**CHAPTER 19**

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Criss was at the castles doors first...followed by Klay with Sully on his back. When they realized the door wouldn't open. So Criss ripped the door off its hinges. Sully slid off of Klay's back but stayed in between them as they entered the castle. They decided to split up...so Klay took Sully with him. Criss searched the east wing, and Klay searched the west wing. Klay turned to Sully to let him know he caught a light whiff of his sisters' scent. Sully jumped on, and Klay ran towards her scent...

Criss was searching but his trail ran cold the further to the top, of the castle...so he decided to go towards the basement instead. He finally reached the basement and caught Sandy's scent. But instead of looking for the entrance...he crashed through the brick wall...and seen Sandy tied to a metal autopsy table gagged..so she couldn't scream...when she saw the huge black wolf she panicked, wondering if it was going to devour her...he busted her loose, then lowered his head on her shoulder...she looked into his eyes, then noticed his blingage around his neck...she looked again and said OMG!! Crisstopher what did u do!? He snorted and laid down so she could get on his back. And then headed back towards the main entrance of the castle...hoping Klay had any luck finding his only love...Kc.

Klay and Sully were working their way up towards the top tower...following his sister's scent, Sully was busy keeping an eye on their surroundings, cuz he kept getting strange feelings they were being watched/followed. Klay made their way in by the tower and seen Kc tied upside down in a tank of a viscous liquid. Klay enraged seeing his sister like that demolished the tank and carried her out...Sully checked her out to see if she was alive and ok...after she choked up the fluid, she was fine...she had never been happier to see Sully. When she saw the werewolf she tried to get away, but Sully told her it was alright....that it was her brother, Klay.....she stopped and crawled over to him, and sobbed into his thick plush mane. He whined in response and had both of them get on him, and raced towards the main entrance...Klay howled to locate Criss...Criss returned his cry, and they came together by the castle's main entrance.

Right, when Sandy caught a glimpse of her hubby Sully. She jumped off of Criss and ran to him crying all the way to him...Criss paced over to Kc and stood up on his hind legs and wrapped her in his loving embrace. Her tears were falling down his luscious black mane...telling him, she never wanted to leave his arms again...

Just then a steel gate slammed down infront of there excit...Criss and Klay tried to tear it down, but when they touched it, they were electrocuted. But not harmed, just stunned...they looked up and seen the Master of the castle Vladimir The Impaler.....

they looked up and seen the Master of the castle Vladimir The Impaler

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