extra guys from the wreck...Criss grabbed, a huge stick and used it as a spear, and jumped on the giant creatures back, and plunged it deep into the back of its neck....it crashed down to the ground, and Criss jumped away unscathed. Everyone cheered as he ran back to the group...

Dallon kept very quiet and completely depressed since the loss of his favorite lil buddy Carrot-Cake...Breny tried to console him but nothing helped. Klay asked the group if they should move further inland, away from the open sky, and ocean...The girls definitely agreed to move to another location.

They all headed to the stream, Kc found earlier, when they got there, they watched as a small herd of pegasus' s flew into drink...Criss instantly thought of lassoing some of them and flying off this damn island...but it was just a foolish notion, so he didn't even bring it up...but he so wanted one anyway... the unicorns were cool, but Criss had a bond for the winged horses...

 the unicorns were cool, but Criss had a bond for the winged horses

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So the group decided not to spook them and just set up camp further up the creek

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So the group decided not to spook them and just set up camp further up the creek...they settled down for the evening and got ready for a long and unknown night...on the strange island from another world...wondering if they were ever gonna get off the island....or perish like the others...Criss blamed himself as usual for getting his family and friends into this danger...so he just pouted to himself, until Kc pulled him to her, and snuggled with him...for she wasn't secure without him near her...especially where they were, and it was getting dark.....Klayton was thinking....what is gonna happen to us all...

 Criss Angel's Misadventure's (Sequel to Scary Story)Where stories live. Discover now